
xún mǎ
  • saddle horse;tame a horse
驯马 [xùn mǎ]
  • [saddle horse] 被驯为乘骑的马,典型地有一个强健的背,丰满匀称的躯体,长而倾斜的儃和肩,漂亮的姿势和几种步态(如慢步、小跑、慢跑)

驯马[xún mǎ]
  1. 她是驯马的。

    She trains horses .

  2. 驯马容易,驯虎难。

    Horses are easy to tame while tigers are hard to tame .

  3. 他善于驯马

    He is good at mastering horse .

  4. 赵:伯益后裔造父,拉驯马驾车。

    Zhao : Boyi descendants of Cepheid , pull horse driving .

  5. 我们的驯马师有一双发现好马的眼睛。

    Our trainer 's got a good eye for good horses .

  6. 驯马的鞭子躺在她的手里。

    In her hands lay the reins of a stallion .

  7. 驯马师将野马驯服套上鞍的人。

    One who breaks wild horses to the saddle .

  8. 你的驯马师一定是疯了!

    Your trainer must be out of his mind .

  9. 当驯马和驯狮者表演时,人们笑着拍手鼓掌。

    People laughed and clapped their hands as the horses and the lion tamer performed .

  10. 但是驯马师应该知道啊?

    But the trainer should have known !

  11. 牛仔竞技表演或比赛(表演掷套索、骑牛、驯马等)。

    Exhibition or contest of cowboys ' skill ( in lassoing and riding cattle , untamed horses , etc )

  12. 到了这个月底他驯马/登山就满20年了。

    By the end of this month he will have been training horses / climbing mountains for twenty years .

  13. 无论何种马上运动,它都是展示骑手骑马和驯马的技巧。

    Whatever the events are , the sports are meant to show the riders'skills in riding and handling the horses .

  14. 我的主人喜欢在卖马前亲自驯马,于是第二天我的训练开始了。

    My master liked to train his horses himself before selling them , and the next day my training began .

  15. 他与蒙古族阿妈谈家常;与青年人一起驯马、挤奶、割草;

    Jia engaged in small talks with Mongolian grannies and trained horses , milked and cut grass with young people .

  16. 她旁边蹲着一个罗圈腿的小个子黑人,他本来是替她驯马的,如今也像他的女主人那样显得怏怏不乐。

    Beside her perched the bow-legged little Negro who had trained her horses and he looked as glum as his mistress .

  17. 那辆驯马马车的最后一趟差事,是把沃尔特爵士、埃利奥特小姐和克莱夫人拉到巴思。

    The last office of the four carriage-horses was to draw Sir Walter , Miss Elliot , and Mrs Clay to Bath .

  18. 驯马和跳栏项目将在马术俱乐部的沙田马场举行,那里靠近大陆边界。

    Dressage and jumping events will be held in the Jockey Club 's Sha Tin race course , close to the border with mainland China .

  19. 我在城市外的马场&马马科纳庄园的阳台享用了午餐,观看了秘鲁顶尖的驯马师如何训练乌黑的纯种马。

    I had lunch on the verandah of the Hacienda Mamacona horse ranch outside the city and watched Peru 's top horsemen put sepia thoroughbreds through their paces .

  20. 那匹马受了重伤,驯马人认为他没法让它在下周比赛前恢复到预期的状态。

    The horse has been badly injured , and its trainer doesn 't think he will be able to bring it up to scratch before the race next week .

  21. 那个驯马师掌握行之有效的驯马技巧.在护理一匹病马之后,一位驯马师和一名马厩工人患上了病一那位驯马师身亡。

    That trainer knows how to get results from his horses . A horse trainer and a stable hand became ill after nursing a sick horse & the trainer died .

  22. 这要追溯到一个年轻人身上发生的故事,他是一位巡回驯马师的儿子,他的驯马师父亲从马厩到赛马场,从农庄到牧场,负责训练那里的马匹。

    It all goes back to a story about a young man who was the son of an itinerant horse trainer who would go from stable to stable , race track to race track , farm to farm and ranch to ranch , training horses .