
  • 网络efficiency rate
  1. 而且实用率高至八成。

    Also the efficiency rate is about eight percent .

  2. 以这单位而方言,由于它实用的设计,所以实用率很高;再者,业主把这单位保持得非常好。

    For this unit , the efficiency rate is very high because the latout is very effective . Also , the owner keeps the house in a good condition .

  3. 其次,因消防规范和目前结构水平的限制,超高层建筑普遍存在核心筒面积过大,内部实用率低的问题。

    Secondly , for the present level of structure and the limitations of the common , core of ultra-high-rise building is too large and practical internal functions of the problem .

  4. 蚕种实用孵化率的两种调查方法比较

    Comparison of Two Methods for Investigating the Practical Hatchability of Silkworm Eggs

  5. 实用孵化率≥90%的指标偏低,可提高到92%以上;

    Practical hatchability , 90 % , was low too and could be increased to 92 % above .

  6. 而目前我国基本以自上而下模式进行的技术创新的成果实用转化率比较低,这严重制约着我国科技经济的发展。

    At present our mode of the technology innovation achievements is based to " top-down ", its ration of practical conversion is lower , and in serious restricts the development of technology and economy .

  7. 结论应用Seldinger技术心包穿刺置入中心静脉导管引流治疗心包积液的方法简单、安全、实用、成功率高。

    Conclusion The application of Seldinger technique in pericardial puncture and indwelling of central venous tube drainage in pericardial effusion is practical , safe and effective with high successful rate .

  8. 结论旅客列车鼠情调查方法,门边布粉比四角布粉更加方便、实用,阳性率高,值得推广。

    Conclusion Compared with the lime placement at the four angles of a passenger train compartment , the placement of lime beside doors is convenient , practical , and has higher positive rate , thus deserving popularizing .

  9. 试验证明,该电路简单实用,起动成功率高。

    The ratio of successful start is very high .

  10. 根据等效功率损耗法推导出实用的电动机负载率计算公式。

    According to the equivalent efficiency loss method , the practical formula for motor load rate is derived .

  11. 新工艺先进实用,铼提取率可达99%,具有十分显著的经济效益、社会效益和环保效益。

    The process is advanced and practical , the result is very effective and the rate of Re recovery is as high as99 % .

  12. 学生对性病的主要传播途径的正答率仅48.8%;该判别式经实用,正到率达90%。

    The awareness percent of the main transmitting path of sex-transmitted diseases was 48.8 % ; The presented method has been tested , the real identifying rate is about 90 % .