
  • 网络Jat
  1. 数百年来,印度泰姬陵可谓历尽坎坷--它被印度北部的贾特人掠夺过,被英国士兵洗劫过,还饱受其它种种的侮辱。

    Over the centuries , the Taj Mahal has endured its share of attacks-plundered by the Jats of northern India and looted by British soldiers , among other indignities .

  2. 新德里——数百年来,泰姬陵可谓历尽坎坷——它被印度北部的贾特人掠夺过,被英国士兵洗劫过,还饱受其他种种侮辱。

    NEW DELHI - Over the centuries , the Taj Mahal has endured its share of attacks - plundered by the Jats of northern India and looted by British soldiers , among other indignities .