
  • 网络asset injection
  1. 大股东将持有的未上市的资产注入其控制的上市公司,对公司绩效会产生一定影响。

    With asset injection into listed companies controlled by large shareholders , performance of listed companies is deeply affected .

  2. 我国股权分置改革完成后,资本市场进入全流通时期,大股东资产注入成为证券市场的一个新亮点。

    The domestic capital market has entered a period of entire circulation after the shareholder structure reform and asset injection by large shareholders has become a new hot point .

  3. 重点进行了资产注入现状分析。

    The paper focuses on influence of assets injection too .

  4. 我国上市公司资产注入重组绩效研究

    The Research on the Performance of Assets Injection Restructuring of Listed Companies in China

  5. 定向增发资产注入与上市公司绩效关系的实证研究

    The Empirical Research on the Relationship between Assets-Injecting by Private Placements of Equity and Performance of Listed Companies

  6. 该公司补充说,最终目标是把母公司的所有非上市资产注入上市子公司。

    The company added that the ultimate goal was to inject all the unlisted assets into the listed subsidiary .

  7. 本文以股改后我国上市公司控股股东对上市公司资产注入事件为样本,运用市场模型检验不同支付手段资产注入的市场反应。

    Using the sample of asset injections by majority shareholders after full listing reform , this paper analyzes market reaction to different types of asset injections .

  8. 资产注入重组是在上市公司股权分置改革过程中和相关配套制度不断完善的基础上发展起来的。

    The development of Assets Injection Restructuring is based on the reform of the Shareholder Structure of listed companies and the establishment of the relevant matching systems .

  9. 优质资产注入能在短期内大幅度改善上市公司利润,长期内提高上市公司整体资产质量和股利支付水平,从而使上市公司实现外延式扩张和内生性增长。

    The high-quality assets injection into List Company can improve profit in a short period , increase holistic assets quality and dividend distribute ratio in a long time .

  10. 我国股票市场在经历股权分置改革后,进入一个全新的时代,资本市场上掀起一股大股东资产注入的风潮,引起各界的关注。

    China stock market has entered a brand-new era after state share sale reform , which raises a wave of asset injection of major shareholders concerned by all circles .

  11. 研究和实践同步,对存在资产注入预期的煤炭公司估值方法的选择具有借鉴和指导作用。

    Research and practice simultaneously , give a reference guide for the choice of method of valuation for the coal companies which have existed expectation of coal assets into the companies .

  12. 通过资产注入,中信集团将不再通过香港上市筹集100亿美元资金。多年来中信集团一直在考虑这种可能。

    With the asset injection , Citic Group will no longer be raising US $ 10 billion from a Hong Kong IPO , a transaction the company has been considering for years .

  13. 中信自认为是中国国企改革的先锋,去年其国有的母公司将370亿美元内地资产注入了境况不佳的香港上市子公司,使后者得以转型。

    Citic considers itself in the vanguard of state-owned enterprise reform in China after its SOE parent last year transformed its ailing Hong Kong-listed unit with the injection of $ 37bn in mainland assets .

  14. 该计划将把北京局、上海局及济南局的资产注入新公司,最终还将纳入新的京沪高铁线路。

    The plan would inject the assets of government departments that operate railway lines between Beijing , Shanghai and Jinan into the new company and would eventually also include a new Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail line .

  15. 借道英属维尔京群岛等国际避税港设立壳公司,再将境内企业资产注入壳公司,进一步寻求海外上市,似乎已成为国内民营企业的一种风潮和资本路径选择。

    It seems that establishing shell companies in international tax paradises like British Virgin Islands , then injecting shell companies of enterprise assets , further seeking overseas listing , has become a trend and a choice of capital routing of domestic private enterprises .

  16. 随着我国国有企业股权分置改革渐渐接近尾声,尤其是最近两年,我国国资委也鼓励央企将优质资产注入上市公司,实现企业整体上市。

    As national enterprises equity division reforming gradually draws to a close in China , especially in the last two years , Chinese government also encourages the national companies to transfuse better quality assets into listed companies to achieve the goal of enterprises listed as a whole .

  17. 海地有良好的资产可以注入资金:一年四季都有完美的海滩和天气,适合旅游;

    Haiti has good assets to pump cash into : perfect beaches and weather all year round for tourism ;

  18. 中国完全由国家所有的母公司,将多数生产性资产都注入了上市子公司,保持了大约80%的股权。

    China 's wholly state-owned parents have shoved most of their productive assets into listed subsidiaries , retaining perhaps four-fifths of the shares .

  19. 以军工上市公司为平台,通过资产重组注入军工资产成为军工集团进行专业化整合,实现整体上市的主要手段。

    On the platform of listed companies of military industrial Groups , the specialized integration promotes the realization of overall listing of military industrial Groups through the asset reorganization as its major approach .

  20. 一个未公开身分的买主就不稳定的资产负债状况注入所必需的现金。

    An undisclosed buyer will provide a much-needed cash injection for the fragile balance sheet .

  21. 这将意味着,美联储将通过购买数以十亿美元计的资产向经济注入资金,以提振经济活动。

    That would mean pumping cash into the economy by buying billions of dollars of assets in an effort to boost activity .

  22. 向非金融企业的资产负债表注入近2万亿美元现金会提升信心和改善企业环境,从而可能极大地影响投资和就业。

    With close to $ 2000bn of cash on non-financial corporate balance sheets , bolstering confidence and improving the business environment could significantly affect investing and hiring .

  23. 从那时起,由于经常获得非上市母公司的资产与资本注入,五矿建设在整个珠三角、长三角地区和环渤海地区建立起了房地产投资组合。

    Since then , thanks to regular infusions of assets and capital from its unlisted parent , it has built a property portfolio across the Pearl and Yangtze River Deltas , and in the Bohai Rim .

  24. 第三,以非现金资产认购方式注入资产的质量上面,要求资产的总规模必须达到一定的规模,置入的非现金资产应当是连续盈利、可独立核算的完整的经营性资产。

    Third , in order to subscribe for non-cash assets into the asset quality of the above methods require the overall size of assets , must reach a certain size , The non-cash assets should be placed in a continuous profitability , can be a complete independent accounting business assets .

  25. 这便是意航的处境。就在一年多前,虚构的资产重组和资金注入的消息挽救了这家公司。

    Imaginative shuffling of assets and a capital injection saved the group just over a year ago .

  26. 他所领导的政府采用了一项财政刺激计划,并授权英格兰银行采取量化宽松的货币政策&主要是用政府债券购买金融资产向经济中注入资金。

    His government brought in a fiscal stimulus and authorised the Bank of England to pursue " quantitative easing " & injecting money into the economy by buying financial assets , mainly government bonds .

  27. 整体上市是相对于分拆上市而言的,它是指将集团公司全部资产或全部经营性资产注入上市公司,以实现全部资产的证券化,从而通过扩大企业边界,建立内部资本市场的行为。

    Holistic listing is relative to spin-off , it refers to inject all of the assets or all of the operating assets into the listed company to achieve the securitization of all of the asset , and by expanding the boundaries of companies to establish internal capital market .

  28. 其中,资产置换、综合类和优化重整三种重组模式下的第一年重组绩效要显著好于单纯的资产注入类的重组模式。

    Especially , the first year performance of asset exchange , general type and reorganization is significantly better than a simple assets assests implantation .