
  • 网络The Second Sun
  1. 第二个太阳在X星2003年进入内太阳系时就引人注目地登场了,位置刚刚好。

    The Second Sun made dramatic appearances in2003 when Planet X first arrived in the inner solar system , as the location was just right .

  2. 处理X星在天空中醒目地戏剧性地出现,第二个太阳现象偶尔会在日出或日落时呈现给观测者这件事对NASA来说意味着什么?

    And how does NASA mean to deal with a dramatic appearance of Planet X in the skies , for all to see , the Second Sun phenomena that on occasion presents itself to observers at sunrise or sunset .

  3. 爱是自然界的第二个太阳。

    Love is the second sun in our nature .

  4. 盒子很轻松地就飞出了大气层,继续一路向外飞,看起来会逐渐从“第二个太阳”变成一颗“矮星”,并消失在我们的视野之外。

    It exits the atmosphere and continues away , slowly fading from second sun to dim star .

  5. 第二个太阳的反射通常是有效捕捉的铁证,但是有显示说明这个第二次反射是个幻影。

    A reflection from the Second Sun is normally proof positive of a valid capture , but there are indications this second reflection is a ghost .

  6. 接下来你们的第二个太阳在天空出现,我不知道你们的被黑暗控制的电视和新闻机构将怎样解释它。

    Then there will be your new second sun appearing in your skies , and I don 't quite know how your TV and Newspapers run by the Dark Ones will explain that away .

  7. 该探测器将成为第二个离开太阳系的人造物体,此前,它的姐妹探测器“旅行者1号”于2012年飞离太阳系。

    It will become the second manmade object to leave our solar system following its sister spacecraft Voyage 1 , which did so in 2012 .

  8. 洛杉叽&布兰德和他的快船队变成了第二个阻止太阳队的洛杉玑球队。

    LOS ANGELES - Elton Brand and the Clippers became the second team from Los Angeles to take the Phoenix Suns to the limit in these playoffs .