
huò chǎng
  • freight yard;goods yard
货场 [huò chǎng]
  • [goods yard] 储存或临时堆放货物的场地

货场[huò chǎng]
  1. 铁路货场基础设施改建的资金筹措研究

    Study on Raising Funds for Rebuilding of Railway Goods Yard Fundamental Equipment

  2. 浅析铁路货场消防给水设计

    Analysis of the Fire Control Water Supply System of Railway Goods Yard

  3. 基于Agent的铁路集装箱货场系统可视化仿真

    Visual Simulation for Railway Container Yard Based on Agent

  4. 文中分析和研究了铁路集装箱货场的仿真场景建模、运动学建模,碰撞检测等相关技术,并用Visualc++开发了基于OpenGL的铁路集装箱货场物流系统可视化仿真系统。

    It also presents and discuses the related technologies such as simulation scene modeling , kinetics modeling and collision detection . In addition , it offers a visual simulation system based on OpenGL with Visual C + +

  5. 分析了铁路运输信息系统(TMIS)在车站货场方面的应用情况,总结了TMIS在实际应用中发挥的作用,提出了扩展和优化的建议及具体措施。

    It was analyzed the TMIS application on freight information at railway stations , summarized effect of TIMIS on freight transportation at stations , put forward extended function with optimizing and concrete solution .

  6. 介绍RFID在物流各领域的应用,并对其在应用中存在的问题加以讨论.以集装箱码头或货场车辆管理为例,阐述RFID技术在物流领域对提高物流运作效率所发挥的作用。

    The applications of RFID technology in logistics are introduced . Some problems occurred in these applications are discussed . An application example on the freight vehicle management of terminal or freight station is provided to demonstrate the enhancement of logistics operation efficiency via the RFID technology .

  7. 针对物料搬运作业的现实工作环境,运用虚拟现实技术,以码头货场为背景,利用VC++编程并结合WTK虚拟现实软件开发包,构建了小车取物交互式虚拟工作平台。

    Aiming at the real operational environment of material handling , an interactive working framework with the virtual reality technology is developed , in which VC + + language and WTK virtual reality software package are employed .

  8. 榆次北集装箱货场扩建设计浅析

    Analysis on the Expansion Design of Northern Yuci Container Goods Yard

  9. 铁路货场建设物流园区可行性研究

    The Feasibility Study of Constructing Logistics District in Railway Stall

  10. 火车站货场发展物流服务的探讨

    Discussion on developing logistics service of freight yard at stations

  11. 铁路危险品货场中静电隐患的分析

    Analysis of Electrostatic Hidden Troubles in Railway Freight Yard for Dangerous Goods

  12. 铁路货场物流服务水平的综合评判

    Comprehensive Evaluation on Logistic Service Level of Railway Freight Yard

  13. 铁路货场作业费用计算系统的研究与开发

    Research and development of Computing Cost System for railway freight yard assignment

  14. 现代物流条件下的铁路货场设计综合研究

    Integrated Research on Railway Team Yard Design in the Modern Logistic System

  15. 现代货场装卸技术发展趋势浅议

    The shallow argument about the developing trend of the modern handling techniques

  16. 铁路非主业货场管理及发展对策的探讨

    Management and Development Countermeasures of Railway Non-principal Freight Yard

  17. 铁路货场经营改革的思考

    Thoughts on the Operation Reform of Railway Goods Yard

  18. 广州铁路枢纽货场扩建规划设想

    Reconstruction Plan of Freight Yard of Guangzhou Railway Terminal

  19. 铁路集装箱货场系统可视化仿真研究

    Research on visual simulation of railway container yard system

  20. 铁路货场装卸作业量的灰色预测模型

    The Gray Forecast Model Used to Forecast the Handling Volume in Railway Freight Yards

  21. 计算机视频处理系统在车站货场道口管理中的应用

    Application of Processing System of Computer Vision Screen for Level-Crossing Management in Freight Station

  22. 天津港货场扬尘污染防控试验与探讨

    Experiment on and Discussion of Dust-Pollution Prevention at the Storage Yard of Tianjin Port

  23. 如何提高货场调度效率是广大企业急需解决的一项课题。

    It is imperative to all enterprises to improve the efficiency of material flow .

  24. 某货场地基沉降导致管线拉裂的分析及处理

    Analysis and treatment of pipeline rupture caused by foundation settlement in one freight terminal

  25. 2010年铁路现代化货场路网分布总体规划的研究

    Research on planning the distribution of Modernized Railway Goods Yards Across the Network by 2010

  26. 铁路货场起重机装卸汽车随机服务系统

    The Queuing System of Loading and Unloading of Trucks by Crane in Railway Goods Yards

  27. 装货场那边的走廊。

    The corridor beyond the loading bay .

  28. 货场和专用线相辅相成,共同形成了铁路组织货物运输的基层生产单位。

    Freight yard and private line complement each other , they are both basic unit of the railway transportation .

  29. 通过对此类货场搬迁工程的调查,分析其投资模式。

    The article analyzes the investment mode of freight yard through investigation of relocating this kind of yard relocating projects .

  30. 对与双桥货场类似的铁路货场在发展现代物流运输方面提供一定的借鉴作用。

    This paper also aims to provide advices for development of the modern logistics transportation of similar railway freight yards .