
  1. 完成了铁路货运管理系统数据库的建造工作。

    The database construction of railroad freight management system is successfully completed .

  2. 详细阐述了铁路货运管理系统的设计,对铁路货运管理系统的三个子系统,即业务管理系统、财务管理系统和系统拓展功能部分的设计及其功能任务分别进行了说明。

    It displays the design and the task of the three sub-systems namely the business management system , the financial control system and the development function system .

  3. 介绍了利用Delphi开发的物流货运作业管理系统设计的总体结构、主要模块功能及应用程序的开发方法。

    The paper introduces the universal structure of logistics freight operation information management which is programmed by Delphi-language , the main functional module and the design method .

  4. 分布式数据库车站货运管理信息系统

    The Transportation Management Information System of Distributed Database of Railway Station

  5. 石家庄站货运管理信息系统的设计与实现

    Design and implementation on Freight Traffic Management Information System

  6. 集装箱货运站管理系统集成

    Integrated Information System of Container Freight Station

  7. 目前大多数开发的系统都存在难于进行业务扩展和系统升级等问题,因此,我们采用基于构件的软件开发方法来开发华东海运货运管理信息系统。

    And many developed systems exist many questions . These questions are difficult to develop business and to upgrade . So we use Component-Based Software Development to develop information system of East China Ocean-shipping .

  8. 接着,对集装箱货运站信息管理系统的仓库管理子系统进行深入分析,使用UML语言建立了相应业务用例。

    Then , it introduces the structure of the logistics Container Freight Station information management system .

  9. 铁路局货运管理辅助决策系统设计与实现

    Implementation of Railway Bureau Freight Management Assistant Decision-making System

  10. 货运信息管理子系统在西安西火车站的应用

    Application of Freight Traffic Information Management Subsystem to Xi ' an West station

  11. 本文在对专用线及铁路物流发展现状和存在的问题充分分析的基础上,提出将专用线纳入铁路货运企业物流管理系统,以拓展铁路物流内涵,提高核心竞争力。

    Based on the analysis of the present developing conditions and existent problems of appropriation line and railway logistics , this paper puts forward bringing the appropriation line into the logistics management system of railroad freight transportation enterprise to expand railway logistics content and to increase core competencies .

  12. 在进行数据挖掘基本算法研究的基础上研制开发了一个应用于铁路货运安全的数据管理系统TMIS。

    This paper introduces a data management information system ( TMIS ) applied to railway freight ( traffic ) safety based on the basic data exploration arithmetic .

  13. 货运营销及生产管理系统的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Overview of Freight Marketing and Operation System

  14. 机场货运物流业务服务管理系统的研究

    Study of Business Service Management System for the Airport Cargo

  15. 路局货运工作统计信息管理系统开发研究

    Research on Developing Management System of Freight Transportation Statistics for Lanzhou Railway Administration

  16. 铁路货运规章及文电管理系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of Railway Freight Transport Rules and Papers Telegrams Management System

  17. 粤港澳地区货运代理企业管理信息系统的开发与实施

    Development and Implementation of Freight Agent MIS in Guangdong , Hong Kong and Macao

  18. 铁路货运大客户管理信息系统技术架构及其管理体系的研究

    Studying the Technology Structure and the Management System of Railway Major Client Management Information System

  19. 信用指标体系设计和信用评价方法设计是公路货运信息平台中诚信管理系统设计的关键。

    The design of credit index system and credit evaluation method is key points of the credit management system in trucking freight information platform .

  20. 本论文完成了某货运代理企业管理信息系统的设计与实现,并在此基础上将数据挖掘技术引入到企业的经营管理中。

    This paper completes the design and realization of freight agency enterprise management information system and data mining is introduced into the enterprise 's management .

  21. 文章基于我国铁路货运的实际情况,提出了铁路货运业的收益管理系统的理论框架,认为铁路货运收益管理系统应包括市场细分需求预测、定价策略、运力分配和路径优化五个方面的内容。

    A theoretical framework of railway freight revenue management was described based on the actual situation of china railway freight industry . The framework includes market segmentation , demand forecast , pricing strategy , transport capacity distribution and path optimization .

  22. 研究了铁路编制货运技术计划的业务过程,对铁路货运技术计划管理信息系统进行了详细的系统分析和系统设计,最后说明了系统的关键技术以及创新部分。

    The operation business of railway freight technique plan was studied , the analysis and design of Railway Technique Plan Management Information System were put forward in detail . Finally , the key technology and innovation of the System were narrated .

  23. 本文针对成都铁路分局货运管理的实际情况,采用先进的三层分布式技术开发的铁路货运管理系统,实现了成都铁路分局货运管理信息化。

    The advanced 3-layer distribution technique is used in the railroad freight management system according to the actual circumstance of freight management of ChengDu railroad department .