
  • 网络supply chain planning;SCP
  1. 基于AHP的制造业供应链规划决策问题研究

    Study on decision-making problem in manufacturing supply chain planning based on AHP

  2. 学会运用供应链规划的分析方法与分析技术,结合供应链管理的基本思想与方法分析和解决管理实际问题。

    It is also necessary for students to grasp the analytical tools and methods of supply chain planning to solve real management problems .

  3. 电解铝企业进口备件采购管理供应链规划

    Plan of Supply-Chain for the Management of Imported Spare Parts in Alumina Company

  4. 处于供应链规划最前沿的公司,已建立数据系统以配合其多个网络。

    Companies at the cutting edge of supply-chain planning have set up data systems to complement their multiple networks .

  5. 在整个行业中电子商务的快速增长促进了战略采购、合作供应链规划和合作物流系统的设计。

    The rapid growth of e-commerce in the entire industry is enabling strategic procurement , collaborative supply chain planning and collaborative logistics system design .

  6. 应用Z变换和指数平滑预测方法进行仿真分析,比较了两种供应链网络规划的动态效果。

    Simulation effect of supply chain networks was analyzed by z transformation and exponential smoothing method .

  7. 供应链网络规划问题是SCM的一个最基本的问题。

    Supply chain network design is one of the basic problems in supply chain management .

  8. 基于CAS理论的供应链系统规划

    Appling CAS Theory to Supply Chain System

  9. 基于通用物料单的ATO型供应链生产规划决策模型

    Decision Model of ATO Supply Chain Production Planning Based on Generic BOM

  10. ATO型供应链生产规划与库存协调集成决策经济模型

    An Economic Decision Model for ATO Supply Chain Product Scheduling and Inventory Coordination

  11. 供应链系统规划基本理论与方法研究

    Research on Basic Theories and Methods of Supply Chain System Planning

  12. 供应链多层规划模型及其合作协商求解方法研究

    Supply Chain Modelling with Multi-level Programming and the Solutions via Cooperative Negotiation

  13. 化工企业供应链长期规划与投资决策体系

    Supply chain long range planning and investment decision making system in chemical industry

  14. 根据公司年度销售与生产计划制定供应链战略规划。

    Set up supply chain strategy plan according to company annual sales & manufactures plan .

  15. 两级多期多产品供应链网络规划模型研究

    Two-Layer Multi-Period Multi-Product Supply Chain Design

  16. 提出了化工企业供应链长期规划与投资决策的基本策略。

    In this paper , a supply chain long range planning and investment decision making system is proposed for supply chain .

  17. 内容包括电子商务运营的目标、电子商务营销规划、订单处理、供应链整合规划和网站管理共五部分。

    The content include the goal of E-commerce , the E-commerce marketing , order process , the plan of supply chain conformity and the management of website .

  18. 而造成这种现状是由于企业一味追求低成本、没有基本的供应链管理规划、周边市场需求不稳定、无序竞争、人员流动大和没有全面的营销战略目标等原因造成的。

    Such situation mainly results from the enterprise ' low cost strategy , no basic SCM , instable surrounding market , out-of-order competition , high personnel mobility and no comprehensive market strategic objectives .

  19. 数值实例的仿真结果表明,所提出的悲观决策方法对解决诸如不确定供应链的规划与运作等问题不失为一种有效的决策支持工具。

    The simulated result of a numerical example shows that the pessimistic decision-making method presented in this paper may be an effective decision-supporting tool for solving some problems such as supply chain planning and operating under uncertainty .

  20. 作为副总裁,吉斯基负责公司战略、新业务开发、采购和供应链、产品规划、安吉星(OnStar)和商业联盟。

    As vice chairman , Girsky oversees corporate strategy , new business development , purchasing and supply chain , product planning , OnStar , and business alliances .

  21. 企业不同发展阶段的供应链管理战略规划

    The Strategic Programming of Supply-Chain Management in the Different Enterprise Development Stage

  22. 基于网络化制造的供应链战略能力规划研究

    Strategic Capacity Planning Based on Networked Manufacturing for Supply Chain

  23. 期权合约下的供应链动态随机规划研究

    Research on Supply Chain Management With Option Contracts Taking a Dynamic Stochastic Programming Approach

  24. 一种基于供应链的动态规划算法

    Dynamic Programming Arithmetic Based on Supply Chain

  25. 好的供应链设计、规划和运营战略对于每个企业而言都至关重要。

    Excellent design , planning and management strategies of supply chain are important for every enterprise .

  26. 接着,将模型修改后应用于露天矿供应链网络设计规划。

    Then the paper applies the synchronized production and network optimization model to open pit mines ' supply chain design and planning .

  27. 傅博士的专长包括供应链站略规划,物流网络优化,运输方案设计,库存优化,仓储和分销方案等等。

    His areas of specialization include supply chain strategy planning , logistics network design , inventory optimization , transportation planning , warehousing and distribution etc.

  28. 建立了不但具有选址及市场顾客配置作用,还具有对于市场销路调控的供应链混合整数规划模型,设计了适用于这种混合整数规划供应链管理决策的遗传算法。

    A mixed-integer programming model of supply chain for finding optimal location and the assignment of customer zones , and regulating market is proposed .

  29. 从而确定了以核心制造商的角度对闭环供应链中若干规划问题进行了研究。第一,对分销/逆向物流集成网络规划方法进行了研究。

    Therefore , at the angle of core manufacturer in the supply chain , several planning problems of closed-loop supply chain are studied . Firstly , integral network planning method of distribution and reverse logistics is studied .

  30. 在分销与配送环节分析了公司分销物流分段进行、缺乏整体规划、中间环节多、信息传递方式落后等问题的存在,对下游供应链进行了规划,提出实施加工配送战略。

    In distribution and delivery , this article analysis the weak point of company distribution logistics , that is lacking overall plan , too many intermediate link , traditional information transmission way , and propose the strategy of processing and delivering product .