
  • 网络Mass loss;quality loss
  1. 明显增加了花枝鲜样质量损失率和降低了水势值;进一步增高了MDA含量。

    It also increased obviously flowers mass loss , decreased flower water potentials , and increased MDA content .

  2. 当质量损失为5%时复合材料的热分解温度较纯CE提高23.8℃;

    And when the mass loss of composites was 5 % , its degradation temperature improved 23.8 ℃ compared with pure CE .

  3. 催化剂(0.5%PdAl2O3)被用来复合电解系统中生成的氢气和氧气,以防止质量损失。

    Catalyst ( 0.5 % Pd Al_2O_3 ) was used to compound H_2 and O_2 which were created during the electrolysis into H2O .

  4. PLA在24wk质量损失79.2%,分子质量下降15.1%,形态完全降解。

    PLA lost mass by 79.2 % in 24 wk , molecular mass lost by 15.1 % and this material was totally degraded .

  5. 随着pv值的增加,涂层摩擦表面温度升高、破坏加剧,故摩擦系数和磨损质量损失增大;

    The sliding surface temperature and damage increased with increasing PV value , thus the friction coefficient and wear mass loss increased aw well .

  6. MC的存在,一方面,加大了机械剥蚀等力学因素引起的质量损失,增大了试样表面粗糙度,从而进一步加重了烧蚀;另一方面,MC具有降低碳的升华总量的效应。

    The existence of MC aggravated not only the weight loss caused by mechanical peeling off but also the surface roughness of the samples .

  7. 此外,论文还在实测系统的丢包率、发送接收延时、时延抖动等各种数据基础上,在理论上从空间域质量损失和时间域质量损失等方面分析了影响系统图像Qos质量的原因。

    Thirdly , through gather dates of system , I analysis the reasons that diminish the system quality form space domain quality loss and time domain quality in theory .

  8. 合成过程中SiO的挥发导致试样较大的质量损失,且随着合成温度升高和恒温时间延长而增大。

    Volatilization of SiO results in great mass loss of the samples and increases with synthesis temperature increasing and holding time expending .

  9. 这个结果令人吃惊,在研究人员对非转基因小鼠进行测试之前,还不能确定大脑的质量损失是否与AD淀粉斑块有关。

    This result was a surprise , and , until researchers test this effect on non-transgenic mice , it is unclear whether the loss of brain mass is associated with AD-type plaque .

  10. 关于Mira变星质量损失率的进一步讨论

    A further discusses concerning the mass loss rates from Mira variables

  11. 随着Y、Sb原子比的增加,烧结体质量损失减小,材料也更致密。

    With the atom ratios of Y and Sb increasing , the weight loss of the sintered bodies decreased , and resulted in increase in material densities .

  12. 在观测方面,给出了从射电、红外,可见光、紫外和X射线各波段得到的观测证据,并介绍了星风的两个重要参数、星风的终速和质量损失率。

    Observational evidence for stellar winds obtained from radio , infrared , visible , UV and X-ray regions are given . And two important parameters , terminal velocity and mass loss rate , are discussed .

  13. 对NGF含量不同的复合型神经导管进行体外模拟降解实验,测定降解过程中浸泡液pH值的变化、材料质量损失,并同时进行NGF体外释放实验,以指导复合型神经导管动物体内实验。

    The pH value , weight and NGF release rate of the composite nerve conduit with different NGF content were observed during the degradation in 20 weeks in vitro .

  14. 研究CAPP系统的技术经济评价问题,提出将加工成本和质量损失成本总和最小作为CAPP系统的经济性评价指标;

    The paper presents the technical economy assessment of CAPP system . Minimal sum of machining cost and quality loss cost is regarded as economical evaluation criterion of CAPP system ;

  15. 利用锥形量热仪CONE给出的热释放、烟释放、有效燃烧热和质量损失等参数对该材料阻燃性能进行全面评价和研究。

    Fire-proofing performances of the IFR-LDPE material are overall appraised from heat release , smoke release , effective heat of combustion , specific extinction area and mass loss provided by Cone calorimetry .

  16. 结果表明,在紫外光照射下,共混纤维中金红石型TiO2的含量越高,PP纤维断裂伸长率、断裂强度的降低和质量损失速率就越快;

    The results showed that the more rutile-type TiO2 particles the PP / TiO2 . fiber contained , the faster the ultimate elongation , tensile strength and weight mass loss were decreased .

  17. 增加N2流量对产物相组成的影响不大,但可导致试样质量损失率明显增加。

    The increase of N2 flow rate effects slightly on the phase composition of product , but it increases obviously mass loss rate of the samples .

