
  • 网络Asset Utilization;asset utilization ratio;Asset Deployment & Utilization
  1. 实践证明EAM系统以优化企业资源为核心,其成功实施和应用可以有效提高资产利用率,降低企业运行维护成本为。

    EAM system is proven to optimize business resources as the core of its successful implementation and its applications can improve asset utilization , reduce operation and maintenance costs .

  2. 虚拟化支持两个动态目标:更快更有效地响应业务变化和提高IT资产利用率。

    Virtualization supports the dynamic goals of both responding to dynamism more quickly and effectively to business changes and improving IT asset utilization .

  3. 资产利用率从2009年的74%上升到79%。

    Asset utilisation is 79 % , up from 74 % in 2009 .

  4. 蒙牛也在其他方面实现了规模效益,通过精简产品提高了低温产品线的资产利用率。

    It has also built economies of scale elsewhere , lifting asset utilisation in its chilled product line with a simplified offering .

  5. 减少投资浪费并提高资产利用率是改善机场经济效益和社会效益的关键问题。

    Decreasing the investment waste and raising the utilization ratio of assets are key to improve economic benefit and social effect of airports .

  6. 众所周知,有效的虚拟化可以提高资产利用率,让服务器、存储、网络和其他功能更模块化,由此提高可重用性。

    It is well known that effective virtualization can improve asset utilization making servers , storage , network and other capabilities more modular and hence more reusable .

  7. 内部控制质量的提高对于显性的代理成本没有明显的抑制作用。(2)内部控制质量与资产利用率显著性正相关。

    The quality of internal controls promotion is not inhibited the dominant agency costs . ( 2 ) A significant positive correlation between the quality of internal control and asset utilization .

  8. 考核指标有:企业绿色增加值增长率;企业绿色全员劳动生产率;企业绿色总资产利用率。

    The indexes for evaluation are as follows : the growth rate of enterprise green increase value , the labor productivity of enterprise green members , the total capital utilization ratio of enterprise green .

  9. EAM以提高资产可利用率、降低企业运行维护成本为目标,以优化企业维修资源为核心,通过信息化手段,合理安排维修计划及相关资源与活动。

    The objects of The EAM systems are to improve the rate of asset , to reduce costs of the operational and maintenance enterprises . The cores of EAM systems are to optimize the maintenance resource of enterprises and rationally arrange the maintenance plans , related resources and activities .

  10. 提高现有资产的利用率来提供新的金融产品以带来附加收入。

    Increase use of existing assets to offer new financial products in driving additional revenue .

  11. 无论是ZipCar也好,还是那三家公司也好,它们要解决的都是同一个问题&汽车是一种昂贵的资产,但是利用率却较低。

    The problem both companies are solving is that cars are expensive and under-utilized assets .

  12. 两者采用的解决方案都是相同的:也就是将资产的成本分摊到多个用户身上,同时提高这项资产的利用率。

    The solutions are the same : spread the capital expense across multiple users , and increase the utilization of the asset .

  13. 通过该系统,可以使固定资产信息高度共享,为资产的购置、调配、报废等提供依据,提高资产利用率,使资产管理工作走上一个新的台阶。

    They are of different functions . According to this system , it highly shares the capital assert information , and provides the basis on the purchasing , deploying and rejecting . It steps a new level on asserts management .

  14. 对银川市土地利用结构、土地资产的集约利用及土地产出等进行了分析,提出了盘活存量土地资产,提高土地利用率,实现城市经济、生态、社会效益一体化等城市土地经营思路。

    Based on the analysis for the construction of land use , gather utilization of land and land output in Yinchuan city , the land management idea of increasing the land utilization and realizing performance harmony development in city economy , ecosystem and social is presented .

  15. 通过运用UAM系统,可以实现全校资产的统一管理和动态管理,在很大程度上可以减少资产重复购买和降低资产闲置率,提高资产利用率。

    Using UAM makes possible the integrated and dynamic management to the whole assets of the university , reduces duplicate purchase , decreases lying idle assets and raises the utilization ratio of assets .

  16. 我国煤炭企业资产管理水平相对落后,固定资产管理控制不到位,造成了固定资产的闲置和流失,资金周转困难,资产利用率较低等问题。

    The assets management level of our coal enterprises was relatively backward , fixed assets management control was not enough , that caused such questions as fixed assets to be idle and lost , capital turnover to be difficult , asset utilization to reduce .