
  • 网络financial assistance;financial aid;bailout
  1. 我们提供财政援助的计划进展顺利。

    We are moving ahead with plans to send financial aid

  2. 德国总理和法国总统已经宣布支持直接的财政援助。

    The German Chancellor and the French President have come out in favour of direct financial aid

  3. 这家公司依靠政府的财政援助。

    The company is dependent on government financial help .

  4. 就在世行提出这一财政援助计划几天前,世界卫生组织(WorldHealthOrganisation)和受传染最为严重的西非国家都曾请求紧急援助。

    The financial package comes days after the World Health Organisation and the west African countries most affected by the epidemic asked for immediate support .

  5. 国外财政援助,大部分来自英国和日本,相当于近年来25%-50%的GDP。

    Foreign financial aid , largely from the United Kingdom and Japan , equal to25 % - 50 % of GDP in recent years .

  6. 爱尔兰官员上周日坚持表示,他们不需要来自欧盟(eu)的财政援助,尽管该国政府面临的接受援助并迅速拿出银行体系重组计划的压力已经增大。

    Irish officials insisted on Sunday that they did not need fiscal assistance from the European Union even as pressure mounted on Dublin to accept aid and quickly present plans to restructure its banking system .

  7. 在希腊公布了数十年来力度最大的支出削减方案后,如果其欧洲邻国不能提供它希望的财政援助,它将求助于国际货币基金组织(IMF)。

    Greece is prepared to turn to the International Monetary Fund for help if its European neighbours fail to provide the financial assistance it wants after announcing the toughest spending cuts in decades .

  8. 与希腊被切断一切外部财政援助而被迫实施的紧缩方案相比,欧盟和imf要求的紧缩方案还算温和。

    The austerity imposed by the EU and the IMF is mild compared with the austerity that would be required if the country were to be cut off from any source of external finance .

  9. 这是一个很特殊、很重要的项目,其将提交给PCOM以获得财政援助。

    This is a particularly important project which will be submitted to PCOM for financial assistance .

  10. 财政援助的资格确定使用的应用提供了免费的家庭为联邦学生援助(FAFSA)及学院奖学金服务(CSS)的资料信息。

    Financial aid eligibility is determined using information provided by the family on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid ( FAFSA ) and the College Scholarship Service ( CSS ) Profile .

  11. 因此,希望工程是由CYDF提供财政援助,帮助这些贫困地区。

    Therefore , the Project Hope is initiated by CYDF to offer financial assistance for these young stets .

  12. 但是PMPB的律师IshmaelWadi告诉本网站说,Mac'osano所谓的申请是一封寻求财政援助以启动试验的信。

    But PMPB lawyer Ishmael Wadi told SciDev . Net , that what Mac'osano claims to be the application is a letter seeking financial assistance to start the trials .

  13. 如果监管层认为这项财政援助违反了欧盟竞争法,则PSA可能会被迫在已有让步的基础上再次做出让步,比如取消分红和奖金,在董事会中安排政府指派人员等。

    If regulators decide the assistance violates EU competition law , PSA could be forced to make concessions on top of those it has already made , such as the elimination of dividends and bonuses , and the placement of a government appointee on its board of directors .

  14. 他们中有多少给了你财政援助?

    VO : How many of them give you financial aids ?

  15. 在特殊情况下可以得到财政援助。

    Financial assistance may be made available in exceptional circumstances .

  16. 没有任何财政援助,我不能获得学生签证。

    Without any financial aid , I can 't get a student visa .

  17. 对社区公共服务财政援助技术创新的思考

    The Innovation of Community Public Services of Financial Assistance

  18. 解决国际冲突财政援助基金

    Financial Assistance Fund for the Settlement of International Disputes

  19. 谢里夫宣布在斋月财政援助这些家庭。

    Sharif announced financial assistance to these families for the month of Ramadan .

  20. 你母亲询问了财政援助的事项。

    Your mother has inquired about financial aid .

  21. 他们还想要上亿的财政援助。

    They still want billions more bailout money .

  22. 旨在使各社区开始摆脱困境的财政援助。

    The provision of financial means to allow communities to begin to help themselves .

  23. 她也失去了使用财政援助上学的机会。

    She also lost the opportunity to use financial aid to go to school .

  24. 美国及其盟友必须加强对基辅政府的财政援助。

    The US and its allies must intensify their financial assistance to the Kiev government .

  25. 该局的财政援助主要是通过担保银行贷款计划提供的。

    The agency 's major financial assistance is provided through its Guaranty Bank Loan program .

  26. 官方称对此项目提供有一定的财政援助。

    Officials say financial aid is offered .

  27. 那么你怎么会失去财政援助呢?

    So how would you lose financing ?

  28. 发展事业的合作伙伴必须立即开始把提供长期可预见的财政援助的承诺付诸行动。

    Development partners'action on commitments to provide long-term , predictable financial support must start now .

  29. 她说服内阁同意给与工业界一百二十万英镑的财政援助。

    She persuaded the cabinet to agree to1.2 , million pounds assistance for the industry .

  30. 奖学金是提供给大学生的财政援助,而助学金是提供给研究生的。

    A scholarship is financial aid to undergraduates ; a fellowship is for graduate students .