
  • 网络Financial Holdings;Chinatrust Financial Holding;Mega Financial
  1. 香港中旅金融控股(ChinaTravelFinancialHoldings)是关注旅游业的中国国有企业中旅(CTS)的子公司,中旅的业务已扩大到钢铁、房地产、物流和金融服务。

    China Travel Financial Holdings is part of CTS , a travel-focused state-owned enterprise that has been diversifying into iron and steel , property , logistics and financial services .

  2. 金融控股:现实的选择

    Financial Holdings : The Realistic FINANCIAL Choice

  3. 金融控股公司:加入WTO后我国金融业发展模式的现实选择

    Share-holding Financial Company : A Realistic Choice of the Developmental Model of Chinese Financial Industry after Joining WTO

  4. 金融控股公司(FinancialHoldingCompany)是指在同一控制权下,完全或主要在银行、证券、保险业中至少两个不同的金融行业大规模地提供服务的金融集团公司。

    A financial holding company refers to a financial group which provides service , under one single controlling right , in at least two of the three financial industries-banking , securities and insurance .

  5. 富邦金融控股股份有限公司(fubonfinancialholdingco)是目前唯一参股大陆银行的台湾企业,它持有厦门银行20%的股权。

    Fubon Financial Holding Co is the only Taiwanese company with a stake in a Chinese lender , owning 20 per cent of Xiamen bank .

  6. 第三章主要介绍了ANP的理论及算法,以及简要的讨论了ANP方法与金融控股公司风险管理的适用性。

    The third chapter is mainly introduces the theory of ANP and its algorithm , discusses the Applicability between the ANP theory with the risk management of financial holding company .

  7. 积极鼓励、扶持发展金融控股公司;

    Actively encouraging and supporting the development of financial holding companies ;

  8. 金融控股公司拥有规模经济效应和范围经济效应。

    FHC has the superiority of scale and scope economy effects .

  9. 金融控股公司在我国的发展与监管研究

    Study on Development and Supervision of Financial Holding Company in China

  10. 第三节从微观和宏观两个层面对金融控股公司进行优势分析。

    Section three analyzes the micro and macro advantages of FHC .

  11. 我国金融控股公司的构建:制度基础与途径选择

    Construct of Financial Share-holding Corporations in China : Systemic Basis and Alternatives

  12. 国有商业银行金融控股公司化研究

    On the Research of the Financial Holding Company of State-owned Commercial Bank

  13. 金融控股公司综合经营效益研究

    An Empirical Study on the Synergy of Financial Holding Company

  14. 当前,金融控股公司已经成为国际金融业发展的主要趋势。

    Recently financial holding company has become main trend of international finance .

  15. 金融控股公司组织效率的比较分析

    The Comparative Analysis of Organization Efficiency in Financial Holding Company

  16. 第二,对纯粹性金融控股公司的监管体制创新进行了研究,即进行功能性监管;

    Secondly , the financial supervision system of pure FHC is studied .

  17. 金融控股公司组织管理模式探讨

    Exploration to Structure Management in Finance Share - holding Company

  18. 试论我国金融控股公司监管立法的完善&兼评《三大监管机构金融监管分工合作备忘录》的相关规定

    On Perfecting the Legislation Of Supervision about Financial Holding Company

  19. 金融控股公司模式恰好满足了上述要求。

    The financial holding company pattern has exactly satisfied the above request .

  20. 我国金融控股公司关联交易的法律规制

    Legislative Regulation of Affiliated Transaction of Financial Holding Company in Our Country

  21. 分业监管体制下金融控股公司监管的法律问题

    The Legal Problem of Financial Holding Company Supervision in Separate Supervision System

  22. 探索我国混业经营即金融控股公司模式的研究

    Questing China Mixed Operation Namely Researching the Mode of Financial Holding Company

  23. 金融控股公司基础理论之探析

    An Exploration of the Basic Theory on Financial Holding Companies

  24. 论类金融控股公司的风险防范与监管

    The Risk Provision and Supervision on Similar Financial Holding Company

  25. 银行混业经营模式在不同的国家有不同的表现形式,从不同混业经营模式形成所必需的制度条件来看,我国的现实选择是金融控股公司模式。

    Bank 's mixed managing modes have different forms in different countries .

  26. 论金融控股集团的内部控制

    The Discussion on the Internal Control of Financial Holding Group

  27. 金融控股公司加重责任制度研究

    The Research on Enhanced Obligations of Financial Holding Company

  28. 金融控股集团的新制度经济学解释

    A New Institutional Economic Explanation for Finance Holding Group

  29. 我国金融控股公司立法必要性探析

    Legislation Necessity for Finance Holding Company in Our Country

  30. 发展金融控股公司所面临的风险及其化解

    Risks and Their Dissolutions in Developing Financial Holding Companies