
  • 网络Cargo spaceship;H-II Transfer Vehicle;Jules Verneautomated transfer vehicle;calv;Jules Verne ATV
  1. 空间站同时与载人飞船和货运飞船对接时,重量可达到近100吨。

    When the station docks with both manned and cargo spacecraft , its weight could reach nearly 100 tonnes .

  2. 核心舱有3个对接口和2个停泊口。对接口用于载人飞船、货运飞船等飞行器访问空间站,停泊口用于两个实验舱与核心舱连接,另有一个出舱口供航天员出舱活动。

    The module is equipped with three docking hatches reserved for visiting manned or cargo locations used to connect with space laboratories .

  3. 之后还将发射两次载人任务和两次货运飞船任务,继续推进天宫空间站的建设。到2022年底,空间站有望完成组装,开始正式运行。

    Moreover , two manned missions and two robotic cargo flights will be made that year to continue construction of the Tiangong station , which is scheduled to become complete and start formal operation around the end of 2022 .

  4. 按照计划,今年9月,将发射天舟三号货运飞船,升空后与天和对接;10月,另外3名航天员将搭乘神舟十三号飞船抵达核心舱,并驻留6个月。

    Based on project plans , the Tianzhou 3 cargo ship will be launched in September to dock with Tianhe and the next month , another three-crew team will fly with the Shenzhou XIII to the module to stay there for six months .

  5. “龙”号货运飞船由太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)制造,该公司是一家私营企业,运营国际空间站业务刚刚两个多星期。

    The Dragon cargo ship is made by SpaceX , a private company and just spent more than two weeks at the International Space Station .

  6. 美国国家航空航天局(NASA)表示,周日上午,在从佛罗里达州的卡纳维拉尔角空军基地发射数分钟后,一艘前往国际空间站的无人驾驶货运飞船发生了爆炸。这对该机构及其合作伙伴将如何为空间站提供补给提出了疑问。

    An unmanned cargo ship destined for the International Space Station blew up minutes after launching from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on Sunday morning , NASA said , raising questions about how the agency and its partners will continue keeping the station supplied .

  7. 私营公司太空探索技术公司已经向空间站发射了另一艘无人驾驶货运飞船。

    Private company SpaceX has launched another unmanned cargo capsule into space .

  8. 货运飞船内部的打包过程是经过科学检验的。

    And the packing process inside the carrier ship falls tested scientific rules .

  9. 乘员轮换和货物运输分别由载人及货运飞船实现了。

    Crew rotation and cargo delivery were performed using both manned and cargo spacecraft .

  10. 太空工程师贾东永表示,天舟货运飞船现在保持着一项世界纪录。

    Space engineer Jia Dongyong says Tianzhou cargo ships now hold a world record .

  11. 核心舱已进入与天舟二号货运飞船对接的轨道。

    It has also entered an orbit to rendezvous with the Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft .

  12. 俄货运飞船与和平号轨道站两次对接失败

    Russia 's cargo spaceship failed to dock with the " Peace " orbital station twice

  13. 现在天舟货运飞船总重量为13.5吨,装载量可达到6.5吨。

    Now Tianzhou weighs 13.5 ton in total and can carry 6.5 ton of payload .

  14. 俄罗斯宣布无人驾驶货运飞船与国际空间站成功实现对接。

    Russia has announced its unmanned cargo ship has docked successfully with the International Space Station .

  15. 中国天舟三号货运飞船已成功对接空间站天和核心舱。

    China 's Tianzhou-3 cargo spacecraft has successfully docked with the space station Tianhe core module .

  16. 天舟3号货运飞船及长征运载火箭,现在已经在发射台准备就绪。

    the Tianzhou-3 cargo spacecraft and its Long March carrier rocket , and now on the launch pad .

  17. 两艘货运飞船现在同时停靠在天和核心舱,等待神舟13号机组人员的到来。

    Both cargo ships are now docked with Tianhe and awaiting the arrival of the Shenzhou-13 crew members .

  18. 日本在国土南部种子岛航天基地成功发射新型货运飞船。

    Japan has successfully launched its new space freighter from the Tanegashima base in the south of the country .

  19. 它们就像地球上的快递员,但货运飞船速度更快、更高效、更可靠。

    They are like delivery men on earth , but space carriers are faster , more efficient and more reliable .

  20. 今年4月,中国成功发射了首个货运飞船天舟一号(Tianzhou-1),以支持其刚刚建成的太空实验室。

    In April , China successfully launched its first cargo spacecraft , the Tianzhou-1 , to support its fledgling space lab.

  21. 商业货运飞船“龙”号载着近2吨重的科学实验样本和陈旧设备返回地球。

    And the commercial cargo ship dragon is back on earth with nearly 2 tons of science experiments and old equipment .

  22. 因此,就像天舟货运飞船在外形上是统一的一样,在可靠性和效率方面,它们也是统一的。

    So just like Tianzhou cargo ships are uniform in shape , they are also uniform in being reliable and efficient .

  23. 周日,一艘无人驾驶的货运飞船承载着补给品、实验器材甚至圣诞礼物抵达国际空间站。

    And an unmanned cargo ship carrying supplies , experiments and even Christmas presents docked with the International Space Station Sunday .

  24. 此后,载人飞船、货运飞船将在空间站和地球之间往返、进行补给。

    After that , a manned spacecraft and cargo spacecraft will travel between the space station and the Earth to provide supplies .

  25. 当天下午5时7分,该公司的“龙”货运飞船搭载“猎鹰9”火箭从佛罗里达州肯尼迪航空中心升空。

    The SpaceX Dragon cargo spacecraft lifted off on the Falcon 9 rocket at 5:07 pm from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida .

  26. 这艘美国太空探索技术公司的货运飞船在国际空间站执行了一个月的任务后,由宇航员用机械手臂送回地球。

    After a one-month visit , the spaceX cargo ship was released by astronauts from the international space station using a robot arm .

  27. 举个例子,如果中国科学家想做一些大规模的实验,他们就可以通过货运飞船运送设备。

    For example , if Chinese scientists want to do some large scale experiments , they can deliver the equipment by cargo spacecraft .

  28. 天舟货运飞船一直在向中国空间站运送各种物资,从食物到衣服,也包括宇航服。

    Tianzhou cargo ships have been delivering all kinds of supplies to China space station , from food to clothes , including space suits .

  29. 货运飞船运载的货物越多,成本效益就越高,对太空探索的贡献也就越大。

    The more in cargo ship carries , the more cost efficient it is , and the more it can contribute to space exploration .

  30. 彭询元表示,这是首次证实,该厅计划建造一个货运飞船,这对于长期的空间飞行任务至关重要。

    Pang said it is the first time that the office confirmed plans to build a cargo spaceship , which is vital for long-term space missions .