
zhì liànɡ yāo qiú
  • quality requirement
  1. 方法制作方法评价决定图,需要以允许总误差(TEa)形式规定分析质量要求。

    Methods To prepare a method evaluation decision chart for a test of interest , define the analytical quality requirement in the form of a total allowable error ( TEa ) .

  2. 随着电网容量扩大和对电能质量要求的提高,对电力系统自动发电控制(AGC)的要求日益迫切。

    With the enlargement of capacity of electric network and the increase of quality requirement of electric energy , the requirements of Automatic Generate Control ( AGC ) of electric power system are increasingly urgent .

  3. PS版对铝板基的质量要求

    Quality needs of aluminium sheet used for presensitized plate

  4. AFLP技术较复杂,而且经常使用放射性同位素,对模板DNA质量要求也较高。

    Technically , AFLP is quite complicated and often involves the use of radioactive isotopes . Also , AFLP requires the high quality template DNA .

  5. 在Internet环境中,每个用户所占用的网络带宽是不同的,并且随着网络状况的动态变化而变化,不同用户对图象的质量要求也不一样,因此要求服务器端的图象编码器必须具有高度的适应性。

    In a Internet environment , bandwidth of each user is heterogeneous and may change according to current network condition and different user requires different image quality , so a highly scalable image coder is required in the server end .

  6. 所含的Rg1和Rb1的总量均符合《中国药典》2000年版中三七的质量要求。

    The contents of ginsenoside Rg_1 and Rb_1 were in accordance with China Pharmacopeia of year 2000 edition .

  7. 象视频和音频流、在线游戏、视频会议,IP语音(VoIP)和文件传输协议这些应用(FTP)需要范围广泛的服务质量要求,例如带宽和延时。

    Applications such as video and audio streaming , online gaming , video conferencing , Voice over IP ( VoIP ) and File Transfer Protocol ( FTP ) demand a wide range of QoS requirements such as bandwidth and delay .

  8. 作者利用SDL设计语言的仿真程序对该简化方案进行了仿真,仿真结果基本满足移动环境下的对数据传输的高质量要求。

    Using the SDL design language , the scheme is simulated and the result can meet the requirement of the high reliability for the data transfer in a mobile communication environment .

  9. BOPP-D1产品的加工试验表明:双向拉伸薄膜具有光泽度好、强度高、制品的外观、鱼眼等指标均达到了用户的质量要求。

    The test processing of BOPP-D1 products shows : BOPP-D1 products have good glossiness , intensity high , fish-eyes which have reached quality requirement of users .

  10. 从PECVD法制取的n~+与n/n~+两种结构的a-Si:H试样,采用低温退火固相晶化工艺,得到了满足器件质量要求的大晶粒多晶硅膜。

    Using the Solid phase crystallization process at low temperature annealing , the device quality polycrystal silicon films with large grains have been obtained from both n + and I / n + type a-Si : H samples , which were made by the PECVD method .

  11. 高碳铬轴承钢的质量要求和轧制生产工艺

    Quality Requirement for High-Carbon Chromium Bearing Steel and Its Rolling Technology

  12. 高炉喷吹用煤的质量要求与发展趋势

    Coal quality requirements by coal blast furnace and relevant development trends

  13. 千姿百态的纺织品印花面料纺织品印花用染料和涂料的质量要求

    Quality Requirements on Dyes and Pigments for Printing of Textile Fabrics

  14. 连杆裂解加工质量要求及影响因素分析

    Quality Requirements and Influence Factors Analysis on Connecting Rod Fracture Splitting Machining

  15. 铠装铝塑节能窗的安装方法及质量要求

    The Fitting Method and Quality Control of Armoured Aluminium-Plastics Energy Saving Windows

  16. 铝加工企业对压缩空气的质量要求及其净化处理

    The Quality Requirement of Compressed Air and Its Purging System

  17. GB/T12429-1990客车车身二氧化碳气体保护焊焊接质量要求及检验方法

    The quality requirement and test method for the carbon-dioxide arc welding of coach-body

  18. 使最终产品符合产品质量要求。

    The end product is conform to quality requirement .

  19. 定义并实现服务策略的质量要求。

    Definition and enforcement of quality of service policies .

  20. 可见,质量要求极高的阴极靶材的研制显得尤为重要。

    Therefore , it is extremely important for the quality of the cathode target .

  21. 试验成果到达质量要求。

    The testing results fulfill quality requirement .

  22. 滚筒的质量要求及检验方法

    Qulity Requirement and Test Method of Pulley

  23. 我不能肯定,开发出“符合产品级质量要求的代码”应该是大学教育的目标。

    I 'm not sure product-quality code should be the goal of an undergraduate education .

  24. 人民生活水平的提高,对食品质量要求越来越高。

    With living standards increasing , people have more and more demands on food quality .

  25. 此外,对火腿生产原料的生产和质量要求也做出了相应的建议。

    Besides , some suggestions on production and quality of raw material are put forward .

  26. 另外,还使用了加权公平阻塞约束来灵活地实现服务质量要求。

    In addition , weighted fair blocking constraints are used to implement flexible QoS requirements .

  27. 同时,对其会计信息的质量要求越来越高。

    At the same time , the quality requirement of accounting information is higher and higher .

  28. 认真检查针具,对不符合质量要求的针具应剔出不用。

    To prevent accidents , careful inspection of the quality of the needle should be made .

  29. 并提出了对冻罗非鱼片的产品质量要求。

    Regular request and quality standard for frozen tilapia fillets were made at the same time .

  30. 供应商是否定期进行产品及体系审查,以确保与所规定的质量要求相符?

    Does the supplier perform scheduled product and system audits to assure compliance with defined quality requirements ?