
  • 网络Aum;Asset Under Management
  1. 尽管如此,华夏的优势可能会体现在其不菲的价格上&可能将高达资产管理规模的7%或8%。

    Still , CAM 's dominant franchise could be reflected in a price tag of as much as 7 or 8 per cent of AUM .

  2. 在大型基金公司中,表现最好的是纽约投资管理公司FirstEagle,其资产管理规模为560亿美元。

    Among major fund companies , the top performer was first eagle , a New York City money-management firm with $ 56 billion in assets .

  3. 今年早些时候,SAC资产管理规模曾达150亿美元,如今面临外部投资者的巨额赎回。

    SAC , which managed $ 15bn earlier this year , has faced significant redemptions from outside investors .

  4. 但据新加坡CalamanderCapital估计,这将使华侨银行的资产管理规模增加两倍多,从而跻身亚洲前十。

    But this will more than triple OCBC 's AUM , vaulting it into Asia 's top 10 , on estimates by Singapore-based Calamander Capital .

  5. 汇丰(HSBC)在半年度业绩报告中预计,亚洲在其私人银行资产管理规模中所占比重,将在5年内从现在的30%上升到50%。

    At its half-year results , HSBC said it expected Asia to generate half of its private banking assets under management within five years , up from 30 per cent now .

  6. 毕马威(kpmg)最近一份报告指出,从事贷款证券化、受监管较松的信托公司发展要迅猛得多,其资产管理规模可能很快就将超过保险公司。

    Trust companies , loosely regulated groups that securitise loans , have grown much more quickly and could soon surpass insurers in terms of asset size , according to a recent report by KPMG .

  7. 这个成绩使得他们成为资产管理规模逾200亿美元的投资公司中表现最好的基金系。

    That makes them the top-performing fund family among firms with assets of more than $ 20 billion .

  8. 去年的净赎回额达到了基金资产管理规模的5%左右,约合7亿美元。

    Net redemptions last year reached about 5 % of fund assets , or around $ 700 million .

  9. 百仕通是全球最大的私人股本公司,资产管理规模超过1000亿美元。

    Blackstone , the largest private equity firm in the world , has more than $ 100bn of assets under management .

  10. 新鸿基金融的资产管理规模逾500亿港元,其目标客户是可以用外汇在海外进行投资的内地富有投资者。

    SHK , which manages more than HK $ 50bn , courts wealthy mainland investors who can invest outside China using foreign currency .

  11. 该公司认为,只看回报所占比例,会扭曲业绩,因为基金经理经常发现,很难在扩大资产管理规模之际保持巨额回报。

    It argues that percentage returns distort performance as frequently fund managers find it hard to maintain big returns as they take in more money .

  12. 中国按资产管理规模排名的前十大基金公司中,只有3家有外资合作伙伴,其中包括资产管理金额最高的华夏基金。

    Of the top 10 companies in the industry by assets under management , only three have a foreign partner , including China AMC , the largest .

  13. 资产管理规模不断萎缩,分销成本日趋上涨,市场已然颇为拥挤、却还有新竞争者在陆续进入,散户投资者也变得挑剔起来。

    Total assets under management is shrinking , distribution costs are rising , new competitors are entering an already crowded marketplace and retail investors have turned finicky .

  14. 在过去几年中,我国证券投资基金业经历过发展的辉煌期,基金公司的资产管理规模曾经快速扩张。

    In the past few years , the securities investment fund industry in China has gone through a brilliant time , and its asset management scale has expanded a lot .

  15. 2008年至2010年上半年,瑞银财富管理公司资产管理规模下降了6%,是12家财富管理公司中降幅最大的一个。

    UBS Wealth Management suffered a 6 per cent fall in assets under management between 2008 and the first half of 2010 , the biggest decline among the 12 wealth managers .

  16. 研究发现,过去两年内,尽管投资回报率猛降、资产管理规模也有所下滑,但欧洲私人银行及其它财富管理公司却没有改变它们的成本基础。

    European private banks and other wealth managers have maintained their cost base over the past two years , despite plunging investment returns and declining assets under management , RBS found , eroding returns for their clients .

  17. 近年来,信托业利润和资产管理规模快速增长,信托公司在中国金融服务业中的地位日益重要,信托理财正处在历史最好时期。

    In recent years , the profits of trust industry and the scale of asset management have gained rapid growth . Trust company is gaining great prominence in financial services sector in China , and trust financial is also undergoing its best historical period .

  18. 由此,该行业的成本收益比从2008年的66.1%,增加至今年上半年的76.5%,推动减损前利润相对资产管理规模的比例从34.1个基点降至22.3个基点。

    As a result the industry cost-income ratio rose from 66.1 per cent in 2008 to 76.5 per cent in the first six months of this year , pushing pre-impairment profits down from 34.1 basis points of assets under management to 22.3 basis points .

  19. 对开放式基金而言,一方面,由于它具有追加认购和解约赎回机制,当投资业绩优异时,会刺激投资者踊跃认购,从而使其资产管理规模迅速扩大,基金管理人因此可获利丰厚;

    As to open-end fund , because of its mechanism of subscription and redemption , on one hand , excellent investment profits irritate investors to offer to buy eagerly , which makes its assets to expand rapidly at scale and brings wealth to fund manager ;

  20. 我国券商资产管理业务规模风险控制研究

    On the Scale Risk of Asset Management Business of Securities Companies in China

  21. 新兴市场债券基金今年吸引到的资金流几乎相当于它们资产管理总规模的26%。

    Emerging market bond funds have attracted flows equivalent to almost 26 per cent of assets under management this year .

  22. 随着集合资产管理计划规模的扩大化、种类的多元化,对其进行全面、客观和科学的评价就成为整个集合资产管理计划行业发展的重要环节。

    With its expansion and diversification , a comprehensive , objective and scientific evaluation became an important part of the development of the industry .

  23. 据该报告显示,截至2013年末,证券公司定向资产管理业务规模达人民币4.83万亿元(合7900亿美元),较2012年末增长186%。

    According to the report , the outstanding amount of directional asset management plans issued by securities companies at the end of 2013 was 4.83 trillion yuan ( $ 790 billion ), up a whopping 186 % from a year earlier .

  24. 4天后,回到慕尼黑办公室的迪克曼更为放松,他再次表示自己对这笔交易十分满意安联得到扩大后德国商业银行30%的股份,资产管理业务规模也得到扩大。

    Four days later , back in his Munich offices and more relaxed , he again professes himself happy with the deal , which gives Allianz a 30 per cent share of the enlarged Commerzbank as well as a larger asset management business .

  25. 但是在过去5年里,中国资产管理行业的规模扩大了两倍。展望未来10至15年,我认为中国资产管理公司将可与欧洲同行抗衡。

    But in the last five years the asset management industry in China has tripled in size and if you look forward 10-15 years I believe Chinese asset managers will compete against European ones .

  26. 而目前中国券商接受的委托资产总额不超过600亿人民币,这一数字与中国当前股票市场的总市值相比,规模很小,若国际的资产管理业务规模相比,更是微乎其微。

    Nowadays , in China , the total asset which is accepted by securities companies is less than 6,000 million , compared to the total stock market capitalization in China , the scale is very small , not mention to the international ones .