
Secondly , tracing the run stats of the system and obtaining the curves of system resources including CPU and memory using Win32 API functions ;
In the end , software of VI curve test is developed after utilizing compositive hardware resource , which can be able to test diagnosis board in circuit and detect the fault units rapidly on the board .
Monte Carlo simulation is a method of probability random sampling which simulates the potention of mineral resources under probability through random sampling experimen by use of the distribution curves showing known mineral resource quantity in the model region .
In this paper , we advance a reborn speed model of thinly reborn resource and a consumption model of benefit-seeking behavior . Based on the two models , the equilibria curve of thinly reborn resource in common and the control model is deduced .
Based on setting up a renewal speed model of thinly renewable resource and a consumption model of benefit-seeking behavior , the equilibrium curve of thinly reborn common resource and the control model were deduced .