
  • 网络OEM;Original Equipment Manufacturer;OEM/ODM
  1. 同时我们还承接顾客特殊要求的水晶制品和贴牌生产(OEM)。

    At the same time , we also take the customers'special requirements of crystal products and OEM .

  2. 接下来介绍了中国本土奢侈品品牌的三种国际化进入模式,分别是贴牌生产,收购兼并,国外建立子公司。

    Then it introduces three international entry modes for the native luxury goods brand companies , they are OEM , M & A and subsidiary .

  3. 文章首先指出,目前流行的贴牌生产经常被俗称为OEM。

    At the beginning of this part , the paper distinguishes entrusted manufacture from original equipment manufacture ( OEM ) .

  4. 工艺品出口加工行业是劳动密集型行业,资本的原始积累一般都是通过做贴牌生产,即OEM来完成的。

    Handicraft export processing industry is a labor-intensive industry and the primitive accumulation of capital is usually achieved through OEM .

  5. 浙江贝克曼集团(ZhejiangBeckmanGroup)是H&M和Benetton(贝纳通)等品牌毛衣和夹克的贴牌生产商,该公司表示汇率前景不明促使公司决定签署短期合同。

    Zhejiang Beckman Group , a maker of sweaters and jackets for brands like H & M and Benetton , says uncertainty about the exchange rate has prompted it to sign shorter-term contracts .

  6. 利用贴牌生产提高市场竞争能力

    How to Improve the Market Competence by Taking Advantage of OEM

  7. 本文指出,贴牌生产有不同的类型,可分为“传统贴牌”和“新型贴牌”。

    This paper argues that OEM should be divided into traditional OEM and new-style OEM .

  8. 只要其他制造商能达到规定的款式、质量和低成本,品牌拥有者就可以把订单转给其他工厂贴牌生产。

    These brands were " portable " to other contract manufacturers as long as they comply with the specifications , quality and low production costs .

  9. 时至今日,贴牌生产供应商的业绩对制造企业的影响越来越大,在交货、质量、库存、产品设计等方面都影响项目的成功。

    Up to now , the behavior of OEM supplier has more and more effect on project success such as delivery , quality , storage and design aspects .

  10. 从贴牌生产到自创品牌&中国企业跨国经营的战略选择

    From the Production under the Authorization of Other 's Brand to the Creation of One 's Own Brand & A Strategic Choice for Chinese Enterprises to Have Transnational Business Operations

  11. 自设工厂可以让我们更有效地降低成本及更好地控制品质,可以为来自世界各地的采购商提供贴牌生产服务。

    We can provide better OEM services for furniture purchaser all over the world for having a factory that we can lower cost efficiently and lift our producing quality better .

  12. 目前,贴牌生产是一项近年来发展非常迅速的国际贸易形式,是国际市场十分流行和行之有效的生产方式。

    Nowadays , with the development of OEM rapid fast as an international trade mode , it has become a very popular and effective producing way in the international market .

  13. 顺德的小型企业大部分是代工或贴牌生产的制造业,位于产业链低端,在国际金融风暴中首当其冲。

    The enterprises in Shunde which are for industry manufacturing or OEM production , are located in the lowest end of industrial chain , affected fiercely during the international financial crisis .

  14. 与通用汽车为了照顾中国国情总是引入韩国原型车“贴牌生产”不同,长安福特给消费者带来的则是一股纯正的欧罗巴旋风。

    And General Motors to cater to China 's national conditions is always the introduction of the Korean prototype " OEM " different , Changan Ford to the consumer is a pure Europa Cyclones .

  15. 贴牌生产是这家成立29年、在香港上市的代工生产商过去唯一的着眼点,但5年前事情开始变得不同,这家公司的台湾创始人当时决定推出自主品牌的高端女鞋。

    That was the sole focus of the 29-year-old Hong Kong-listed contract manufacturing business until five years ago , when its Taiwanese founders decided to launch their own brands of high-end ladies ' shoes .

  16. 所谓“贴牌生产”,形象地说,就是“狐假虎威”,当然这是反其意而用之的现代版本。

    Alleged " the production that stick a card ", figure ground says , namely " bully people by flaunting one 's powerful connections ", of course this is oppose its idea and use modern version .

  17. 中国企业在经营过程中,对品牌建设没有引起足够的重视,导致中国的产品能够通过贴牌生产销往世界各地,自主品牌却难以打开国外市场。

    Chinese enterprises thought little of brand building which has led to the situation that the products made in China by OEM can be sold everywhere in the world but its homegrown brands fail to make sale .

  18. 许多完成原始资本积累的企业,开始由简单仿造、贴牌生产向着科技化、自主知识产权为主要目标的品牌战略迈进。

    Many enterprises with completion of accumulation of original capital have stepped forward towards the brand strategy with technicalization and proprietary intellectual property rights as the main objective , which was originally transferred from simple imitation and OEM production .

  19. 皮毛类加工企业出口创汇量大,但大多数靠贴牌生产没有自主品牌,出口退税政策变化影响企业长远发展,抵御风险能力差。

    The fur processing enterprises volume of exports is big , but most fur processing enterprises rely on OEM production there is no brand , long-term development of export tax rebate policy change affecting business , poor ability to resist risks .

  20. 引用涉外贴牌生产中的经典案例耐克商标案,援引司法实务界与理论界不同的观点声音并对各种观点进行评析,指出对商标侵权实质构成要件的认识不清是产生争议的主要原因。

    Quoted in the production of the foreign OEM classic case " Nike trademark case ", citing judicial practice and theoretical different views on various views voice and analyzes on trademark infringement essence , and points out that the elements of understanding unclear is the main reason for the disputed .

  21. 经过对贴牌厂商和生产厂商的盈亏平衡点进行比较分析,得出OEM模式对供需双方共赢的结论。

    While the comparison of breakeven point between Requirement manufacturer and Original equipment manufacturer , the article has analyzed that both the supply and requisitioning parties could get a win-win situation .

  22. OEM是英文OriginalEquipmentManufacturer的简写形式,直译为原始设备制造商,俗称贴牌、贴牌加工、贴牌生产、定牌生产、定牌加工等。

    OEM is the English short form of Original Equipment Manufacturer , literally translated as original equipment manufacturers , commonly known as " OEM ", " the licensing process " and so on .