
xiāo shòu wǎnɡ diǎn
  • Sales outlets;commercial networks
  1. 在这个例子中,销售网点应用程序是事件来源,将会发送事件给BusinessEvent。

    In this example , the point-of-sale application is the source of the event that will send the event to Business Events .

  2. Coach在北美约有1000处销售网点,Kors有2500处。

    Coach sells its products through about 1,000 North American locations , compared with 2,500 North America stores for Kors .

  3. 对这个行业的监管仍具有不可预测性,但亚博表示,通过收购shiningchina彩票子公司,公司将能够在江西、湖南和重庆各建立至少1000个固定彩票销售网点。

    Regulation of the sector remains unpredictable , but AGTech says that through its acquisition of lottery unit shining China it will be able to establish at least 1000 fixed-lottery outlets in each of the provinces of Jiangxi and Hunan and the provincial-level city of Chongqing .

  4. 由于供应短缺,苹果iPad的海外发售推迟了数周之久,接着该公司将其大部分库存转移到了这些新的市场,这让美国的许多销售网点在最初大量供应之后遭遇货源短缺。

    Apple delayed the iPad launch overseas by weeks because of short supply , then shifted most of its inventory to those new markets , leaving many shelves bare in the US after the initial rush .

  5. 尽管东芝(Toshiba)、阿迪达斯(Adidas)和服饰品牌Forever21这类大公司都开设了各自的页面,但乐天网的主要经营方式是,为小企业和本地企业家提供一个销售网点。

    While it has pages for major companies such as Toshiba , Adidas and Forever 21 , Rakuten built much of its business by providing a point of sale for small businesses and local entrepreneurs .

  6. frizz-ease产品目前在澳大利亚、加拿大、南美和美国有售,到2011年年底,将在30个欧洲国家拥有销售网点。

    Frizz-Ease products are now sold in Australia , Canada , South America and the US , and will have sales outlets in 30 European countries by the end of 2011 .

  7. 农业机械销售网点是获取农机维修服务的最主要渠道。

    The machinery maintenance services are mainly obtained from the machine sale agents .

  8. 对农村销售网点安全问题的调查与思考

    Investigation on the Safety Problems of Rural Sales Networks

  9. 他们可以买入这些数据0,比如价值15000美元的销售网点系统。

    They can buy into it if they buy into a $ 15,000 point-of-sales system .

  10. 不过,如果你们能发展销售网点之类的业务,那你们可以做得更好。

    But you could be doing better if you developed some kind of sales network .

  11. 我们想建立一个完全销售网点的系统

    we want to build a full point-of-sales

  12. 通过增加税收和降低销售网点密度来降低酒精的可及性;

    Reducing access to alcohol through increased taxation and through reductions in sales outlet density ;

  13. 总库存下降20%,同时净增300个直接销售网点。

    Gross inventory fell 20 per cent as a net 300 direct points of sale were added .

  14. 公司在国内设立了善的销售网点,并积极开拓国内处市场。

    The company has built the perfect marketing network , and actively exploits the market all over the world .

  15. 优势在于众多的销售网点,庞大的销售人员队伍和长久以来积累的市场占有率。

    The advantage includes numerous sales network , a massive sales ranks and market share accumulated through long time .

  16. 继续以销售网点应用程序为例,我们假设应用程序本身没有发送业务事件功能。

    Continuing with the point-of-sale application example , let 's assume this application doesn 't have any native capabilities to emit business events .

  17. 扩大农村销售网点,积极拓展配送范围和在企业内部实施干部员工绩效挂钩,大力挖掘内在潜能等措施都取得了明显成效。

    In order to enhance distribution , the company enlarged country network , developed distribution potential , implemented performance appraisal and developed company 's potentials .

  18. 航空公司更因此节省了印制机票、管理上的成本及新销售网点上之投资。

    Moreover , the airlines can decrease the costs and overheads aroused by the traditional ticket systems and the costs of the investment in new Points-Of-Sales .

  19. 列举了当前农村销售网点的安全隐患,进而提出应抓紧解决的4个问题。

    The article lists the hidden perils of safety existed in the rural sales networks and further proposing the four problems that should be urgently solved .

  20. 与此同时,阿迪达斯正大举进军李宁的地盘中小城市,目标是到2015年,让自己的销售网点覆盖550个至1000个城市。

    Meanwhile , Adidas is expanding aggressively into Li Ning territory in smaller Chinese cities and aims to boost its presence from 550 to 1000 cities by 2015 .

  21. 我厂在全国及海外等地设立了几十个销售网点,己形成了多员化的销售网络,并建立了完善的服务体系。

    We have set up dozens of sales outlets in the country abroad , at the same time , we has formed a number of members of the sales network established a perfect service system .

  22. 利用手机频率检测器,该品牌可以估算看到他们的橱窗陈列后有几成顾客进了店,以及有多少人最终在这一销售网点买了东西。

    The smartphone frequency detectors enabled the brand to estimate the proportion of people who entered the department store after seeing the display , as well as how many ended up making a purchase from their brand 's point-of-sale .

  23. 在全国各地设有多家销售经营网点,产品质量可靠。

    There are several outlets all over the country with reliable quality .

  24. 除了这些,这里适合销售的网点少得令人吃惊:在英国,有多达500个合适的销售网点,而在中国,我们才找到100个。

    And despite all the activity , there are still surprisingly few points of sale : the UK has up to 500 suitable outlets for our brand while in China we have identified only 100 .

  25. 公司电动工具产品的销售及服务网点遍布全球。

    The Company has established sales and service bases for its power tools in regions throughout the world .

  26. 欧劲产品销售和服务网点遍布世界每一个角落,不管何时何地都为为您提供最优质、最贴心的服务!

    Strong European sales and service outlets throughout every corner of the world , regardless of when and where you have to provide the best quality and most attentive service !

  27. 银行保险即银行、邮政以及其他金融机构与保险公司互相合作,通过银行、邮政销售渠道、网点向客户提供保险产品和服务。

    Bancassurance , which means banks , postal services and other financial institutions and Insurance Companies cooperate with each other , provide customers with insurance products and services through banks and postal outlets .

  28. 销售渠道广阔,网点较多。

    Sales channel is wide , outlets more .

  29. 当年,他成立了河北春秋种业有限公司,在河北各地、市设立销售、售后服务网点。

    Ltd , sales and after-sales service network covering most cities of Hebei Province .

  30. 国内炼油企业应生产和供应适应汽车发动机需要的燃料,成品油销售企业也应不断增加93~、97~、98~车用无铅汽油的销售网点,以满足国产和进口高压缩比轿车的需要。

    The domestic oil refining enterprises should produce and supply the fuels meeting the demand of auto engine while oil products marketing enterprises should increase the sales spots of # 93 , # 97 and # 98 unleaded gasoline for the domestically made and imported cars with high compression ratio .