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  • Tao;billows;big waves
  • 大波浪:波~。浪~。惊~骇浪。

  • 像波涛的声音:松~阵阵。


(大的波浪) billows; big waves:

  • 松涛

    the soughing of the wind in the pines;

  • 波涛

    billows; great waves;

  • 惊涛骇浪

    terrifying waves;

  • 怒涛几乎吞没了那条船。

    An angry billow almost swallowed that ship.

  1. 热带海表温度及北大西洋涛动与ENSO事件的相关分析

    Analysis of Correlation between Tropic SST and NAO and ENSO Events

  2. 管涛后来对路透社(reuters)表示,他是在表达自己的个人观点。

    Mr Guan later told Reuters that he had been expressing his personal opinion .

  3. 南极海冰涛动与ENSO的关系

    Antarctic sea-ice oscillation and its relationship with ENSO

  4. 北太平洋SST涛动与华北夏季降水异常

    Relationship between the SST oscillation in the North Pacific and the summer precipitation anomaly in North China

  5. 这项研究得到了速比涛公司(SpeedoInternationalLtd.)的赞助,计划发表在《体育与运动心理学》(PsychologyofSportandExercise)杂志上。

    The study , scheduled to be published in the journal Psychology of Sport and Exercise , was sponsored by swimwear company Speedo International Ltd.

  6. 利用合成分析的方法,分析了冬季北太平洋风暴轴与北极涛动(AO)的关系。

    With the composite analysis , we studied the relationship of north pacific storm track and Arctic Oscillation .

  7. 这项研究得到了速比涛公司(SpeedoInternationalLtd。)的赞助,计划发表在《体育与运动心理学》(PsychologyofSportandExercise)杂志上。

    The study , scheduled to be published in the journal Psychology of Sport and Exercise , was sponsored by swimwear company Speedo International Ltd 。

  8. 因此北极涛动和副热带涛动是沟通北大西洋、北太平洋SST异常的“大气桥”。

    So AO and STO is the " atmospheric bridge " which connects the north Atlantic SSTA with north Pacific SSTA .

  9. 本次由于增加了物理成因法,引用了海温、南方涛动指数(SouthernOscillationindex)、太阳黑子数等资料,预报精度得到了提高,特别是年最高潮位预测中效果更为明显。

    In the paper , because sea temperature , Southern Oscillation index and sunspot number are also investigated , forecast accuracy is improved , especially in prediction of the annual highest tide stage .

  10. 结果发现:南方涛动对区域降水的影响有明显的谐波形态,谐波周期在2a以上。

    Results show that such an effects is obviously of harmonic with a period of longer than 2 years .

  11. 还有一种被称为“太平洋十年涛动”(Pacificdecadaloscillation)、周期更长的海水冷热更替现象,现在可能正从寒冷期转入温暖期。

    And a longer-term cycle of heating and cooling known as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation may be switching from a cooling phase to a warming phase .

  12. 新加坡升涛湾(SentosaCove)一幢单层别墅近期售价高达3900万美元。

    A bungalow in Singapore 's Sentosa Cove recently sold for a whopping $ 39 million .

  13. 运用非线性时间序列分析方法,结合全局函数拟合和lyapunov指数分析对厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)的时间演变进行研究。

    Nonlinear time-sequence analysis is used to study the time evolution of El Nino-Southern Oscillation ( ENSO ) by combining the method of global function approximation with lyapunov exponent analysis .

  14. 采用奇异谱分析(SSA)技术,取60个月的窗口长度分析了1951-1997年的南方涛动指数(SOI)序列。

    The Southern Oscillation Index ( SOI ) time series is analyzed by means of the singular spectrum analysis ( SSA ) method with 60-month window length .

  15. 20世纪后半段新疆洪旱灾害指数与北大西洋涛动指数进行对比可以发现,夏季NAO指数与新疆洪水灾害之间存在大致上的反相关系。

    There was an obvious negative correlation between index of Northern Atlantic Oscillation in summer and index of flood disasters in the same period .

  16. 其原因在于,北极涛动在对流层低层和高层都可激发类似EU遥相关型的异常,通过影响西伯利亚高压和东亚大槽影响华北地区气温。

    The reason may be that the AO can excite anomalies like the EU teleconnection pattern from low to high level in the troposphere which affect the Siberian High and East Asian Trough , thus influencing North China air temperature .

