
  • 网络the third profit source
  1. 将物流独立出来;第三利润源等。

    Making logistics independent and the third profit source etc.

  2. 物流被誉为是继资源领域和人力领域后的第三利润源。

    Logistics is honored as the third profit source after natural resource and human resource .

  3. 在当今日益激烈的市场竞争中,物流这一第三利润源越来越受到生产企业的重视,参与国际市场竞争的H公司也不例外。

    In the increasingly competed market , logistics , as the third profit resource , is emphasized by more enterprises . The H. corp. is not exception .

  4. 物流被视为企业的第三利润源。

    Logistics is considered to be the third source of the profit .

  5. 强化物流管理增加第三利润源

    Enhance the Logistics to Increase the Third Profits

  6. 物流&柴油机制造企业的第三利润源

    Logistics-The Third Profit Resource for Diesel Engine Manufacturers

  7. 开发企业第三利润源之我见

    Exploitation of the Third Source of Enterprise Profit

  8. 现代物流业一直以来被认为是当代企业的第三利润源。

    Modern goods - flowing is regarded as the third profit resource of modern enterprise .

  9. 现代物流被誉为企业脚下的金矿、企业的第三利润源。

    Modern logistics is also called golden miner or the third profit resources in the enterprise .

  10. 于是,日本的一个物流专家提出了把物流作为第三利润源的概念。

    Thus , a Japan logistics expert defined logistics as " the third profit source " .

  11. 随着全球经济的发展,物流产业已被视为继制造业和商业之后的第三利润源。

    With the development of global economy , the logistics has been the third profits source .

  12. 在现代微利时代,物流被认为极具潜力的第三利润源。

    In modern ages of meager profit , logistics is considered as the third profit source with great potentials .

  13. 物流作为第三利润源已逐渐被企业界所重视,对企业物流成本进行有效地管理与控制也已成为现代企业提升核心竞争力的重要手段。

    Gradually , enterprises attach great importance to logistics which is regarded as " the third profit source " .

  14. 由于发达国家企业把物流成本作为获得利润的第三利润源,所以物流成本管理作为增强企业实力的工具日益受到重视。

    The logistics costs management theory as a tool of empowers enterprise 's ability is researched deeply more and more .

  15. 做好钢铁企业物流系统规划获取“第三利润源”

    Make a good plan of logistics system of the iron and steel enterprises and obtain " third profit source "

  16. 被誉为第三利润源的物流业成为热门的新兴产业和国民经济新的增长点。

    Considered as the third profits source , the logistics industry has become popular and new growth point of national economy .

  17. 物流服务作为各个企业的第三利润源,成为国内外企业竞相追逐的焦点。

    The logistics services as " the third profit source " has become the focus of domestic and foreign enterprises pursued .

  18. 作为第三利润源的物流产业已经对我国经济发展产生日益明显的推动作用。

    Our national economy is obviously promoted by logistic , which is considered as ' the third source of profit ' .

  19. 在我国加入世贸组织之后,物流作为“第三利润源”进入了各个行业。

    After China 's access to WTO , logistics industry as the third profit source , enters the stage of every industry .

  20. 而物流成本的研究是降低物流成本、增加企业利润的最有效手段,只有对物流成本进行有效的管理和控制,获取第三利润源才能收到事半功倍的效果。

    Therefore , the achievement to the third profit source is based on the effective and efficient management and control to logistics costs .

  21. 在发达国家,这种被誉为企业的第三利润源新兴的服务业已经成为国家经济的重要支柱。

    In developed countries , it is known as the Third Profit to corporations , and has become the essential national economy pillar .

  22. 与此相适应,被认为企业在降低物质消耗、提高劳动生产率以外的第三利润源的现代物流业正在世界范围内广泛兴起。

    The logistics , which is the third profit source of optimizing resource distribution and improving economic running quality , are developing widely .

  23. 物流作为第三利润源被提出以后,在全球经济一体化的进程推进下,也迫切地需要改革。

    Along with the pushing of integrated process of global economy , logistics that was brought forward as the third profitable resource needs to be reformed .

  24. 有第三利润源之称的采购,对于降低企业成本和提高供应链效率的作用十分突出。

    As purchasing , which is called " the third profit source ", plays a prominent role in reducing costs and improving the supply chain efficiency .

  25. 随着经济的发展,物流的重要性越来越被人们所重视和接受,甚至被认为是未来的第三利润源。

    With economy developing , the importance of logistics is highly valued and accepted by all , even it is named as a future 3rd profit source .

  26. 目前,世界上许多优秀的制造企业已将原来自营的物流服务外包出去,目的就是降低物流成本,增强企业核心竞争力,实现对第三利润源的挖掘。

    Currently , for reducing the logistics cost , promoting the third source and strengthening their core competitive edge , numerous manufacturers have already outsourced the logistics .

  27. 在世界经济竞争日益激烈的背景下,物流业作为第三利润源的提法得到广泛地认可。

    In the context of increasingly fierce world economy competition , it has been widely recognized that logistics industry can be regarded as the third profit source .

  28. 基于降低成本,创造第三利润源的角度,本文分别对低值耗材和高值耗材的库存管理进行研究。

    Based on the angle of reduce costs and create third-profit source , this paper respectively on the research of inventory management of low-value and high-value consumables .

  29. 物流作为一项新兴的产业虽然只有70多年的发展历史,都由于其在降低企业成本上的突出作用而广受关注,被誉为第三利润源,得到了迅速的发展。

    Logistics was crowned as the third source of profit for its prominent function in reducing cost of enterprises despite its short development history of about 70 years .

  30. 随着社会及科技的发展,物流被作为第三利润源提出,越来越受到人们的重视。

    As the development of society and technology , logistics suggested by people as " the third profit source " that have been paid more and more attention .