
  • 网络regional logistics center;region logistics center
  1. 文章运用SWOT分析方法对当前环境下重庆地区发展现代区域物流中心所具有的优势、劣势、机遇、挑战进行了综合分析。

    With SWOT analytical method , the authors widely analyze the strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and challenges of developing modern regional logistics center in Chongqing .

  2. 基于博弈论思想的区域物流中心选址方法

    Choosing Location Method of Regional Logistics Center Based on Game Theory

  3. 青岛现代物流业的发展和区域物流中心城市的构建

    Logistics Development in Qingdao and the Regional Logistic Center City Construction

  4. 区域物流中心选择的方法与实证研究

    The Approach and Positive Study on the Choice of Regional Logistics Centers

  5. 基于公路网络的区域物流中心区位的选择

    The Choice of Logistics Center Location Based on the Regional Highway Network

  6. 区域物流中心城市建设研究

    The construction research on the district of logistics center city

  7. 区域物流中心选址问题的综合分析

    The Synthetic Valuation of Regional Logistics Center Allocation

  8. 规划建设株洲区域物流中心研究

    The Research on the Layout and Construction of the Regional Logistics Center of Zhuzhou

  9. 武汉市建设区域物流中心策略研究

    Strategic Studies of Constructing Wuhan District Logistics Center

  10. 建设长株潭区域物流中心的研究

    A Research on Construction of the Regional Logistical Center in Changsha , Zhuzhou and Xiangtan

  11. 区域物流中心规划方法

    Regional logistics center planning method

  12. 物流需求量是区域物流中心功能设计和规模确定的依据。

    Logistics demand volume is the base to design regional logistics centers and to decide their sizes .

  13. 而区域物流中心的布局规划是区域物流发展的重要前提和基础,所以本文对区域物流中心的布局规划模型进行研究。

    The layout of regional logistics center is the important precondition and basis of regional logistics development .

  14. 实证研究表明,用粗糙集方法选择区域物流中心,不失为一种有效的方法。

    The positive study indicates that using rough set approach to choose regional logistics centers proves to be effective .

  15. 区域物流中心选址的系统动力学分析褐头鸫巢址选择和活动区的初步研究

    Regional logistics center location by systematical kinetics method ; Nest Site Selection and Home Range of the Grey-sided Thrush

  16. 西南物流中心是根据国家对全国各大区域物流中心的总体规划,划定出的西南、西北、中南、东北等八大物流中心之一。

    Southwest logistics center is one of eight logistics centers in southwest , northwest , south central , northeast and so on in China .

  17. 第五部分,在前面相关章节分析的基础上,对建设长株潭区域物流中心提出了一些对策建议;

    The fifth part presents the some suggestions and measures about how to construct a regional logistical center in Changsha , Zhuzhou and Xiangtan .

  18. 在分析的基础上,提出了几点重庆发展现代区域物流中心的战略措施。

    Based on the analysis , the writers put forward a few strategic measures in order to form a modern regional logistics center in Chongqing .

  19. 第三部分,主要对物流中心选址进行模型分析,通过比较各种现有模型,采用层次分析法建立区域物流中心选址模型,并以武汉与周边几个城市为例对模型进行求解。

    Part 3 puts the emphasis on constituting the model of the center of The Regional Logistics and takes Wu Han as the example to computer and analyses it .

  20. 在此基础上,第三章和第四章对区域物流中心选址问题分别进行了理论研究与实证分析。

    On the basis of these , third chapter and the forth chapter of this paper analyze academic analysis and positive study on location planning of regional logistics center .

  21. 丹东是全国独一无二的“三沿”城市,具有建设东北东部区域物流中心的优势和条件。

    Dandong , a unique city that is along the sea , river and border , has the advantages and requirements for establishing a regional logistic center in eastern area of northeast China .

  22. 第四部分,在对长株潭地区货运需求量进行预测的基础上,分析了建设长株潭区域物流中心的必要性和基本条件;

    The fourth part postulates the potential amount of freight transport in Changsha , Zhuzhou and Xiangtan , and then presents the necessity and primary principles of constructing regional logistical center in Changsha , Zhuzhou and Xiangtan .

  23. 针对第三方物流企业,提出以物流中心自身能够取得的最大利益为目标的区域物流中心选址模型,并且考虑了物流中心固定运营成本和可变运营成本等成本因素。

    In this paper , a model of regional logistics center location for third party logistics corporation is constructed , aiming at maximizing benefit of the logistics center by taking into account such factors as logistics center 's fixed cost and variable cost .

  24. 基于场景规划的区域公共物流中心选址模型

    Location Model of Regional Public Logistics Centers Based on Scenario Planning

  25. 区域性物流中心是现代物流业起飞的基础。

    Regional logistical center is the foundation of modern logistics .

  26. 基于预值的区域应急物流中心选址方式研究

    Research on Regional Emergency Logistics Center Location Based on Pre-value

  27. 建设区域物流配送中心是物流发展的必由之路

    The Essential Way to Develop the Material-Flow Industy ; Constructing Regional Distribution Centers

  28. 黑龙江省现代物流业发展与区域性物流中心的构筑

    The Thought about the Construction of Regional Logistical Center and Logistics in Heilongjiang

  29. 区域公共物流中心规模和选址问题

    The Size and Location of Region Public Logistics Center

  30. 深圳建设区域性物流中心城市的功能定位与发展策略

    The function sited and the developmental tactic of the construction of logistics center in Shenzhen