
  • 网络Quality system;QMS;GMP
  1. ISO认证后企业质量体系的保持和整体预防功能

    Maintenance and Wholly Prevention Function for Enterprises ' Quality System after ISO Certificate

  2. 实施ISO质量体系认证构建输血安全管理平台

    Administering certification of ISO quality system to build platform of transfusion safety management

  3. 本文介绍了笔者在ISO9001质量体系认证工作中的几点体会。

    The author presents some realizations from the certificate assurance work .

  4. 上海质量体系审核中心(SAC)

    Shanghai Audit Center of Quality System ( SAC )

  5. ISO9000质量体系检验部如何获取实验室认可

    The way for Testing Dept. to Obtain the Laboratory Accreditation

  6. 已通过ISO9000国际质量体系惯标认证;

    Have already spoiled the mark attestation through an international quality system of ISO9000 ;

  7. 中板、高速线材、棒材、车轮轮箍和H型钢等于1997年相继取得ISO&9002质量体系认证证书。

    Among them , medium plate , high speed wire rod , rebar , train wheel & tyre aznd H-beam , passed the assessment of ISO9002 in1997 .

  8. 质量体系认证与全面质量管理(TQM)

    Quality system certification and total quality Management ( TQM )

  9. 本公司已获得多项滤料开发、科研专利荣誉奖项,率先通过ISO质量体系认证。

    This company has obtained many item of products honor certificate and new product development , as well as ISO quality system authentication certificate .

  10. 上海腊光纸厂三大系列产品通过ISO9001质量体系认证。

    Our three big series of products have passed the certification of ISO9001 quality system .

  11. 目的:将ISO9000质量体系导入医院护理管理,强化护士长对无形成本效益的管理。

    Objective : To strengthen invisible cost administration by head nurse and introduce ISO9000 quality system into hospital nursing administration .

  12. 企业通过ISO9001质量体系认证,产品质量深得用户肯定。

    And we 've got the authentication of ISO9001 and products quality is deeply affirmed by public .

  13. 产品已通过了ISO9002质量体系认证及欧盟的CE安全认证。

    Its products have passed authentication of ISO9002 quality system and authentication of CE safety system of European Union .

  14. 公司是国家特种设备制造和安装维保许可证持有企业和ISO9001国际质量体系认证企业。

    We are qualified for the National Special Equipment Production , Installation and Maintenance License and ISO9001 International Quality License .

  15. 公司已通过ISO9001–2000国际质量体系认证,及中国船级社和挪威船级社认可。

    The company has passed ISO9001-2000 international quality system certification , and the China Classification Society and Det Norske Veritas approved .

  16. 已通过ISO9001质量体系认证,并经过中国质量技术权威上海锁具产品质量监督检验站检测合格。

    We have obtained ISO9001 Quality Certification and certificate of qualification from Shanghai Lock Inspection center which is the authority in calling .

  17. 优而达机械有限公司属晋江市高新技术民营企业,信誉等级为AAA级,已通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证。

    The company is a high-tech Jinjiang City of private enterprises , credit rating of AAA , which has passed ISO9001 international quality system certification .

  18. 公司工程加工材料全部采用进口膜材,产品制造严格按照国际ISO9001质量体系标准控制。

    All processing materials of the Company 's engineering use imported membranes , produced and controlled in strict accordance with international standards ISO9001 quality system .

  19. 出口企业要积极申请ISO9000质量体系认证和ISO14000环境管理体系认证;

    Export-oriented enterprises should be active in getting the certificates of the ISO9000 system of quality certification and the ISO 14000 system of environmental managment .

  20. 通过QS9000质量体系认证,产品质量稳定。

    Through QS9000 quality system certification , product quality and stability .

  21. 我公司巳通过ISO9001:2000国际质量体系认证,公司产品全部通过欧盟ROHS和PHAS指令(环保SGS)。

    Our Company Passed ISO9001:2000 Quality System Certification , All of our items are accordant with ROHS and PHAS ( SGS ) standard .

  22. 全面推行ISO9001-2000、ISO9000国际质量体系标准,努力打造新时期车用轴承精品,真正做到产品无缺陷。

    Full implementation of ISO9001-2000 , ISO9000 international quality system standards , and strive to build the new era vehicle bearing products , truly non-defective product .

  23. 所有产品都在一个符合ISO9001国际标准严格的质量体系监控下完成作业,JK产品以及分销商遍布全球43个国家。

    All products are in a line with international standards ISO9001 strict quality system to finish the homework , JK products and distributors in43 countries around the world .

  24. 广东质量体系认证中心(GACC)

    Guangdong Audit and Certification Center of Quality System ( GACC )

  25. 中国冶金工业质量体系认证中心(CMIQC)

    China Metallurgical Industry Quality System Certification Center ( CMIQC )

  26. 经过多年的发展,公司用过ISO9001-2000质量体系认证,荣获AAA级企业资信等级及多项国家实用新型专利。

    North Tianyan has been certified by ISO9001-2000 quality management system , obtained AAA contract credit grade as well as the patent right for several new materials granted by the authority .

  27. 我公司内部质量体系审核的实践与有效性

    Effectiveness and Practice of Interior Quality System Examination in Our Company

  28. 将产品安全认证纳入企业质量体系

    Bring The Products Safety Certification Into Enterprise 's Quality System

  29. 通过评审供应商质量体系认证供应商。

    Qualify suppliers by accessing and evaluating supplier quality system .

  30. 具备在质量体系方面开发和培训员工的能力。

    Ability to develop and train staff in quality systems .