首页 / 词典 / good

  • roll up;sweep off;carry along;embroil
  • cylindrical mass of sth;roll;steamed roll
  • curly
  • roll;spool;reel

  • book;examination paper;file;dossier
  • volume
  • 可以舒展和弯转成圆筒形的书画:长~。画~。手~。

  • 书籍的册本或篇章:上~。第一~。藏书十万~。~帙(书卷成束,用布裹或布囊装起来称“帙”,即书套。现一般指书籍)。

  • 考试用的纸:试~。

  • 机关里分类汇存的档案、文件:案~。

  • 把东西弯转裹成圆筒形:~尺。~帘子。

  • 裹挟带动:~入。~扬。

  • 弯转裹成筒形的东西:烟~儿。纸~儿。


(把东西弯转成圆筒形或环形) roll up:

  • 把竹帘子卷起来

    roll up the bamboo screen;

  • 卷起地毯 [地图, 画卷]

    roll up a carpet [map, scroll];

  • 卷起衣袖开始干活

    roll up one's shirt sleeves and start working;

  • 他把帽子卷紧塞进口袋。

    He wadded his cap into his pocket.


(一种大的力量把东西撮起或裹住) sweep off; carry along:

  • 汽车飞驰而过,卷起一阵尘土。

    A car sped past, raising a cloud of dust.

  • 一个大浪把小船卷走了。

    A huge wave swept the boat away.


(陷入) embroil:

  • 当时整个欧洲都被卷入了战争。

    All Europe was then embroiled in war.

  • 我不愿卷到他们的争吵中去。

    I don't want to become embroiled in their quarrels.


(裹成圆筒形的东西) cylindrical mass of sth.; roll:

  • 铺盖卷儿

    bedding roll


(卷子) steamed roll:

  • 花卷儿

    fancy-shaped [plaited, twisted] steamed roll


(弯曲的) curly:

  • 卷发

    curly hair


(用于成卷的东西) roll; spool; reel:

  • 一卷报纸

    a roll of newspapers;

  • 一卷布[纸]

    a roll of cloth [paper];

  • 一卷胶片

    a roll of film


(书本) book:

  • 手不释卷

    always have a book in one's hand; be a diligent reader


(卷子; 试卷) examination paper:

  • 交卷

    hand in an examination paper


(机关里保存的文件) file; dossier:

  • 查卷

    look through the files


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 卷章

    Juan Zhang


(全书的一部分; 书籍册数) volume:

  • 第三卷

    Volume ;

  • 编辑本卷花了好几年时间。

    Years have been spent in compiling this volume.

  • 这个图书馆藏书10万卷。

    This library has 100000 volumes.

  1. 如果我们在敌军薄弱的侧翼部署一个连队,我们就可以不动用主力部队而卷击敌军整个阵地。

    If we can put a company on the enemy 's weak flank , we can roll up his entire position without engaging our main force .

  2. 把那张毯子卷起来,我们才能带走。

    Roll up that blanket so we can take it .

  3. 这卷胶卷还有三张没拍。

    There are three exposures left on this roll of film .

  4. 强大的回流把孩子们卷到海里去了。

    The children were carried out to sea by the strong undertow .

  5. 这卷书的姊妹篇即将问世。

    A companion volume is soon to be published .

  6. 她把牛仔裤卷到了膝盖处。

    She rolled her jeans to her knees .

  7. 我慢慢地收卷鱼线,将鱼拉过来。

    I slowly reeled the fish in .

  8. 我们把地毯卷了起来。

    We rolled up the carpet .

  9. 他不停地用手指卷胡须。

    He kept twirling his moustache .

  10. 壁纸论卷销售。

    Wallpaper is sold in rolls .

  11. 巨浪把他冲下甲板卷入海中。

    Huge waves washed him overboard .

  12. 如果薄饼烙久了,就很难卷起来。

    If you overcook the pancakes they will be difficult to roll

  13. 理查德告诉过我16世纪的三卷关于炼金术的对开本书籍的事。

    Richard told me of three 16th-century folio volumes on alchemy .

  14. 不幸的是,他的合伙人都是些骗子,已卷款逃之夭夭了。

    Unfortunately , his partners were crooks and absconded with the funds .

  15. 火焰的舌尖舔卷着绯红色的天空。

    The apex of the flames licked the crimson sky .

  16. 菲尔波特往烟斗里塞了一卷碎烟叶。

    Philpott tamped a wad of tobacco into his pipe .

  17. 将冷冻的肉卷放到抹了油的烤盘上。

    Place the frozen rolls on a greased baking tray .

  18. 遇有危险,食蚁兽会迅速用尾巴卷住树枝。

    When in danger , the anteater lashes its tail round a branch

  19. 让卷发自然变干,才能使头发卷最多,最有光泽。

    Dry curly hair naturally for maximum curl and shine .

  20. 玫瑰的叶子因为闹虫害而卷边了。

    The rose leaves have curled because of an attack by grubs .

  21. 他发现了一卷电缆。

    He had found a drum of electric cable .

  22. 在他短暂的一生里,他只出版过3卷薄薄的诗集。

    He published only three slim volumes of verse in his short life .

  23. 这件夹克他穿着太大了,就把袖口卷了起来。

    The jacket was too big for him so he rolled up the cuffs

  24. 德娜买了几卷看起来非常次的丝绸。

    Dena bought rolls of silk that seemed ridiculously cheap

  25. 钢材被成卷地运到工厂。

    The steel arrives at the factory in coils .

  26. 克莱尔给我们示范了如何做巧克力卷。

    Claire showed us how to make a chocolate roulade

  27. 几百张卷紧的报纸在为数5万的人群中被点燃。

    Hundreds of tightly rolled newspapers were set aflame among the 50,000 crowd .

  28. 我们殷切期盼着这本精装版下一卷的面世。

    We await the next volume of this superb edition with keen anticipation .

  29. 她留着微卷的褐色短发。

    She had short , wavy brown hair .

  30. 我要一杯咖啡和一份奶油面包卷。

    I 'll have coffee and a brioche .