
  1. 企业从第一利润源,到第二利润源,再到第三利润源的不断挖掘,使得物流管理的历史也被称为降低成本的历史。

    Enterprises get profits from the first profits , to the second profits , even to the third profits , which make history of logistics management known as history of lowering costs too .

  2. 近年来,随着第一利润源和第二利润源利润空间的缩小,以及国家对物流业的重视,越来越多的企业开始关注第三利润源&物流。

    In recent years , with the reduction in the first and second profit source of profit margins , and national attention to the logistics industry , more and more companies begin to focus on the third profit source & logistics .

  3. 物流己成为企业在降低物资消耗(第一利润源),提升劳动生产率(第二利润源)之外的第三利润源,第三方物流行业也迎来了前所未有的机遇和挑战。

    In addition to the reduction of materials consumption ( the first source of enterprise profit ) and the improvement of labor productivity ( the second source of enterprise profit ), logistics has become the third source of enterprise profit . The third party logistics faces unprecedented opportunities and challenges .

  4. 在传统的生产领域中,通过降低物质消耗和劳动消耗所获得的利润被称为第一和第二利润源。

    In the traditional production areas , profits for reducing the material consumption and labor consumption are known as the first and second profit source .

  5. 随着市场竞争的加剧,技术水平和管理水平的提高,企业在可控的生产领域内降低成本的空间已越来越小,第一、第二利润源的挖掘逐渐趋于枯竭。

    As market competition intensifying and technology and management level increasing , the production enterprises in the area of controllable cost of space has become smaller and smaller , the first and second profit source begin to exhaust .