
  1. 2:以货币计算的财富b:一笔钱

    2 : wealth reckoned in terms of money B : an amount of money

  2. 作为监督职责的一部分,IMF应为所有基于市场的货币计算出中间均衡区间。

    As part of its surveillance mandate , should calculate intermediate equilibrium ranges for all market-based currencies .

  3. 按货币计算,这两项措施的总值为530亿港元。

    In money terms this is equal to HK $ 53 billion .

  4. 这一价值非常巨大,以目前的货币计算,大约为10万亿美元。

    They 're vast - about $ 10 trillion in today 's money .

  5. 按当地货币计算,欧洲的雪茄销售据说“略有”减少,不过,销量却增加了。

    In Europe , cigar sales were said to have declined'somewhat'in local currencies , while volumes increased .

  6. 历峰集团2016年4月按固定货币计算的销售额较上年同期下降了15%。

    The group 's sales in April 2016 were 15 per cent lower than the year before , in constant currencies .

  7. 它由付款承诺组成,通常以货币计算,分长期和短期债务工具。

    It consists of a promise to pay , usually denominated in currency , and there are both long-term and short-term debt instruments .

  8. 单一发票以您的所在地现用货币计算,避免受汇率波动影响,亦方便个别顾客或用户的部门调配成本。

    One invoice in your home currency helps avoid currency fluctuation and makes it easier to allocate costs to a customer or department .

  9. 轻便的转换器可以让您节省您的时间和金钱,特别是在国外,由专业表演不同的货币计算的权利,在您的手机屏幕!

    Handy Converter lets you save your time and money , especially abroad , by professionally performing various currency calculations right on your mobile screen !

  10. 人民币升值造成的国内货币计算的价格下降后,企业无法抬高出口农产品的价格。

    Since the appreciation of RMB leads to a decline in the price expressed in domestic currency , the exporter is unable to run the price up .

  11. 所得以人民币以外的货币计算的,应当折合成人民币计算并缴纳税款。

    In case any income is calculated on the basis of a currency other than RMB , the taxes shall , after such income converted into RMB , be calculated and paid .

  12. 以外国货币计算的,应当折合人民币记帐,同时登记外国货币金额和折合率。

    Transactions in foreign currency shall be converted into Renminbi in bookkeeping , and the conversion rate used , as well as the amounts in foreign currency , shall be recorded concurrently .

  13. 本文从受贿罪的客观方面入手分析,认为贿赂内容不仅包括财物和可以直接以货币计算的财产性利益,还应包括各种非物质性利益。

    This paper explores the bribery crime from the objective perspective , and holds that the bribery should consist of not only property and other interests which could be directly evaluated in terms of currency , but also a variety of intangible interests .

  14. 以美元计价,大宗商品价格在不断飚升,即便以其他货币计算,其价格也在上涨。这加剧了通膨,进一步蚕食了家庭购买力,致使各国央行在制订货币政策时更加谨慎。

    And commodity prices , which are surging in dollar terms and even rising when denominated in other currencies , are raising inflation , taking a further bite from households ' purchasing power and leading to greater caution among central banks in setting monetary policy .

  15. 售货员能够快速报出用欧元、人民币和美元等货币计算的价格(未提到苏格兰磅)(编者注:此文写于苏格兰独立公投之前)。没人隐瞒他们拥有外汇的事实,尽管这些外汇只能从国家体系之外获得。

    Shop assistants are able to rattle off prices in euros , renminbi and dollars - just for starters . ( No mention yet of the Scottish pound . ) No one hides the fact they have foreign currency , even though this can only have been obtained outside the state system .

  16. 一个期货、期权或以保证金形式交易的账户在假设以目前的市场价格平仓后以货币形式计算的账户余额。

    The residual dollar value of a futures , option , or leverage trading account , assuming it was liquidated at current prices .

  17. 那样的话就是一种实物框架理念-,那样不是更合理吗,因为在你拟定合约时,会更倾向于用实物而非货币来计算?

    That would be putting it in a real frame and & wouldn 't that be more sensible , because you would be specifying the contract in real terms rather than money terms ?

  18. 各国政府必然要冻结银行账户,用一种新货币来重新计算债务。

    Governments would surely have to freeze bank accounts and redenominate debt in a new currency .

  19. 考虑货币时间价值计算热输管道最优保温层厚度

    Time Value of Currency to be Considered in Working out the Optimum Insulation Thickness of Heated Pipelines

  20. 虚拟数据集[SalesConversion]需要定义一个用于处理实际货币转换的计算成员。

    The virtual cube [ SalesConversion ] needs to define a calculated member that handles the actual currency conversion .

  21. 在此基础上,论文提出了效益和风险评价值转换成货币当量的计算公式,将三种评价因素的评价结果综合成一个最终评价值,作为决策参考依据。

    Based on the above study , the calculation formula of converting the evaluation vales of benefit and risk factors into monetary equivalents is proposed .

  22. Excel财务函数在货币的时间价值计算中的应用

    Application of Excel Financial Function on Time Value of Currency

  23. SAP系统允许用户同时使用多种货币作为记账和计算的本位币。

    SAP system allows users use multiple currencies as the base currency of bookkeeping and calculation simultaneously .

  24. 用于存储货币值,并且计算期间禁止四舍五入。

    Use for currency values and to prevent rounding off during calculations .

  25. 用动态法进行了可用货币计量的效益计算,说明节水改造是经济合理的。

    The water-saving transformation is proved to be economical and reasonable through the benefit computation to the usable currency with the dynamic method .

  26. 数值格式用于一般数字的表示。货币和记帐格式则提供货币值计算的专用格式。

    Number is used for general display of numbers . Currency and Accounting offer specialized formatting for monetary value .

  27. 前者以原始存款为起点,通过计算派生存款总额来分析货币创造规模;后者以基础货币为起点来计算货币供给量。

    The former takes the primary deposit as starting point , by calculating the total derivative deposits to analyze scale of money creation ; the latter takes base money as starting point to calculate the monetary supply .

  28. 希腊政府将引入新的货币,并在希腊法律下将所有合同转化为新货币计算。

    The Greek government would introduce a new currency and convert all contracts under Greek law into it .

  29. 根据国际货币基金,中国的GDP所占的全球份额(以货币价格计算)将在2013年通过的10%大关。

    According to the International Monetary Fund , China 's share of global GDP ( measured in current prices ) will pass the10 % mark in2013 .

  30. 中国央行在三年前推出了一项新的指标来计算经济中的货币供应量,而现在或许要重新考虑更好的货币供应量计算方法了。

    Three years after China 's central bank unveiled a new measure to calculate the amount of credit in the economy , it may be going back to the drawing board .