
huò tān
  • shopboard;stall;stand
货摊 [huò tān]
  • (1) [stall]∶上面摆着货物出售或进行交易的摊子

  • (2) [stand]∶小零售商用的露天小构筑物

货摊[huò tān]
  1. 她经过我的货摊的时候,怒气冲冲地看了几眼还没有卖出去的东西。

    Passing my stall , she cast black looks at the amount of stuff still unsold .

  2. 20岁的哈凯穆(HaKaimu,音译)也在挖掘者之列。他在当地的市场有个出售袜子和内衣的货摊,这天他给自己放了一天假。

    Among the diggers was Ha Kaimu , 20 , a sock and underwear salesman who took the day off from his stall at the local market .

  3. 多数货摊要价比较公道。

    The majority of stalls charged a fair price

  4. 之后是几小时的忙活。要竖起帐篷,搭好货摊。

    Hours of feverish activity lay ahead . The tents had to be erected , the stalls set up .

  5. 集市上出售廉价小摆设的货摊

    market stalls selling cheap bric-a-brac

  6. 蔬菜商人RamibenWaghri采取贷款来买太阳能灯,在晚上她用它来给她的货摊照明。

    Vegetable seller Ramiben Waghri took out a loan to buy a solar lantern which she uses to light up her stall at night .

  7. 我在集市的货摊上买了一些糖。

    We bought some sugar from a stall at the fair .

  8. 他们家经营了50年的货摊。

    Their family has run a market stau for fifty years .

  9. 一个地主家的房子附近有一个货摊。

    There was a stall nearby the landlord 's house .

  10. 卖报纸和其他期刊杂志的货摊。

    A stall where newspapers and other periodicals are sold .

  11. 一种有屋顶的走廊;常在有商店或有货摊的街道之间。

    A covered passageway ; often between streets with shops or stalls .

  12. 他们在一个货摊上挑拣糖果。

    They were choosing sweets from one of the stalls .

  13. 这条街的两边都有生意人的货摊。

    There are traders ' stalls on both sides of the street .

  14. 货摊前没有售货员,只在蔬菜上贴有价格标签。

    The booth has no salespeople with price tags stuck to the vegetables .

  15. 原来,有个货摊卖起了铁皮平底锅。

    It appeared that one of the stalls had been selling tin saucepans .

  16. 他把蔬菜放到货摊上。

    He 's putting his vegetables onto his stall .

  17. 货摊,用于陈列和出售商品。

    Booth : A small stall for the display and sale of goods .

  18. 这里有货摊或是类似的东西吗?

    Isn 't there a stall or something ?

  19. 市场的货摊堆满了叫令水果蔬菜。

    The stalls in the market were piled high with seasonal fruit and vegetables .

  20. 商贩们把货摊和遮阳的大伞推倒。

    Merchants turned over their stands and umbrellas .

  21. 这些商人们建立的临时货摊不久就成了固定的商店。

    The temporary stalls soon become permanent stores .

  22. 她从一个货摊走到另一个货摊,步姿坚定,目标专一。

    She moved from stall to stall , firm of step and dedicated of purpose .

  23. 他看了看沿着市场墙边摆着的一些小货摊。

    He looks at the little stalls ranged along the walls of the market place .

  24. 我走到一个货摊的前面,仔细察看着陶瓷花瓶和饰有花纹的茶具。

    I went over to one of the stalls and examined porcelain vases and flowered tea-sets .

  25. 然而,在蔬菜到达市场的货摊之后,还有更多的废弃物被扔掉。

    Yet , there are more to be thrown away before the vegetables reach market stalls .

  26. 货摊主包女士称蔬菜都是自己家里中的,是无污染蔬菜。

    The booth owner Ms Bao said the vegetables are planted by her family and all are pollution-free .

  27. 那匹惊马一个劲乱跑,把街旁一排小贩的货摊撞翻了。

    The startled horse charged about blindly , upsetting a row of ped1ars'stalls AT the side of the street .

  28. 她会在货摊中间闲转悠,装着找鞋带或线团。

    She would be hanging about among the stalls , pretending to be in search of shoelaces or sewing-thread .

  29. 街道一边开下阔的人行道已经成为一个露天集市,到处是货摊和街头小贩。

    The wide pavement on one side of the street has become an open-air bazaar with stalls and street traders .

  30. 地点可选在在公司自助餐厅或食堂的餐桌或货摊旁。

    A table or booth in the company cafeteria or lunch room is set aside for their lunch and conversation .