
  1. 随着贸易和资本流动全球化,一国经济和汇率受到外部因素的高度影响,如何协调内外均衡成为各国面临的共同挑战。

    With trade and capital flow globality , internal-external economic equilibrium becomes monetary authorities common challenge .

  2. 论人力资本流动全球化趋势及相应对策基于光流和水平集方法的多相运动对象分割

    Towards the Global Trend of the Flux of Human Capital and Its Countermeasures ; Multiphase Motion Segmentation Based on Optical Flow and Level Set

  3. 在经济环境方面,经济全球化为网络经济平台上的企业提供了来自生产国际化、企业经营国际化、资本流动全球化、全球市场一体化、科技全球化和文化全球化的机遇;

    Second , economy globalization provides the enterprises that are on the network platform with the opportunities of management internationalization , capital-flow globalization , world-market integration , and technology and culture globalization .

  4. 资本流动全球化和企业自身经营活动日益复杂化,现行财务报告凸显出一定的局限性而不能达到决策有用性的要求。

    The globalization of Capital flows and the increasing of complexity business activities by enterprises themselves , causing the current financial reports highlight some limitations which can not realize the requirement of decision-usefulness view .

  5. 资本流动的全球化;

    Globalization of capital flow ;

  6. 金融是现代经济的核心,进入二十世纪九十年代以来,国际资本流动日益全球化,各国竞相开设股指期货交易,形成了世界性的股指期货上市交易浪潮。

    Finance is the most important issue of modern economy , international capital is becoming more and more globalized in recent years , and all of the countries are listing stock index futures .

  7. 国际资本流动是经济全球化背景下国际经济联系的重要组成内容。

    International capital flow is a very important economic relationship between countries in the world .

  8. 我们现在所经历的,其实是现代史上第二轮贸易和资本流动的大规模全球化。

    What we are experiencing is actually the second great globalisation of trade and capital flows in modern times .

  9. 国际资本流动作为经济全球化以来的一种资源配置过程,大大促进了世界经济的发展。

    International capital flows as a resource allocation process since the economic globalization , greatly promoted the development of the world economy .

  10. 随着近年国际资本流动的日益全球化,机构投资者逐渐成为资本市场上的主导力量,从而对风险管理工具和手段提出了更高的要求。

    In recent years institutional investors have gradually become the major part in the capital market with the globalization of international capital flow , thus setting new requirements for risk management instrument .

  11. 近年来,随着社会环境的不断变化,诸如金融市场的日益一体化、资本流动的日趋全球化、企业经营活动的日渐复杂多样化等,企业收益信息的及时性和准确性变得尤为重要。

    With the rapid changes of the world recently , such as the increasing integration of financial markets , the becoming globalization of capital flows and the complicated diversification of business activities , it becomes more important for an enterprise to get income information timely and accurately .

  12. 与此同时,资本自由流动是经济全球化的必然趋势,中国企业伴随着经济实力的增强国际化趋势显现。

    At the same time , the free flow of capital is the inevitable trend of economic globalization especially for Chinese enterprises .

  13. 资本自由流动和经济全球化对环境政策的影响分析&基于政府的视角

    The Analysis of the Effect of Capital Flow Freely and Economy Globalization on the Local Environmental Policies & Based on " Common Agent " Model

  14. 在全球经济一体化的背景下,资本全球流动和金融全球化已经成为了不可逆转的趋势,商业银行面临着越来越大的风险,风险的种类也呈现多样化的趋势,并且带有着复杂性和隐蔽性。

    In the context of global economic integration , global capital flows and financial globalization has become an irreversible trend , commercial banks face increasing risk , the risk is also diversified the types of trends , and with the complexity and covert .

  15. 当今时代,科技飞速发展,贸易壁垒逐渐消除,国际资本快速流动,经济全球化使得企业间的竞争日趋激烈,人力资源已成为企业中最为宝贵的资源。

    Nowadays , with the development of the technology , trade barrier is getting removed , international capital is flowing rapidly . The globalization of the economy results in the heated competition among enterprises , and human resources become the most valuable resource in enterprises .