
  • 网络currency convertibility
  1. 确定货币自由兑换日期与十年前加入WTO相似:这将开启新的改革浪潮。

    Fixing a date for currency convertibility would be similar to joining the World Trade Organisation a decade ago : it would set in motion a new wave of reforms .

  2. 介绍了货币自由兑换的基本理论。包括经常项目自由兑换和资本项目自由兑换的基本概念。

    An introduction of some basic knowledge about currency convertibility which concludes currency convertibility under current account and capital account .

  3. Ngultrum不能与其他国家的货币自由兑换,但是可以和印度卢比互换。

    It does not exchange independently with other nations , but is exchanged interchangeably with the Indian Rupee .

  4. 货币自由兑换的先决条件是合理的制度;

    The prerequisite of FCC is a rational system .

  5. 货币自由兑换即货币可兑换性,是指一种货币兑换成别种货币或支付手段的能力。

    The convertibility of currency is a main topic of the international monetary system .

  6. 资本帐户开放指资本项目的货币自由兑换。

    Funny Money Capital account liberalization is the currency of capital items could be exchange freely .

  7. 货币自由兑换是指货币在经常项目和资本项目下都实现了自由兑换,它的终极目标是实现货币的国际化。

    A currency can be identified as freely convertible when it has both current-account convertibility and capital - account convertibility .

  8. 上海过去是金融中心,是货币自由兑换的地方,今后也要这样搞。

    Shanghai used to be a financial centre where different currencies were freely exchanged , and it should become so again .

  9. 因此货币自由兑换程度是衡量一国经济发展水平和对外开放程度的重要标志。

    Thus the degree of it is an important mark of the country 's openness and shows the growth of the economy .

  10. 本文试图探索我国货币自由兑换途径,并对推动人民币资本项目自由兑换、促进人民币国内自由兑换和促进人民币国际化提出了自己的建议体系。

    This paper attempts to give advice on promoting the progress of RMB capital - account convertibility , domestic convertibility and the RMB internationalization .

  11. 金融服务业对外开放将进一步增强,货币自由兑换与利率放开要逐步推进,国有商业银行必须建立现代企业制度。

    The free exchange of money and opening of interest rate should be gradually carried forward and the state-owned commercial banks must establish the modern corporate system .

  12. 本文阐述了货币自由兑换的条件及宏观经济状况,提出货币自由兑换面临的问题。

    This paper expounded the conditions for currency free exchange and the macroscopic economic situation , and pointed out the possible problems encountered by the currency free exchange .

  13. 而为了避免离岸业务的负面影响,对资本项目和货币自由兑换是在发展过程中的特定阶段必不可少的政策。

    In order to avoid the negative affects form offshore industry Services , freely convertible of capital and currency is an essential policy in the development of a specific section .

  14. 在资本自由流动和货币自由兑换下,货币市场和外汇市场相互作用、相互影响,利率汇率之间存在灵活有效的传导机制。

    Under the condition of capital mobility and currency convertibility , money market and foreign exchange market interact with each other . The transmission mechanism between interest rate and exchange rate is flexible and effective .

  15. 在开放经济和货币自由兑换条件下,当国内公众对本国货币币值的稳定失去信心或本币收益率相对较低时,将可能产生货币替代现象。

    Under the open economy and convertible currency circumstances , when the internal public lose faith in the shaky national currency value or the income rate of native currency turns to be relatively low , the currency substitution would probably be produced .

  16. 外汇市场是实现货币自由兑换、调节外汇供求关系和形成市场化汇率的重要场所,同时也是在开放经济条件下实施汇率风险管理以及形成宏观金融政策有效搭配的主要平台。

    Foreign exchange market is not only the realization vehicle of freely convertible currency , regulating supply and demand of foreign exchange and forming the foreign exchange rate of market , but also the main platform to implement risk management of foreign exchange rate and fiscal policies collocation .

  17. 资本项目下的货币可自由兑换是我国对外发展的必然趋势。

    Opening Capital Account is the inevitable trend in China .

  18. 从资本项目下的货币可自由兑换看B股市场的对内开放

    Open the B - share Market Inwards from the Point of Opening Capital Account

  19. 金融改革:一些迹象暗示,中国将要放松资本管制,放开利率或者提高货币的自由兑换。

    Financial reform : Any hints that China will ease capital controls , liberalize interest rates or make its currency more freely convertible .

  20. 货币的完全自由兑换是一国经济发展到一定阶段的必然结果。

    The complete convertibility of the currency is the inevitable outcome of development of one country 's economy .

  21. 如果中国的货币完全可自由兑换,那么人民币肯定已经在其它国家的外汇储备中占据了少量但可观的比例,就像欧元和日元一样。

    If China 's currency were fully convertible , other countries would doubtless already be holding a small , but respectable , proportion of their foreign reserves in renminbi , much as they already do with the euro and the yen .

  22. 货币稳定及可自由兑换;

    A stable and freely convertible currency ;

  23. 香港能有这样一个邻居,真是非常幸运&这个邻居既有大规模的私有化计划,货币又不能完全自由兑换。

    Hong Kong is blessed with a neighbour with a large privatisation programme and a currency that is not fully convertible .

  24. 从货币理论的角度来看,货币完全可自由兑换是货币走向国际的必要条件和前骤,但国别货币要成为国际货币,其货币职能必须国际化。

    From the angle of the currency theory , the exchangeability of one currency is the prerequisite and standard of the currency internationalization . But if an individual currency is expected to be a international currency , its function must be internationalized .

  25. “特别提款权”中涵盖的货币范围也必须扩大,包括人民币在内的一些新增的货币可能不能完全自由兑换。

    The range of currencies included in the SDRs would have to be widened and some of the newly added currencies , which would include the renminbi , may not be fully convertible .

  26. 货币替代是开放经济中所特有的一种货币性扰动,表现为货币自由兑换前提下外币在价值尺度、支付手段、交易媒介和价值储藏等方面全面或部分地取代了本币。

    Typical of monetary fluctuation of an open economy is the Currency Substitution .