首页 / 词典 / good

  • tame and docile
  • tame;domesticate
  • 顺从,使顺从:~化。~兽。~顺。桀骛不~。

  • 善良,温顺:~良。~和。~谨。~熟。

  • 古同“训”,教诲。


(顺服的; 善良的) tame and docile:

  • 驯象

    a tame elephant


(使顺服) tame; domesticate:

  • 善于驯虎

    be good at taming tigers;

  • 驯马

    break in a horse

  1. 大师《驯猴》的艺术魅力

    The Artistic Charm of Tame the Monkey by the Great Maste

  2. 骑一匹温驯的马并不难。

    It is not difficult to ride a tame horse .

  3. 爱尔兰驯马师让好几匹马参加比赛。

    Irish trainers have entered several horses in the race .

  4. 他们在兰伯恩总共驯了五十多匹马。

    Between them , they train over fifty horses in Lambourn .

  5. 他远不是一般意义上的驯狗师。

    He was in no way representative of dog-trainers in general .

  6. 我们驯狗来帮我们打猎。

    We domesticated the dog to help us with hunting .

  7. 贝内迪克特小时候野性难驯,年轻时又爱与人争吵。

    Benedict had been a wild boy and a quarrelsome young man .

  8. 驯马容易,驯虎难。

    Horses are easy to tame while tigers are hard to tame .

  9. 他是马戏团的驯兽师。

    He is an animal trainer for the circus .

  10. 埃玛为马戏团驯狮。

    Emma tames lions for the circus .

  11. 有的工作比驾驶卡车更危险,例如驯狮。

    There are jobs more dangerous than truck driving ; for instance , training lions .

  12. 为了保暖,客人睡在舒适的睡袋里,睡袋上还盖着床垫和驯鹿皮。

    To keep warm , guests sleep in comfortable sleeping bags on ice blocks that are covered by mattresses and reindeer skins .

  13. 新石器时代有人开始驯养牛。

    Cattle were first domesticated in Neolithic times .

  14. 她是驯兽专家。

    She is an expert in training animals .

  15. 他的工作是驯狮。

    His job is to tame lions .

  16. 最佳动画片《驯龙高手2》(HowtoTrainYourDragon2)

    Animated film : " How to Train Your Dragon 2 "

  17. 基于新校频算法的GPS可驯铷钟系统研究

    Study on GPS Disciplined Rb Clock Based on New Frequency Accuracy Measurement Algorithm

  18. 在GPS可驯铷钟系统中,校频是驯频的前提。

    Frequency accuracy measurement is the basis of frequency disciplined in GPS disciplined Rb clock system .

  19. 另外,单独设定了Han驯an骨折的载荷条件,计算分析结果与预期接近。

    Additionally , the Hangman atlas fracture was simulated and the calculation gave the expected results .

  20. 最新电影《驯龙记2》(HowtoTrainYourDragon2)的票房更是在最近突破了6亿美元。

    And its most recent film , How to Train Your Dragon 2 , crossed the $ 600 million mark in ticket sales this weekend .

  21. 《驯龙记》和《爱丽丝漫游仙境》这样的高成本影片必须在首周末做大量宣传才能成为赚钱机器。否则,它们就有可能被新上映的3D影片挤走。

    Big-budget movies such as'Dragon'and'Alice , 'which each cost more than $ 100 million to make and millions more to market , must do heavy business opening weekend to become profit-gushers .

  22. 《驯龙高手2》也是一部视觉盛宴,一段让观众身临其境,仿佛也骑在龙背上一样惊心动魄、却又趣味盎然的旅程。这不得不归功于二度掌镜的导演迪恩•德布洛斯为我们带来的3D指导。

    It 's a journey that feels like flying on the back of a dragon - dramatic , breathtaking and a lot of fun - thanks to great 3-D direction by returning director Dean DeBlois .

  23. 结论出发菌株经UV和NTG诱变处理后结合耐自身代谢物的驯育,正变率显著提高。

    Conclusions Original strain was treated with UV and NTG as well as tolerant treatment , positive mutation frequency was improved obviously ;

  24. 在这篇报道中,朝鲜官方媒体援引国家马戏团的驯兽师MaHyeSong的话为其代言。

    This time , the North 's state media cites ' Ma Hye Song , tamer at the National Circus ' as its mouthpiece .

  25. 15mm后稚鱼可驯饵摄食人工混合料。

    15 days later , the post-juvenile can be domesticated to ingest synthetic baits .

  26. 在赞美方面最具智慧的哲人是驯狗师芭芭拉伍德豪斯(BarbaraWoodhouse),她的方法很容易适用于人类。

    The wisest oracle on praise was dog trainer Barbara Woodhouse , whose approach can be easily adapted for use with humans .

  27. 试验挂膜启动采用接种培驯法,通过42天的调试与运行,生物膜生长良好,COD去除率在90%以上,处理效果稳定。

    42 days of operation shows that the biofilm grows well and that the removing rate of COD is above 90 % The stage one & stage two aerobic biological contact oxidation contribute most of the COD removal in the experimental process .

  28. 驯鸟师DillonHorger说鸟不会飞走的原因是他们认为沙漠博物馆是它们的领地。

    Bird Trainer Dillon Horger says the birds don 't fly away because they consider the Desert Museum their territory .

  29. 小西弓金矿床位于塔里木板块北缘柳园-穿山驯前陆上,受NWW向的小西弓-红旗山韧性剪切带控制。

    Located in the Liuyuan-Chuanshanxun foreland of the northern margin of the Tarim plate , the Xiaoxigong gold deposit was controlled by the NWW-trending Xiaoxigong-Hongqishan shear zone .

  30. 本次试验采用分子生物学鉴定的方法,对雌、雄驯鹿茸的SRY基因进行扩增,从扩增的图像可以看到,我们采用的引物能够准确的对雌、雄驯鹿茸进行区分。

    Adopting the molecular biology qualification method in the research , SRY genes of male and female antler were increased , we could see from increased picture prime adopted could differentiate female antler and male antler accurately .