
  • 网络ramie;Ramie fibre;ramie fabric
  1. 苎麻纤维理化性能研究非织造布与化纤原料

    Physical and Chemical Properties of Raw Ramie NONWOVEN FABRIC AND CHEMICAL FIBER RAW MATERIALS

  2. 苎麻纤维微观结构测试报告

    Test report on Ramie micro - structure

  3. 苎麻纤维回潮率GM(1,2)模型的研究

    GM ( 1,2 ) Model for Moisture Pick-up of Ramie Fiber

  4. 结果表明,苎麻纤维质酶解的起始pH值为5.0左右,总糖转化率最高,达72.361%;

    The results show that , the highest rate of saccharification reaches 72.361 % at the beginning of pH 5.0 ;

  5. 阳离子改性剂SA对苎麻纤维的改性工艺及其性能影响

    Process and properties of ramie fiber treated with cationic modification agent SA

  6. 通过XRD、SEM和FT-IR对制取的化学键键合的二氧化钛/苎麻纤维功能型复合材料进行了表征。

    The titanium dioxide / ramie fiber composites were characterized by XRD and SEM techniques .

  7. 苎麻纤维细度测试的灰色优化GM(1,2)模型与误差分析

    The Grey Optimum Model for the Test of the Fineness of Ramie Fiber and Its Error Analysis

  8. 从SEM图片可以看出,过碳酸钠脱胶后包覆在苎麻纤维周围的胶质基本去除,苎麻纤维的横节和竖纹都能够清晰的看到,但纤维素表面有裂缝,纤维受到了损伤。

    From the SEM pictures , readers can see that the gum coated with ramie fiber was removed after the sodium percarbonate degumming . But the cellulose surface was cracked ; it meant that the fiber was damaged .

  9. 采用红外光谱、接触角测试、X射线衍射、热重分析、扫描电子显微镜等方法研究改性前后苎麻纤维的结构及性能。

    Techniques , such as infrared ray ( IR ), contact angle measurement , X-ray diffraction ( XRD ), thermogravimetric analysis ( TG ) and scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ), were employed to study the structure and properties of ramie fiber .

  10. 原位聚合法制备全生物降解苎麻纤维增强PLLA-PCL复合材料及其性能的研究

    Study on Full Biodegradable Composites : Ramie Fibre Reinforced PLLA-PCL Composite Prepared by in Situ Polymerization Process

  11. 本文采用KES-FB-2纯弯曲试验仪测试了苎麻纤维的柔软性。用弯曲刚度及弯曲滞后矩表述试样的柔软性,对两者进行了比较。

    And the flexibility of ramie fibre was measured by the KES-FB-2 pure bending tester then the bending rigidity , and the bending hysteresis moment were compared .

  12. 苎麻纤维机械物理性能的主成分及聚类分析

    Principal component and cluster analysis of mechanical properties of ramie fibers

  13. 苎麻纤维布增强UP树脂复合材料的物理力学性能

    On the Physico-Mechanical Properties of Ramie Cloth Reinforced UP Resin Composites

  14. 离子液体改性苎麻纤维性质研究

    Study on the Properties of Ramie Fiber Modified with Ionic Liquid

  15. 毛型棉型苎麻纤维的研制与生产

    Manufacture and Production of Wool and Cotton - Like Ramie Fabric

  16. 苎麻纤维半制品水分测定的相关分析

    A Correlation Analysis of Moisture Determination of Semi-finished Ramie Fibre Goods

  17. 苎麻纤维的细度调节小气候;

    THE FINENESS OF THE RAMIE FIBRE adjusting the microclimate ;

  18. 复合生长调节剂对苎麻纤维品质的影响

    Study on the Influence to Ramie Fiber Quality by Compound Growth Regulators

  19. 苎麻纤维摩擦系数的测试和研究

    Measurement and investigation of the friction coefficient of ramie fibres

  20. 超声波技术在苎麻纤维预处理中的应用

    Application of Ultrasonic Technique in The pretreatment of Ramie Fiber

  21. 苎麻纤维原料品质与成纱品质指标的灰关联分析

    Grey system analysis on raw ramie and the quality of its yarn

  22. 苎麻纤维(头麻)理化性能的初步研究

    A preliminary study of the physico-chemical properties of ramie fibres

  23. 过硫酸铵引发衣康酸与苎麻纤维接枝共聚反应的研究

    Ammonium Persulfate-Initiated Grafting of Itaconic Acid onto Ramie Fibers

  24. 能谱检测。苎麻纤维的细度

    THE FINENESS OF THE RAMIE FIBRE Ultrasonics for Testing

  25. 不同收获期的苎麻纤维化学成分分析

    A Study on the Chemical Composition Change of Ramie for Different Harvesting Dates

  26. 苎麻纤维在乙二胺/脲/水混合液中溶胀时可及结构的变化

    Changes in Accessibility of Ramie Fibres during Swelling in Ethylenediamine-Urea - Water Mixture

  27. 苎麻纤维/棉变弹竹节纱的生产实践及工艺研究

    Practice and Process Study of Ramie Fiber / Cotton Modified Elastic Nubby Yarn

  28. 苎麻纤维酶处理的研究

    A Study on the Enzymatic Treatment to Ramie Fibre

  29. 玻璃/苎麻纤维混杂复合材料力学性能研究

    Study on the Mechanical Properties of Glass / Ramie Fiber Reinforced Hybrid Composites

  30. 环氧交联剂在苎麻纤维加工中的应用

    Application of epoxy compound in the ramie fiber processing