
zī xìn qíng kuàng
  • credit position
资信情况[zī xìn qíng kuàng]
  1. ABC公司让我们告知他们那家公司的资信情况。

    We have been asked by ABC Company to advise the credit status of that company .

  2. 我们仅接受ABC有限公司的一笔定货,很遗憾我们不能提供具有长期交往经历的资信情况。

    ( 2 ) We have had only one order from ABC Co. , Ltd. , so we regret we cannot give you a reference from long experience .

  3. 关于我方的资信情况,请咨询下列银行

    For our credit standing , please refer to the following bank

  4. 请向下述银行查询有关我方的资信情况。

    Please refer to the following bank for our credit standing .

  5. 有关我方资信情况,你们可联系你方城市的美洲银行了解。

    You may contact the Bank of America of your city for any information concerning our credit standing .

  6. 关于我们的资信情况,请写信向我们的往来银行加拿大皇家银行询问。

    With regard to references , you may write to our bank , the Royal Bank of Canada .

  7. 我们非常感激您能给予我们有关他们的声誉和资信情况的情报。

    We should be very grateful to you for any information you can give us about their reputation and credit-worthiness .

  8. 如蒙贵方函告最优惠的交易条件及有关贵公司资信情况,我们不胜感激。

    We shall be pleased to have you inform us of your best terms and conditions , and also your references .

  9. 感谢你们与该行接触,以获取我们所需要的关于他们的财务资信情况。

    Will you please be good enough to approach the said bank for any information about their financial standing we require ?

  10. 我们必须调查企业的资信情况、贷款偿还能力等其他情况。

    We must make an investigation of the credit standing , the operation state of the enterprises , the possibility of repayment and so on .

  11. 对于资信情况和经营情况不好的出租方,国外一方在承租厂房后可能面临着无法实现合同目的的风险,如厂房被查封,甚至被拍卖等。

    If the foreigner 's situation is bad , the tenant 's goal maybe frustrate after leasing the factory building for it 's seized , even under sale by auction .

  12. 关于我们的资信情况,可写信向伦敦主要保兑行、我们的来往银行联合银行或我们的客户询问。

    With regards to references , you may write to any of the major London confirming houses , to our bank , the Union Bank ltd. , or to any of our customers .

  13. 个人信用法律制度的价值在于证明、解释和查验个人的资信情况,并通过制度来规范个人信用活动和当事人的信用行为,提高守约意识,从而建立良好的市场经济运行秩序。

    The value of personal credit legal system is to prove , explain and examine personal credit , and through the system it can regulate personal credit activities and behavior of the parties and raise the awareness of compliance in order to establish a good market economy order .

  14. 全面结算会员期货公司可以根据非结算会员的资信及市场情况调整保证金标准。

    A general settlement member futures company may , according to the credit and market conditions of non-settlement members , adjust the deposit standard .

  15. 套期保值额度由交易所根据套期保值申请人的现货头寸、资信状况和市场情况审批。

    Hedging amount shall be examined and approved by the exchange according to the spot position , credit status and market situations of the hedging applicant .

  16. 本文阐述了对借款人进行资信评估的法律理论依据,并结合国外的借款人资信评估情况,对我国目前的借款人资信评估的原则及指标体系进行了探讨。

    The article elaborates the legal theoretical basis for the creditworthy evaluation and conducts a study of the domestic creditworthy evaluation principles , as well as index system , by ref-erring to foreign evaluation of a loanee 's creditworthy .