
  • 网络Quality Inspector;qa inspector
  1. 今年年初,谢成最终如愿以偿,成为山西一座小城市的质量检验员。

    As for Xie : Earlier this year he finally managed to become a quality inspector in a small city in Shanxi province .

  2. 作为武汉市一名食品质量检验员,陈佳宇说:当我在工作中看到一些食品的来源时,感到十分震惊。

    Said Cheng , a food quality inspector in Wuhan . In my job , I have been shocked to see where some food has come from .

  3. 管理质量检验员及质量控制需求以支持生产和装配部门。

    Manage inspectors , and quality control requirements to support production and assembly department .

  4. 提供设备、工程技术、技术人员以及包括质量检验员在内的管理人员。

    To provide equipment , engineering technology , technicians and managerial personnel including quality inspectors .

  5. 尽管房地产业在中国已繁荣十年之久,但房地产质量检验员却是一个相对新兴的职业。

    Despite the decade long property boom in China , a property inspector is a relatively new career choice .

  6. 作为一个质量检验员需要有很强的责任心,我认为这份工作对于我来说是一个很好的挑战!

    As a quality inspecter needs a strong sense of responsibility , I think it is a good challenge to me !

  7. 在与他的将领的关系上,丘吉尔更像是监工、质量检验员,对将军们的军事行动进行督促和检验。

    In his relation with generals , Churchill was more like a supervisor and an examiner in supervising and examining his generals ' operations .

  8. 在这一阶段,其中一个关键的进展是由技师和质量检验员提出了关于检测仪便携性的考虑。

    One of the most crucial developments to emerge from the sessions was the concerns voiced by technicians and quality inspectors regarding the portability of the tester .

  9. 如果来料合格,质量控制检验员(QC)应在该物项上贴附检验合格标签。

    If the received items are acceptable , the QC Inspector shall attach a PASSED Label to the items .

  10. 负责对质量员、检验员的技术培训及实物质量的最终判定。

    Be responsible for training of quality coordinator and inspector and evaluation of parts quality .

  11. 根据检验程序、质量标准培训和发展质量检验员。

    Training and develop all quality inspectors regarding inspection procedures , quality standards .