
zé rèn tián
  • responsibility field
  1. 解决部分农村妇女无责任田问题步履为何如此艰难

    Why Is It So difficult to Resolve the Problem Of Responsibility Fields for Rural Women

  2. 妇女结婚、离婚后,其责任田、口粮田和宅基地等,应当受到保障。

    After marriage or divorce , women 's responsibility farmland , grain ration farmland and housing sites shall be secured .

  3. 与责任田和转包地相比,农户更倾向于在自家开荒地上进行盐碱地土壤改良投资。

    Compared to contracted field and sub-contracted field , farmer households prefer to improve the investment on the saline-alkali land developed by themselves .

  4. 法律规定,妇女在农村划分责任田、口粮田以及批准宅基地等方面享有同男子平等的权利;

    The law stipulates that rural women enjoy the same rights as rural men in the allotment of " responsibility farmland " and " grain-ration farmland " and in the approval of housing sites .