
zhì shù
  • prime number
质数 [zhì shù]
  • [prime number] 素数,除本身的绝对值外,不可能为大于1的整数除尽的数

质数[zhì shù]
  1. 一个简单的示例:基于Web的质数生成器

    A Simple Example : A Web-Based Prime Number Generator

  2. 这个文件就是质数计算器WebWorker:它会计算每一个质数,直至停止。

    This file is the prime number calculator web worker : It calculates every prime number until it is stopped .

  3. 如果您希望查看所得到的质数,那么要单击DisplayWebWorker。

    If you want to see the prime numbers found , click Display Web Worker .

  4. 埃拉托斯特尼筛法是求不超过自然数N(N>1)的所有质数的一种方法。

    Eratosthenes sieve method is a method to search for all prime numbers less than natural number N ( N > 1 ).

  5. SB正在算计着发现的这些质数已经被官方光荣地命名为&科拜尔数!荣耀属于史蒂芬·科拜尔,科拜尔报告的主持人和科拜尔国的领袖!

    The prime numbers SB is working to discover have officially been named Colbert Numbers , to honor Stephen Colbert , host of The Colbert Report and leader of the Colbert Nation .

  6. 除了提供便利与舒适外,gtm金钟停车场积极寻觅合作夥伴,以加强顾客服务质数。

    In addition to providing convenience and comfort , GTM Admiralty car park actively seeks out partners to provide enhanced services for its customers .

  7. 利用输入信号频率与采样频率互为质数的特点,可使并行交替式ADC系统对直流和奈奎斯特频率的输入信号幅度分辨力都能提高。

    According to the characteristics of output signal spectra with offset dither , the resolution of time-interleaved ADC to the input signal with a frequency range from DC to Nyquist frequency can be improved by using low pass filters .

  8. 构造了一类4t+1型质数周期的伪随机序列。通过理论和仿真分析,证明了它具有良好的相关性,是一种实用性很强的伪码序列。

    A class of new PN sequence with prime number periods of 4t + 1 form ( t is an integer ) is constructed . By the academic analysis and the simulated result , it is proved to be a useful PN sequence .

  9. 介绍了在Y54插齿机上采用对数分齿计算方法加工大质数直齿轮的计算方法和计算实例。

    In this paper introduce the calculation method and example of processing the big prime number straight gear apply the method for calculating the logarithm dispart tooth in Y54 gear shaper .

  10. 素数通项与质数表的电子公式

    The Electronic Formula for General Term And List of Prime Numbers

  11. 质数只能被和本身整除。

    Prime numbers can only be divided by one or itself .

  12. 这是最大的已知姬曼质数。

    That 's the biggest one , the biggest known one .

  13. 质数斜齿轮滚切加工运动及计算的研究

    Movement and Calculation of Generating Process Oblique - gear of Prime Number

  14. 我就是所谓的质数。

    And I 'm what they call a prime number .

  15. 顶级商业房产,如质数般稀少商业地产已经复苏,但是只在黄金地带

    Commercial property has bounced back , but only in the best locations

  16. 质数的一种判别法及应用

    A judging method of prime number and its application

  17. 一种支持向量无冲突访问的质数存储器系统设计方案

    An Approach to Prime Based System Supporting Conflict-Free Access

  18. 日后我们会继续改善本酒店的服务质数。

    We will improve the quality of our service .

  19. 滚切齿数大于100的质数斜齿圆柱齿轮

    Hobbing Cylindric Helical Gear Whose Teeth are More than a Hundred and Prime Number

  20. 质数判定的二次剩余法

    The Method of Quadratic Residue for Prime Judgement

  21. 质数定理的另一证明

    Another elementary proof of the prime numbes theorem

  22. 没有我尴尬,她说8是质数。

    Not as embarrassed as I was when she said 8 was a prime number .

  23. 两类犯罪形态的区分以罪质数为准。

    The number of crimes is the standard that distinguishes two kinds of crime forms .

  24. 有限域上多项式的根与质数模高次同余方程

    The Roots of Polynomials over a Finite Field and Prime Number Model Higher Degree Congruence Equations

  25. 含质数个元素的环是本原环

    Ring Containing Prime Member is Primitive

  26. 关于质数的判定准则

    A Criteria of Prime Number

  27. 为了考察为什么会有这个限制,假设表的容量不是质数。

    To see why , imagine a situation where the table size is not a prime number .

  28. 在滚齿机上无差动加工大于100齿以上的质数斜齿轮的探讨

    A Discussion on Generating Helical Gear with Prime Number of More Than 100 Teeth without Differential Chains

  29. 写一程序:读入一整数并检验它是否是质数。

    Write a program to read in a whole number and test if it is a prime .

  30. 运用神经网络预测浆态床反应器气含率和体积气液传质系数射流柱气液传质数模研究和扩散系数测定

    Predict Gas Holdup and Volumetric Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer Coefficient of Slurry Bubble Column Reactor by Means of Neural Network