
  • 网络jacquard;jacquard fabric
  1. 还有一种做浴巾很受欢迎的面料是织成正反面图案颜色相反的提花布。

    Another popular type of towel fabric is jacquard , which has a reversible design woven in .

  2. 羊毛、蕾丝和金属提花布从模特的后背垂落下来,在双腿边打着旋。

    Wool , lace and metallic jacquard flowed off models ' backs and swirled around their legs .

  3. 坐垫为天然纤维及高级提花布、内置专利可透气的水垫体,透气。柔软。舒服。

    The case of pad is made by natural fiber and high-quality jacquard weave , inbuilt exclusive , ventilative , soft , and cozy water pad .

  4. 锦纶长丝/精梳棉氨纶纱提花弹力布的研究开发

    Research and Development on Nylon Filament / Combed Cotton Spandex Yarn Jacquard Weave

  5. 特宽幅色织大提花装饰布

    Jacquard decorated cloth with extra width of yarn-dyed fabric

  6. 探讨丽赛棉圣麻康特丝小提花装饰布的织部生产技术要点。

    Technology points of Richcel Shengma Chitcel mini-jacquard decorative cloth in weaving were discussed .

  7. 机织绒面地毯用厚的簇状线装饰的软绒毛毯色织粘胶大提花装饰布

    A carpet with a deep , tufted pile . yarn-dyed viscose jacquard furnishing fabric

  8. 提花羽绒布生产工艺的研讨

    From Pattern to Art Design The Study on the Technology of Producing Jacquard Down-Proofs Fabric

  9. 她鼻子孔里是提花窗帘布上的尘土气。

    Side curtain airbags with roll over sensors In her nostrils was the odour of dusty cretonne .

  10. 色织粘胶大提花装饰布喷气织机生产特细粘胶纱织物的难点及解决措施

    Yarn-dyed viscose jacquard furnishing fabric Production difficulties and solutions in air jet weaving of fine tex viscose fabric

  11. 她的头靠着窗帘,闻着的全是布满灰尘的印花窗帘布的味。她的头靠在窗帘上,鼻孔里是提花窗帘布上的尘土气。

    Her head was leaned against the window curtains , and in her nostrils was the odour of dusty cretonne .

  12. 提花垫纬凸纹布:一种衍缝物,图案是用两排或两排以上的平缝针缝出的,然后再在底面加入衬垫物,以达到凸起的效果。

    Quilting in which the design is outlined with two or more rows of running stitches and then padded from the underside to achieve a raised effect .

  13. 专业生产各档仿棉、麻、丝、毛,大提花时装面料及全棉大提花纬弹布。

    Our company specializes in manufacturing various types of fabrics , including imitation of cotton , linen , silk , wool , as well as jacquard fashion and100 % cotton jacquard with weft spandex .