
  • 网络real-time output;Response.Write
  1. 软件实现多路PWM波形实时输出的实验研究

    The experimental research of PWM waves real-time output on multi-lines by software

  2. 调零MicroSensor传感器,在外部监护仪上产生一个实时输出信号来观测ICP波形。

    Zero the Micro Sensor Transducer , and generates a real-time output signal for viewing the ICP wave form on external monitors .

  3. 在GPS信号不可用时,SINS可以实时输出导航参数。

    When the GPS signal is defective , SINS can provide navigation parameter in time .

  4. 介绍了一种通用的多路PWM波形实时输出方法。

    A general method of the real-time put out of multiplex PWM waves was introduced .

  5. 通过软件定时中断设计以满足PWM波形的实时输出要求;

    Through the fixed time interrupt design in the software , the real-time put out of the PWM waves was met .

  6. 对软件实现多路PWM波形中实时输出的误差进行分析,提出了改进意见。

    The real-time output tolerance of the multi-lines PWM wave realized by software was analyzed , and the promotion ideas were also put out .

  7. 哈特曼探测器中CCD数字相机实时输出大容量、高速图像数据,由于图像中存在多种噪声,极大的影响了波前重构算法的速度和精度。

    The digital CCD camera in hartmann sensor output large-capacity high-speed image data in real-time . The speed and accuracy of the wave-front reconstruction Algorithm of hartmann sensor is greatly affected , because many kinds of noise are in image .

  8. 为此,设计一种能连续检测SEU错误并实时输出检错信息的硬核检测电路。

    Aiming at this problem , this paper presents a continuous SEU hard core detection circuit with real-time error detection information output for external circuits .

  9. 同时,虽然LogParser默认从标准输入中读取数据,但是你也可以指定一个来自运行时服务器的日志文件,用LogParser实时输出

    Also , since by default the LogParser reads from standard input , you can pipe a log file from a running server to the LogParser to get output generated in real time

  10. 在选择合适的建模方式上,由于仿真软件对于空间上的运动仿真和实时输出有很好的处理能力,适合用于解决仓面施工模拟的主要问题,所以本文选用了Anylogic仿真软件用于建立模型。

    Because the simulation software has the good processing ability of simulating the space movement and real-time output , which is suitable to solve the main problem of placement construction simulation , the simulation software '" Anylogic " is chosen to create the construction model .

  11. 基于PC机的电话清单实时输出系统

    Phone Calls A Phone List Real-time Output System Based on PC Computer

  12. 电视脱靶量的实时输出

    Real-Time Output Unit of Tracking and Measuring Television System

  13. 模糊控制在细分脉冲实时输出中的应用

    The application of Fuzzy control in the real-time output of the subdivided pulses

  14. 电视跟踪器的实时输出精度分析

    Accuracy Analysis for Real Time Output of Television Tracking

  15. 时间(英文)数学表达式的实时输出

    Real - time Output of Math Expressions

  16. 三维数字罗盘可以实时输出载体的二维姿态和地理方位角。

    Dimentional Digital Compass can output real-time pitch , roll , and heading angle of the carrier .

  17. 数学表达式的实时输出

    Real-time Output of Math Expressions

  18. 可以实现实时输出。

    Real time output .

  19. 可以实现实时输出。4、提高了测量效率、缩短检测时间。

    Real time output . 4 . Improves the measurement efficiency , and shorten the time of measurement .

  20. 微型无人直升机系统往往通过换算机载的罗盘、三个加速度计和三个陀螺的实时输出来得出微型无人直升机机体的实时欧拉角值。

    To estimate the realtime Euler angles , we make use of a compass three accelerometers and three gyros .

  21. 动态目标跟踪系统的核心技术是对目标信息的采集、运算处理、实时输出。

    The core technology of dynamic target tracking system contains collection of target information , computing and real-time output .

  22. 用于精密跟踪测量的变焦距镜头为了满足精确测量的需求,需要实时输出准确的焦距值。

    For the precision demand , the zoom lens used in capturing and tracing must output the focal-length accurately .

  23. 在绿灯延时期间,通过自适应模块实时输出的延时校正量确定最佳延时时间。

    During ascertained the delay of green phase , the best delay time were determined by'delay emendation which was output by adaptive module .

  24. 许多检测系统对采样速率的要求不是很高,但需要实时输出检测结果。

    The sampling velocity is not important in many testing system , but it may be re-quired to output the testing result real time .

  25. 同时采用分段产生波形数据实时输出信号的方式,使得频率分辨率和输出频谱纯度比之传统的数字频率合成更优越。

    The generation and real-time output of waveform data in segmentation make signals have better frequency resolution and spectrum purity than traditional frequency synthesizing .

  26. 该系统可以在可见和红外波段对飞行目标进行跟踪测量,还可对测量结果实时输出。

    This control system can provide automatic flying object tracking and measuring in visible and infrared band . It also can provide real-time output of the measured results .

  27. 初步实现了形心、重心提取算法,完成了脱靶量的实时输出。

    On the basis of the accomplished centroid extraction algorithm , the center of the gravity extraction algorithm , and the real time output of the miss distance .

  28. 它能对暗背景下的各种几何图像,包括星点像的几何位置关系提供较高精度测量,并能实时输出所需结果。

    It can provide a high accuracy measurement for various geometrical images , including the geometrical position relation of star images , under a dark background , and output the required results at real time .

  29. 针对试验台架设计了以微机为中心的监督控制系统,该系统可以实时输出代表规则波和不规则波海浪作用于船舶的横摇力矩和横荡力的电压信号。

    According to the examination platform , the monitoring control system based on computers is designed , which can output voltage signals of rolling moment and swaying force that regular wave and irregular wave press on the ship .

  30. 112高速电影经纬仪是一种新型的高速光电跟踪测量设备,可用于快速飞行目标的轨迹测量和姿态记录,单台完成定位,并有实时输出的功能。

    The High Speed Electro-optical Cine-theodolite , Model 112 , is a new kind of high speed electro-optical tracking and measuring equipment , which can be used to measure trajectory and record picture of high speed flying targets .