
zéi chuán
  • pirate ship
贼船 [zéi chuán]
  • [pirate ship] 比喻罪恶团伙,陷入这种团伙叫上贼船

贼船[zéi chuán]
  1. 你一定要提高警惕,千万不要上贼船呀!

    You should sharpen your vigilance , and not board a pirate ship .

  2. 能告诉我是谁家的小伙儿这么幸运吗?差点儿上了你这条贼船。

    Being able to tell me is who house of small be the son so lucky ? Within an ace of top you be this pirate ship .

  3. 他把你骗上贼船的,对吧?

    He shanghaied you into service , eh ?

  4. 并且,朱巴拉特现在暗示要跳离贼船,3月14日很有可能要沉。

    Moreover , with Mr Jumblatt now hinting that he may jump ship , March14th may well sink .

  5. 一旦优秀的人才不堪诱惑被“骗上贼船”,公司拼了命也要想办法留住他们。就因为这样,近年来硅谷人事纠纷的官司也越来越多。

    And once you have been lured in , they fight like hell to keep you : hence the growing number of Silicon Valley lawsuits .