
  1. 信息化条件下财政监督机制建设研究

    Study on the Construction of Financial Surveillance Mechanism underthe Condition of Informationization

  2. 实行预算网络会计创新财政监督机制

    The Budget Innovation of Network Accounting of Financial Supervision Mechanism

  3. 财政监督机制是财政运行机制的重要组成部分和构成要素。

    Financial supervision mechanism is an important part and element of financial operating mechanism .

  4. 新时期湖南省财政监督机制创新问题研究

    Research on Innovative Mechanism of Public Financial Supervision in Hunan Province in the New Stage

  5. 强化辽宁财政内部监督机制建设的思考

    On strengthening construction of internal supervising mechanisms of finance in Liaoning

  6. 论构建财政监督创新机制

    On Building Innovative Mechanism of Public Financial Supervision

  7. 义务教育财政投入的监督机制研究

    Research on the Supervision Mechanism of the Government Investment in the Compulsory Education

  8. 布政使的管理有一套比较完善的地方财政管理体系和监督机制。

    The management of a commissioner had a relatively comprehensive managing system of finance and a set of supervision structure .

  9. 而我国目前尚未形成高等职业教育财政支出的有效监督机制,还没有形成强烈的高等职业学校的财务绩效评价意识,财务绩效的评价尚处于起步阶段。

    Effective supervision mechanism in China has not yet formed the higher occupation education expenditure , financial performance evaluation consciousness has not formed the strong higher occupation school , financial performance evaluation is still in the initial stage .

  10. 第二部分论证了如何建立与公共财政框架相一致的财政审计监督机制。

    The second part gives points of how to set up financial auditing superintendence system in accordance with public financial frame .

  11. 文章从论述建立、健全财政监督的法规体系开始,提出如何明确财政监督职责,如内容摘要何建立财政监督管理的新机制,如何加强财政监督的执法力度。

    The thesis first discusses how to establish and complete legislation system of financial supervision , then it tells how to clarify supervision responsibility , illustrates how to establish the mechanism of financial supervision management , and discusses the work to enhance the degree of performing financial supervision laws .

  12. 其次应加快我国财政转移支付立法的步伐,提高财政转移支付立法层次、理顺各级政府间事权与财权的关系、完善横向转移支付制度、规范财政转移支付结构和健全财政转移支付监督机制。

    Secondly , the pace of financial transfer payment legislation should be accelerated . We should improve the fiscal payment transfer legislation level , establish horizontal fiscal payment transfer system , regulate fiscal payment transfer structure and perfect the supervision legal system .