
  • 网络Currency substitution theory
  1. 应当运用货币替代理论分析当前美元化发展的现状和我国货币替代程度及其不利影响,并提出解决对策。

    We should use currency substitution theory to analyse present dollarization developing situation and our currency substitution level and unfavourable influence and put forward to solve countermeasure .

  2. 然后分别从货币替代理论、最优货币区理论和金融深化理论的角度出发,借鉴美元、欧元、日元国际化的历史经验和教训,从理论上分析了货币国际化可能对商业银行产生的影响。

    Then from the currency substitution theory , the theory of optimum currency areas and financial deepening theory content , draw lessons from the dollar , euro , yen internationalization historical experience and lessons , from theoretic analysis on commercial bank internationalization of currency may influence .

  3. 货币替代理论实证分析

    Currency Substitution : Theory and Empirical Analysis

  4. 本文不足之处在于,对于货币替代理论的了解大部分是基于国内学者的研究之上,而对于西方国家的货币替代理论的探讨却不够深入,因此在理论和方法上存在一定的局限性。

    The shortage of this paper is that the understanding of currency substitute theory is mostly based on the domestic scholars ' studies , and the discussion of western currency substitute theory is not in-depth , so there are some limitations in theory and method .

  5. 货币替代的理论简介和经济影响及在我国的实证分析

    Related Theories on Currency Substitution , Its Economic Influence and the Empirical Analysis of China

  6. 第二章对经典的货币替代和货币国际化理论进行回顾。

    The second chapter is about the classic theory of currency substitution and monetary internationalization .

  7. 系统分析了货币非国有化理论、货币替代理论以及货币竞争的法则。

    It systematically analyzes the currency non-nationalization theory , and currency substitution theory as well as the law of currency competition .

  8. 本文以中国的货币替代问题为研究对象,从货币替代的基本理论入手,分析了中国货币替代的表现,测算了中国货币替代的程度&大约在8.88%-15.08%之间;

    This article acts Chinese currency substitution as research object . Beginning with basic the theories , it analyzes expression of the problem of Chinese currency substitution , and calculates the substitution degree , which is about between 8.88 % - 15.08 % ;