
  • 网络Currency swap
  1. 另一项重要成就当属强化清迈倡议(ChiangMaiInitiative)。这项协议的成员国共享一项1200亿美元的多边货币互换协议。

    Another important success was to strengthen the Chiang Mai initiative , whose member nations now share in a $ 120bn multilateral currency swap agreement .

  2. 美联储(Fed)周三向韩国和新加坡提供临时性货币互换额度的举措,舒缓了依赖海外借贷且亟需美元的亚洲企业和银行的焦虑。

    The US Federal Reserve 's move to extend emergency currency swap lines to South Korea and Singapore yesterday eased the worries of Asian companies and banks reliant on offshore borrowing and starved of US dollars .

  3. 最后,美联储(fed)重新开启了货币互换额度,为外国银行提供美元资金。

    Finally , the US Federal Reserve has reopened swap lines , to provide foreign banks with access to dollar funding .

  4. 上周,中国与欧洲央行(ECB)签署了一项货币互换协议,这是推动人民币国际化的又一步。

    Last week , it made another move to promote international use of the renminbi , signing a swap agreement with the European Central Bank .

  5. 上述流行性安排包括贴现窗口、根据定期拍卖安排(TermAuctionFacility)向银行发放贷款、与其它央行的货币互换、收购商业票据,以及为资产支持证券(ABS)投资者提供融资。

    Those include discount window and Term Auction Facility loans to banks , currency swaps with other central banks , purchases of commercial paper and financing for investors in asset-backed securities .

  6. 另外,昨日有消息称,希腊未能在最后期限内向欧盟委员会(ec)相关部门提交更多有关货币互换的信息。

    Separately , it also emerged yesterday that Greece had failed to meet a deadline to supply European Commission authorities with more information about the currency swaps .

  7. 通过货币互换,美联储已承诺向欧洲央行(ecb)提供可能高达数千亿美元的资金,而且我们还无法排除直接干预的可能性。

    Through currency swaps , it has committed to offering potentially hundreds of billions of US dollars to the European Central Bank and we cannot rule out the possibility of direct intervention .

  8. 另外,美联储(fed)提供了支持,它决定与4个新兴市场国家韩国、新加坡、巴西和墨西哥签订货币互换额度协议,向这些市场注入巨额美元流动性。

    Moreover , the US Federal Reserve has provided support with its decision to establish currency swap lines with four emerging markets South Korea , Singapore , Brazil and Mexico to inject large amounts of dollar liquidity into these markets .

  9. 市场一度传闻,英国央行(boe)和日本央行(boj)可能很快就会和中国签署货币互换协议。

    There has been talk that the Bank of England and the Bank of Japan could soon be in line for currency swaps with China .

  10. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)一位资深银行家昨日表示,该行2001年为希腊政府安排的一项货币互换交易的透明度本可以、也应该更高一些。这项交易当时引发了外界争议。

    One of Goldman Sachs ' senior bankers claimed yesterday that the transparency standards surrounding controversial currency swaps the bank structured for the Greek government in 2001 could have and should have been higher .

  11. 另一方面,日本财务大臣安住淳(JunAzumi)说,他尚未决定是否延长扩大日韩货币互换协议规模的措施。

    Separately , Finance Minister Jun Azumi said he hadn 't decided whether to extend the expansion of a currency-swap agreement with South Korea .

  12. 它常常与去年3月中国、日本、韩国和东盟(ASEAN)10国敲定的1200亿美元货币互换协议联系在一起。

    Often , it is linked with the finalisation last March of a $ 120bn currency swaps agreement between China , Japan , South Korea and the 10 countries of the Association of South East Asian Nations .

  13. 中国已和阿联酋(UAE)签署了一项价值数十亿美元的货币互换协议,这是中国和海湾地区加强政治和经济联系的最新迹象。

    China and the United Arab Emirates signed a multibillion-dollar currency swap deal in the latest indication of the growing political and economic links between Beijing and the Gulf .

  14. 会议结束后,日本财务大臣安住淳(JunAzumi)说,日本政府尚未决定是否延长韩日两国间的一项货币互换协议。

    After the meeting , Finance Minister Jun Azumi said a decision has yet to be made on whether to extend a currency-swap agreement with South Korea .

  15. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)拉美高级经济学家拉莫斯(AlbertoRamos)说,货币互换协议无法解决那些正在抽走外汇储备的深层次经济问题,再说,人民币也无法直接兑换成其他货币。

    The swap doesn 't resolve the underlying economic problems that are draining reserves nor can the yuan be converted into other currencies , says Alberto Ramos , senior Latin America economist for Goldman Sachs .

  16. 首先,imf应与发达国家央行合作,推动扩大货币互换安排,让新兴市场也能够通过发达国家使用的货币互换机制融资。

    First , the IMF should facilitate the expansion of currency swap arrangements , working with the central banks of the developed world , to allow emerging markets to have the same funding access to currency swaps that have been made available to developed economies .

  17. 经济咨询公司4cast的克里斯弗内斯(chrisfurness)表示,货币互换是“一种安抚市场的措施,在目前的情况下是合理的”。

    Chris Furness , of 4cast , the economic consultancy , said a swap would be " a market calming measure and would be logical in current situation " .

  18. 这两国的央行还在考虑恢复货币互换。

    The two central banks are also considering resuming swap lines .

  19. 中方同意与巴基斯坦开展货币互换。

    China has agreed to carry out currency swap with Pakistan .

  20. 当然,不应该把货币互换与人民币完全自由兑换混为一谈。

    Certainly the swaps should not be mistaken for full yuan convertibility .

  21. 中日两国央行签署货币互换协议

    The Central banks of China and Japan signed a Currency Reciprocal Agreement

  22. 我们同有关发展中国家签署双边货币互换协议。

    We have signed bilateral currency swap agreements with some developing countries .

  23. 该官员表示:货币互换并不一定与贸易相关。

    Currency swaps are not necessarily trade related , the official said .

  24. 对于风险管理,本文采用了外汇期货、外汇期权、货币互换等金融衍生工具,同时也介绍了其它非金融衍生工具方法。

    Besides derivative instruments , other approaches are also introduced for risk management .

  25. 双向违约风险下的货币互换定价模型

    Pricing Model of Currency Swap under Two-side Default Risk

  26. 货币互换额度将是一种保单。

    A swap line would be an insurance policy .

  27. 场景一:中国今年以来已经与6个国家签署了货币互换协议。

    Exhibit a : China sets up currency swaps with six nations so far this year .

  28. 人民币在边境贸易、跨境贸易和货币互换等方面已见成效。

    The effective of RMB has first appeared in border trade , cross-border trade and currency exchange etc.

  29. 各国央行之间的货币互换协议也已经终止。

    The currency swap lines that central banks set up among themselves have also been shut down .

  30. 中国人民银行宣布,中国已与南韩签署一项涉资20亿美元的货币互换协议。

    China and South Korea have signed a2-bln-usd currency-swap agreement , the People 's Bank of China said .