  17. 分析了冬季北大西洋涛动(NAO)和北极涛动(AO)与新疆天山南北不同流域河川径流变化的关系。

    An analysis of the relationships between the North Atlantic Oscillation ( NAO ), Arctic Oscillation ( AO ) and river runoff throughout Xinjiang region of China was presented .

  18. 本文讨论了厄·尼诺、南方涛动现象(ENSO)和东海黑潮锋变异的关系。

    In this paper the relationship between ENSO ( El Nino Southern Oscillation phenomena ) and variability of oceanic front of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea are described .

  19. 厄尔尼诺/南方涛动(ENSO)是热带太平洋海区存在的明显的年际变化现象,在全球气候变化中占有重要的地位。

    El Nino and Southern Oscillation ( ENSO ) is a phenomenon that exhibits interannual variability in tropical Pacific Ocean and it plays an important role in global climate change .

  20. 本文利用1948-2004年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对北太平洋风暴轴的空间分布、时间演变以及其与北极涛动(AO)的关系进行了初步研究。

    With the NCAR / NCEP reanalysis data , we studied the horizontal and vertical distributing of north hemisphere storm track and the relationship between the Arctic Oscillation and north pacific storm track .

  21. 运用2进小波的分解与重构技术分析了太阳活动、厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)与上海地区月降水量、月均气压和月均温度序列之间的可能关系。

    Decomposition and reconstruction techniques of dyadic wavelet are used to analyze the possible relationship between solar activity , El Nino Southern Oscillation ( ENSO ), and meteorological parameters in Shanghai .

  22. 在年际时间尺度上,南海SST和南方涛动指数有反相关系,与经向风海面热收支之间有同位相关系;南海暖池面积指数的年际变化与南海SST年际变化一致。

    On the interannual time scale , SST , sea level wind and surface heat budget share a common variation , as well as the index of the warm water Pool in the SCS .

  23. 分析了春季北极涛动(AO)指数的变化对梅雨ChangmaBaiu带夏季降水年际变化的影响。

    The influence of spring Arctic Oscillation ( AO ) on the summer rainfall over Meiyu Changma Baiu regions is analyzed .

  24. 瑞银(UBS)的汪涛估计,对发票虚报部分调整之后,中国三季度的贸易增幅仅为11%,而不是官方数据中所显示的13%。

    Wang Tao of UBS estimates that after correcting for over-invoicing , trade growth in the third quarter was only 11 per cent , compared with 13 per cent growth shown in official Chinese data .

  25. 线性回归分析表明北大西洋涛动(NAO)主要影响大西洋、欧洲及乌拉尔山地区阻塞。

    The linear regression analysis shows that the North Atlantic Oscillation ( NAO ) mainly affects the blocking events of the Atlantic Ocean , Europe and the Ural Mountains .

  26. 在此基础上,分析并揭示了北半球平流层大气低频变化的主要模态北极涛动(AO)及其一些主要特征,并与对流层AO分布特征作了一些对比。

    Then , the Arctic Oscillation ( AO ) is described as the leading mode at the stratospheric atmosphere of NH , its distributions are figured out and is compared with AO in the tropospheric atmosphere .

  27. 另外,东部非洲的裂谷热暴发与厄尔尼诺/南方涛动(ENSO)现象暖期期间出现的强降雨有紧密联系。

    In addition RVF outbreaks in East Africa are closely associated with the heavy rainfall that occurs during the warm phase of the El Ni ñ o / Southern Oscillation ( ENSO ) phenomenon .

  28. 朗涛策略设计顾问公司(LandorAssociates)首席营销官海斯•罗思(HayesRoth)表示:“强大品牌价值和强劲股票表现之间存在显著的一致性。”

    Hayes Roth , chief marketing officer of Landor Associates , the consultancy , says : " There is remarkable consistency between strong brand value and stock performance . "

  29. 近51年500hPa上北极涛动的时空变化特征分析

    Spatial and Temporal Variation Characteristics of Arctic Oscillation on 500 hPa in Recent Fifty-One Years

  30. 本文依据南方涛动指数(SOI),使用Box-Jenkins的建模方法得到一个模拟和预测南方涛动的ARMA(1,1)模式。

    Based on the Southern Oscillation Index ( SOI ) and Box-Jenkins ' method , an ARMA ( 1,1 ) model is developed and used to simulate and forecast the Southern Oscillation .
