
zéi cháo
  • thieves' den or lair;thieves' hideout;bandits' liar;robber's den
贼巢 [zéi cháo]
  • [thieves' hideout;bandits' liar;robber's den] 贼窝;贼人的老巢

贼巢[zéi cháo]
  1. 文章以大埔县百堠村为个案,具体探讨该村在由“贼巢”到“邹鲁乡”的变迁过程中,乡绅阶层的产生及其对地方社会变迁的影响和作用。

    Based on the ease study of Baihou village in Dapu county , this paper investigates the emergence of country gentry 's stratum and their influence on and function in local social changes from turmoil to stability .