
  1. 其资源转化的基本模式是:资源产品商品货币资源。

    The basic model of resource conversion is : resource-product-commodity-money-resource .

  2. 金融资源一般包括货币资源、资本资源、制度资源和商品资源。

    Usually financial resource includes money resource , capital resource , intuitional organization resource and commodity resource .

  3. 第二,金融资源以博弈规则及按货币资源、资本资源、制度资源和商品资源四个层次分析其配置效率。

    Analyzing effective allocation of financial resources from two different points : the rule of game theory and four levels of financial resources : monetary resources , capital resources , system resources and commodity resources . 3 .

  4. 如何维持本国经济的稳定,以及如何提高国内金融系统配置货币资源的经济效率等问题的理论阐述和政策含义已经是国内经济理论界和政府部门关注的重点。

    Elaborating the principle and policy implication of how to maintain economy stability and improve the efficiency of national financial system to allocate resources has became the focus of research for both economic field and government departments .

  5. 南北政府围绕领土、货币和资源等问题的紧张谈判,让援助机构担心双方之间仍有可能重燃战火。

    Tense negotiations with the Khartoum government over territory , currency and resources have worried aid agencies over prospects for a return to war .

  6. 很多《部落冲突》和Supercell其他游戏的忠实玩家用真金白银购买虚拟货币和其他资源,来打造他们在游戏中的力量和影响力。

    Many devotees of Clash of Clans and other Supercell games spend real money on fake currency and other resources to build their in-game power and heft .

  7. 他表示:高收入国家拥有储备货币,因此资源上不存在约束,但好的投资机遇相对稀少。

    High income countries have reserve currencies so resources are not a constraint , but good investment opportunities are relatively few , he says .

  8. 尤其是进入20世纪90年代后,经济全球化、信息网络化、货币电子化、资源知识化的趋势越来越明显。

    Especially since the 1990 's , the tendency of economic globalization is becoming more and more obvious .

  9. 我想每一个国家都在确定货币政策,认为资源价格上涨不在自己控制范围之内。

    I think each country is determining monetary policy , taking resource price increases as beyond their control .

  10. 资产是由企业拥有或控制并能用货币计量的经济资源。

    Assets are the economic resources that are owned or controlled by a business and can be expressed in monetaryunits .

  11. 通过非货币计量的人力资源价值信息的披露,报表使用者能够有效地结合传统财务报表揭示的财务信息,更好的了解企业的经营情况。

    The user of traditional finance report could better understand the situation of enterprises through the combination of financial information and human resource value information .

  12. 第二十二条资产是企业拥有或者控制的能以货币计量的经济资源,包括各种财产、债权和其他权利。

    Article 22 Assets are economic resources , which are measurable by money value , and which are owned or controlled by an enterprise , including all property , claims , and other rights .

  13. 财政支出是政府从市场经济中集中起来的货币资金(经济资源)的支配和使用,以实现政府在市场经济中的作用。

    The fiscal expenditure is the government control and use the monetary fund ( economic resource ) which concentrates from the market economy , to realize the function of the government in market economy .

  14. 信用代替货币流通,减少作为货币的流通要素资源的利用,增加作为生产要素的资源利用;

    The substitution of credit for money in the circulation decreases the resources used in the circulation and increases the resources used as production factors .