
  • 网络Ramie Yarn
  1. 苎麻纱直径系数的研究

    A Study on Diameter Coefficient of Ramie Yarn

  2. 苎麻纱上浆工艺优化

    Processing Optimizing of Ramie Yarn Sizing

  3. 苎麻纱用淀粉&丙烯酸接枝共聚浆料的研制

    Development of Starch Acrylic Graft Copolymer Size Used in Ramie Yarn

  4. 苎麻纱的毛羽分析

    An analysis on the hairiness of ramie yarn

  5. 适当控制变性条件,有可能在纤维强度损失较小的情况下,改善苎麻纱和针织物的性能。

    As long as we control proper modified conditions , the properties of ramie yarns and knits can be improved under the condition of yarns strength lossing slightly .

  6. 传统麻纺细纱机纺纱过程中因纺纱三角区的存在,苎麻纱毛羽多且长,影响织物质量。

    For existing spinning triangular space in the course of traditional bast fiber spinning , hairiness in ramie yarn are more and longer , so fabric quality is influenced .

  7. 本分析了纯苎麻纱在织造加工中存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出了改进措施,制定了新的浆纱工艺路线。实践证明,苎麻纱上浆质量得到改善,织造效率得到提高。

    This paper analyses the problems in weaving process of pure ramie yarn , discusses the sizing process and brings forward a new one , which improves the sizing quality and the weaving efficiency .

  8. 聚丙烯酸酯改性浆料是今后苎麻纱上浆发展的方向,可增加苎麻纱线强度,提高织物上浆率、提高苎麻产品织造效率。

    The modified polyacrylate size was a direction in sizing ramie yam development , which can improve the strength of ramie yarn , the percent of sizing and the efficiency of ramie products weaving .

  9. DM系列浆料在苎麻单纱上浆上的应用

    Application and Analysis of DM System Modified Starch for Pure Ramie Single Yarn Fabric Sizing

  10. 浅谈亚麻/苎麻混纺纱工艺

    Talking About the Technology of Linen / Ramie Blended Yarn

  11. 竹纤维与苎麻混纺纱的开发

    Development of blended yarn with bamboo / ramie fiber

  12. 其他丝或绢丝机织物天丝/苎麻混纺纱及其针织物的性能研究

    Research on the Properties of Tencle / Ramie Blended Yarns and Knitted Fabrics with Different Ratios

  13. 聚丙烯酸酯改性浆料的合成及其在苎麻单纱上的应用性能研究

    Synthesis of Modified Polyacrylate Size and Study on Its Application Properties for Single Yarn of Ramie

  14. 重点介绍了以苎麻针织纱或高比例(含苎麻75%以上)苎麻混纺针织纱为主要原料生产针织天鹅绒的工艺流程。

    This paper mainly introduces the producing technological process of velvet fabric using pure ramie knitting yarn or the blended knitting yarn with high percentage of ramie fiber ( more than 75 % ) as main raw materials .

  15. 专门根据苎麻单纱性能设计、合成了聚丙烯酸酯改性浆料,提出了其合成思路、工艺、方法,并对苎麻上浆试验。

    The modified polyacrylate size was designed and synthesized according to the properties of single ramie yam . The thoughts , craft , method of synthesize were provided , and the synthesized size was tested on sizing of ramie .

  16. 改善苎麻及其混纺纱弹性研究

    Study of improving elasticity of alkalization for ramie and its blended yarn

  17. 天丝(Tencel)/苎麻转杯混纺纱工艺的研究

    Research on Rotor Spinning Process of Tencel / Ramie Blended Yarn

  18. 高支苎麻/涤纶复合纱针织面料的开发

    Development of fabrics knitted by fine ramie / PET compound yarns

  19. 本文从分析当前苎麻织造行业现状及其浆纱用浆料的使用情况入手,提出了采用新型聚丙烯酸酯改性浆料代替传统的PVA与淀粉混合浆料用于苎麻单纱上浆。

    In this paper the industry of ramie weaving and conditions of applying size were analyzed and the new modified polyacrylate size was applied to substitute for PVA and starch size .