
  • 网络Road User
  1. 最主要的道路使用者

    Most dominant road user

  2. 闪动车头灯就像使用响号一样,只有一个意思,就是让其他道路使用者留意自己。

    The flashing of headlamps has only one meaning-like sounding your horn it lets another road user know you are there .

  3. 其他道路使用者,包括骑马者,都可以遵守规则,那自行车骑手为什么不可以呢?

    Other road users , including horse riders , manage to obey the rules so why not cyclists ?

  4. “自行车怒”的表现包括冲其他道路使用者大喊大叫,做出下流手势或者威胁他人,打人等等,少数情况下还有更加暴力的行为。

    Bike rage can consist of shouting at other road users , making obscene gestures or threats , hitting or punching , or in rare cases , even more violent acts .

  5. 通过均衡分析与灵敏度分析探讨了ETC技术的采用对道路使用者的技术选择与车道选择行为所产生的影响,所得结果可为ETC系统的规划和管理提供帮助。

    Then , authors analyzed the infection of introduction of ETC technique to the behavior of technique choice and toll lane choice through equilibrium analysis and sensitivity analysis . The result can offer help to operator for planning and management of ETC system .

  6. 为遵守porsche的严格质量标准,并防止给其他道路使用者带来潜在危险,我们必须用其他减震元件对您的车辆的发动机间隔垫圈进行改装。

    To comply with strict Porsche quality standards and to prevent any possible danger to other road users , the engine spacer on your vehicle must be retrofitted with additional damping elements .

  7. 基于风险效用函数的收费道路使用者支付意愿模型

    User 's Willing-to-pay Model for Pricing Road Based on Risk Utility Function

  8. 需要更多地关注这类道路使用者。

    These road users need to be given increased attention .

  9. 高速公路无论采用何种收费方案,对每一道路使用者都应公平合理。

    It must be impartial for every toll-road user whatever the toll system is .

  10. 若信号能够协助或警告其他道路使用者时,则应发出信号。

    You should give signals when this would help or warn other road users .

  11. 驾车者应该充分尊重其他道路使用者的安全。

    A driver has to have due regard for the safety of other road users .

  12. 为自己和其他道路使用者的安全设想,切勿超速驾驶。

    For your own safety and the safety of other road users , observe speed limits .

  13. 年轻的道路使用者可能发生道路交通伤害有多种原因

    A : Young road users are at risk for road traffic injuries for a number of reasons

  14. 规则中还建议驾驶驾驶的车辆应与那些“易受伤害的道路使用者”保持足够的空间。

    It also advises drivers to give " plenty of room " to these " vulnerable road users " .

  15. 年轻的道路使用者面临最大危险:交通碰撞是5岁至14岁儿童的第三位死因。

    Young road users are most at risk : traffic collisions are the third cause of death for children aged5to14years .

  16. 远景目标是创造一个在旅行方面使全球道路使用者都感到安全的世界。

    The vision is a world in which mobility is safe for all those who use the world 's roads .

  17. 灯泡更换后,头灯应该适当地对齐,以防止其眩光从分散其他道路使用者。

    After the bulb replacements , the headlights should be properly aligned to prevent its glare from distracting other road users .

  18. 道路使用者守则说明使用道路的规则,并说明应该在什么时候如何遵守这些规则。

    The road users code lays down the rules of behaviour and gives advice on when and how to follow them .

  19. 对于道路使用者而言,主要关心的两大方面是交通事故(安全性)和运行速度(通畅便捷性)。

    For road users , the main concerned aspects are traffic accidents ( safety ) and speed ( rapid convenience ) .

  20. 临时标志也可用来警告道路使用者路面的临时情况,或配合警务人员设立的临时交通管制。

    Temporary signs are also used to warn of temporary road conditions or for short term traffic control by the police .

  21. 统计显示摩托车驾驶员相比其他道路使用者有更多伤亡的危险。

    Statistics show motorcyclists are more at risk of being killed or injured in road traffic crashes than any other road users .

  22. 超速驾驶不单令自己的生命受到威胁,亦会影响其他道路使用者的安全。

    Drivers who break speed limits not just put their own safety at risk but also pose threats to other road users .

  23. 交通事故的发生,对道路使用者的生命和财产造成严重的威胁,危及到社会稳定和经济发展。

    Traffic accidents cause the serious threat to life and property of road users . Social stability and economic development are imperiled too .

  24. 此种标志一般用以给道路使用者指引,以及提示路及值得注意的地区和设施。

    These signs normally give road users information or guidance about the route and about places and facilities of particular value or interest .

  25. 在实际使用中应注重实用性、正确性与规范性,以为道路使用者提供更好的服务。

    Therefore , it should be paid much attention to its practicability , correctness and standardization , so as to provide furthermore service .

  26. 通行能力的评价方法不仅应该反映出道路使用者的主观满意程度,还应对道路的利用程度作出客观评价。

    The road users ' satisfactory degree and the situation of road utilization must be involved in the appraising processing with an appropriate method .

  27. 虽然在保护乘车人方面已取得了进展,但道路使用者中这些弱势群体的需求尚未得到满足。

    While progress has been made towards protecting people in cars , the needs of these vulnerable groups of road users are not being met .

  28. 因变量按性别、年龄、损伤程度、道路使用者类型、道路类型以及碰撞时间进行分层。

    The dependent variables were stratified by sex , age , injury severity , type of road user , road type and time of collision .

  29. 与开汽车的人一样,假如骑车族危及行人或其它道路使用者安全,就要在其牌照上做个记录,违规三次就要加以取缔。

    As with motorists , cyclists endangering pedestrians or other road users would have their licences endorsed , with three offences leading to a ban .

  30. 在这些路段不要超车,因为这样做可能会把你自己或者其他不遵守这一规则的道路使用者置于危险的境地。

    There 's a reason you shouldn 't overtake in those sections and you may be endangering yourself and other road users by disobeying them .