  18. 用生物降解产生的CO2产率、试样的最终质量损失率、固体降解产物的腐植酸含量、元素组成以及降解残液的紫外吸收等指标表征了生物降解效果。

    CO_2 yield , weight loss , humic acid ( HA ) content , elemental analysis and FT-IR of the solid residues and UV-VIS adsorption of liquid products were applied to characterize the biodegradation properties of the samples .

  19. 利用自制销-盘式磨粒磨损试验机,测定聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)及其表面处理与未处理纳米氧化铝(Al2O3)填充聚四氟乙烯复合材料试件在干摩擦滑动条件下的磨粒磨损质量损失。

    The wear loss of PTFE and composites of PTFE filled with surface modified and unmodified nano Al 2O 3 during dry wear was determined with a home-made pin-disk tester .

  20. 相变产生的马氏体的剥落是堆焊材料质量损失的主要形式,而TIG表面重熔工艺延迟了奥氏体到马氏体的相变,降低了质量损失;

    The fracture of martensite transformed by austenite was the main form of mass loss . TIG surface remelting process put off the transformation-saturated point and decreased mass loss .

  21. Mira变星的绝热膨胀过程的质量损失率和声点半径

    The mass loss rates and sound point positions . for an adiabatic expanding process from Mira variables

  22. 结果表明在6个月后土壤埋藏的PPC膜比沉浸在缓冲溶液中的膜质量损失增加得更慢。

    The results showed that the weight loss of soil buried PPC films increased more Slowly than that immersed in the buffer solution after 6-month exposure .

  23. 使用简单的体外模型进行检测,发现β-TCP/MCPM体系的透钙磷灰石的降解主要靠溶解机制,降解中会有轻微的pH下降,以及相对较低的质量损失。

    Using a simple model for testing in vitro , we found that the β - TCP / MCPM system degraded mainly with dissolution mechanism , which was associated with slightly pH drop and the mass loss of relatively low quality .

  24. 利用菜园土壤和活性污泥作为接种源,采用CO2释放量和质量损失百分率定量分析了包膜材料的生物降解性,利用扫描电子显微镜定性研究了降解过程中包膜材料的形貌变化。

    The biodegradation behavior of the coated material was studied in the activated sludge and garden soil as two inoculums ; the biodegradable degree was determined quantitatively by weight loss and CO_2 release test and studied qualitatively by scanning electron microscope .

  25. 对不同的降解PE膜、发泡PS餐盒用拉伸断裂伸长率保留率、拉伸强度保留率、质量损失率、分子量变化和生物生长程度来评价其降解性能。

    Retention of tensile strength and elongation at break , mass loss rate , molecular weight changes and the growth of biomass are employed as indices for the degradation assessment of degraded PE films and EPS snack containers .

  26. 当pv值足够大时,涂层摩擦表面温度进一步升高,部分涂层发生熔融并形成润滑膜,相应的摩擦系数和磨损质量损失降低。

    At a high enough PV value , the sliding surface of the coating would experience local melting and form some kind of lubricating film , hence the friction coefficient and wear mass loss increased .

  27. 采用等温热质量损失率、等温热质量损失速率、甲醛释放量分析等方法对三乙醇胺对POM的热稳定作用进行了进一步研究。

    The effect of triethanolamine on the thermal stability of POM was further studied by means of isothermal mass loss , isothermal mass loss rate , and formaldehyde emission amount .

  28. 以冬枣为材料,研究了20kV/m,60kV/m和100kV/m高压静电场处理对果实质量损失率、腐烂率及果实维生素C含量变化的影响。

    Taking Dong Jujube as experimental material , the weight loss rate , the decomposing rate , the containment change of vitamin C of fruit are studied under high voltage static electric field ( HVEF ) with 20kV / m , 60kV / m , and 100kV / m.

  29. 在常温滑动磨损条件下,Mo2Ni3Si/NiSi金属硅化物复合材料涂层的质量损失随着载荷的增加缓慢增加;

    The wear mass loss of the Mo2Ni3Si / NiSi silicide composite coatings increases very slowly with increasing wear test load under room-temperature sliding wear test conditions .

  30. 使用锥形量热仪研究了聚氯乙烯(PVC)薄板在不同温度下的燃烧反应,采用化学动力学法拟合了PVC燃烧过程中质量损失率与时间的单方程模型。

    The burning behavior of 3 mm-thick PVC slabs ( 100 mm × 100 mm ) at different temperatures was studied with a cone calorimeter . A single equation model of mass loss rate vs time was simulated with a chemical kinetic method .