
  • 网络power supply scheme
  1. 锅炉DCS系统的抗干扰供电方案分析

    Analysis of the Anti-interference Power Supply Scheme for the Boiler DCS System

  2. 根据化工生产的实际情况分析了UPS供电方案和UPS的选择。

    Power supply scheme and selection of UPS is analyzed based on practical condition of chemical plant .

  3. UPS供电方案与应用

    The Project of UPS Power Supply and Application

  4. 电力自动化系统UPS供电方案可靠性

    Reliability Analysis of UPS for Power System

  5. 文章介绍了UPS在实际应用中的供电方案及UPS系统的测试内容。

    This article has introduced power supply programs of UPS in practical application and the testing content of UPS system .

  6. 通过分析DCS系统的电源干扰因素,提出了DCS系统的抗干扰供电方案。

    The power interference factors of the DCS system were analyzed and an anti-interference power supply scheme was presented for the DCS system .

  7. 宝钢COREX公辅设施供电方案分析选择

    Analysis and Selection of Power Supply Program for Public Auxiliary Facilities of COREX Furnace

  8. 主要论述了采用何种UPS供电方案能达到高可靠性,保障用电设备的安全可靠,避免供电故障的发生。

    This paper discusses the schems of electric supply with UPS which can achieve high reliability , safety for the equipments and refrain from the trouble .

  9. 首先,提出采用小CT电源、太阳能电池、锂离子充电电池三种方式兼容互补的组合式供电方案,以满足高压侧采样电路对于电源的要求。

    Firstly , a suit of combined power supply scheme adopting small CT power , solar battery and Li-ion cell is designed in order to satisfy the power supply demand of sampling circuit on the high voltage side .

  10. 35kV系统供电方案的选择与分析

    Selection and Analysis to Power Supply Program of 35 kV Power System

  11. 贺州220kV供电方案的研究

    Study on the 220 kV Power Supply Scheme in Hezhou

  12. 文中对激光供电方案中所需的关键器件激光器(LD)、光电池、DC-DC变换器的工作特性做了详细的描述,对激光器的驱动电路、保护电路和温度控制电路做了深入的研究。

    This paper describes the working characteristics of the key apparatus LD 、 photocell and DC-DC converter . It also deeply researches the drive circuit , protection circuit and temperature controlled circuit .

  13. 设计了采用380V交流电,通过调压器、升压器及其它电气设备提供试验台要求电压的供电方案。

    380V alternating current is adopted , and in addition , regulator , booster and other electrical equipments are used to afford the power supply plan according to the requirements of test bench .

  14. 介绍了施工CCSD科钻一井的供电方案、供电系统谐波污染问题解决方案和钻进驱动方案,以及实施这些方案带来的巨大经济效益。

    The power supply plan for drilling the deep well CCSD-1 , the plan for solving harmonious wave contamination problem in the power supply system and the drill bit driving plan of the CCSD Project and the benefits gained by implementing these plans are discussed in this article .

  15. 交流电动机控制电源的取向及供电方案选择

    Selection of Control Power of Alternating Current and Power Supply Scheme

  16. 一则24V/48V供电方案的技术经济评价

    Integrated Appraisal of a Project to 24V / 48V Power Supply

  17. 高速公路监控摄像机太阳能供电方案设计研究

    Design Study of Solar Power Supply to Monitoring Camera on Freeway

  18. 徐州铁路枢纽电气化供电方案的优化建议

    Optimization of Electrification Power Supply Plan of Xuzhou Railway Junction

  19. 大型计算机应用系统供电方案讨论

    Discussion on Power-supply Scheme for the Large-sized Computer Application System

  20. 应用模糊综合评判方法优化供电方案设计

    Optimization of Power Supply Plan Based on Fuzzy Synthetic Criterion

  21. 某办公大楼分布式能源系统供电方案介绍

    Introduction of Distributed Energy System 's Power Supply Planning in Some Building

  22. 高层建筑消防负荷供电方案的比较

    The Comparison Between several Power-Supply Plans of Fire Load in Tall Buildings

  23. 大中型水电站施工供电方案的计算机辅助设计

    CAD of Power Supply Scheme for Construction of Large-Medium Sized Hydropower Stations

  24. 城市高负荷密度地区220/20kV供电方案研究

    220 / 20kV power supply scheme in high load density urban areas

  25. 北京枢纽越区供电方案的可行性分析

    Analysis of Implementation of Over-zone Power Supply Plan for Beijing Railway Conjunction

  26. 向阳供水工程群井供电方案优化设计

    Optimum Design of Power Supply for the Group Water Supply Wells in Xiangyang

  27. 南水北调中线工程供电方案设计

    Design on power supply scheme for Middle Route Project of S-N Water Transfer

  28. 通信电源系统交流不间断供电方案

    Uninterrupted AC Power Supply Solution in Telecom Power System

  29. 通信交流供电方案初探

    Explore the Method of Communication AC Power Supply

  30. 电气化铁路直流供电方案研究与评价

    Research and Evaluation of High Voltage Direct Current Power Supply Plan in Electric Railway