
  1. 信息不对称状态下商业银行信贷资金安全性控制研究

    Studying about the Security of Credit Financing in Commercial Bank on the State of Informational Asymmetry

  2. 加强货币资金安全性、效益性管理在企业资产管理中显得尤为重要。

    So strengthening the security and efficient management of currency capital appears to be specially important in the management of enterprise property .

  3. 我国国有商业银行作为金融市场的重要组成部分,担负着实现股东价值最大化、保证储户资金安全性以及维护金融系统稳定性的艰巨使命。

    Chinese state-owned commercial banks , as an important part of the financial markets , charge with maximizing shareholder value , ensuring the security of depositors ' funds and maintaining financial system stability .

  4. 另一方面,国际贸易融资作为一项金融服务,具有资金安全性高、流动性强、收益性高和信贷条件优惠等优势,受到了进出口商和金融机构的广泛欢迎。

    On the other hand , international trade financing , as a kind of financial service , is typified by better security of funds , greater liquidity , higher profitability and favorable credit terms , thereby extensively welcomed by importers , exporters and financial institutions .

  5. 因此,企业自身的综合实力将对银行信贷资金的安全性产生很大的影响。

    Therefore , the enterprise will have a great impact on security of the bank credit funds by its comprehensive strength .

  6. 第五部分主要从保证债务资金的安全性、提高债务资金的盈利性和流动性角度寻求规范地方政府债务管理的对策。

    The fifth part puts forward effective measures to rectify and regulate local government debt from the perspectives of security , profitability and liquidity .

  7. 充分发挥信用机制系统的自组织作用和法制监督作用,确保信用资金的安全性、流动性和效益性。

    The self-organization and lawful supervision of credit mechanism system should be brought into full play to ensure the safety , mobility and benefit of credit funds .

  8. 银行资金的安全性、流动性和盈利性是资金的内生性因素,资金的三性既矛盾又相互统一。资金的流动性管理是银行资金管理的传统核心。

    The security , liquidity and profitability of the fund , which are both contradictory and integrated with one another , are internal factors of fund management .

  9. 最后,要提高住房资金的安全性和流动性,降低风险、提高效率,还需建立住房抵押二级市场,推行住房抵押证券化。

    The last one is to increase the security and liquidity of housing financing , and to reduce the risk and improve the efficiency . The secondary mortgage market must be established .

  10. 住房公积金内部控制是保障住房公积金财务报告的可靠性、资金的安全性、经营的效率效果性以及法律法规的遵循性的制度。

    The housing accumulation fund internal control is a process , which provides a protection to the reliability of financial reporting , financial security , operating efficiency and following the laws and regulations .

  11. 比例管理,系指规定金融机构的资产与负债之间必须保持一定的比例,以保证信贷资金的安全性和流动性。

    Proportion administration means there must be a certain proportion between the assets of a financial institution and the liabilities thereof according to the regulations to guarantee the security and liquidity of credit funds .

  12. 作为经办银行有必要梳理出银行兑汇票业务风险形成原因及化解方法,确保银行资金的安全性。

    As manages the bank to have the necessity to comb the bank to exchange the bank draft service risk to form the reason and the melt method , guarantees the bank fund the security .

  13. 应确立货币资金的安全性、完整性、合法性和效益性的控制目标,加强货币资金内部控制环境建设,使货币资金发挥最大效益。

    Should establish the control objective of security , integrality , validity and profitability for currency , strengthen the internal control construction of the monetary fund , and make the monetary fund give play to the greatest benefit .

  14. 随着金融业改革步伐的加快,银行自我约束机制不断完善,银行在经营中越来越把资金的安全性放在首位,异贷成为了银行经营的普遍现象。

    With the pace of financial reform accelerating and the banking self-discipline mechanism being consummated unceasingly , banks put the safety of funds in the first place in operating , so that " credit crunch " becomes a universal phenomenon in bank management .

  15. 希望能够客观的反映创业板上市企业的真实价值,改善公司的内部管理,提高企业募集资金的安全性和资金使用的效率,保护投资者的利益,为创业板市场的良好运作产生积极影响。

    Hope to objectively reflect the true value of GEM companies , to ameliorate the internal management , to improve safety and efficiency of enterprise funds , to protect the interests of investors , and to make a positive impact on the smooth operation of the GEM market .

  16. 随着人们财富的不断增长,其金融需求层次也会不断提高,传统金融服务主要是满足普通客户对资金安全、流动性的需要,对银行网点、ATM机等便利与功能性的需要。

    With the growing wealth of the people , the level of their financial needs will continue to improve , and private banking financial institutions to launch mainly used to meet the financial needs of the customers with high-level financial needs .

  17. 其中,保证网络上传递资金信息的安全性以及网络数据的安全性已成为ATMC平台网络信息化建设的主要目标之一。

    Among them , to ensure the security of fund information transfer and network data has become one of the main objectives for ATMC platform network information building .

  18. 由于投资者将资金转移到安全性的债券品种,全球政府债券收益率走低。

    Global government bond yields are low as investors have shifted money to the safe haven of bonds .

  19. 结合该流程设计了服务器安全代理和用户端安全代理的数据流,以实现网上资金结算的安全性。

    Combined this course to design the data stream between the user 's safe agency and the server safe agency , in order to realize the safety of financial account system on the net .

  20. 除了需要更多资金用于FDA药品安全性项目外,FDA以外的专家们建议对某些需要进行额外试验的药物采用限时的“有条件的核准”。

    Along with more funding for FDA drug-safety programs , the experts from outside the agency suggested a time-limited " conditional approval " for some drugs that would require additional tests .

  21. 对社会保障资金管理绩效和安全性的追求,必然会引发对其管理层次问题的关注。

    The target of efficiency and safety of social security arouses large concern about its administrative levels .

  22. 美丽可能会增加一个人收入大笔资金的能力和安全性。

    The raging beauty may trade her luster for the power and security that come with big bucks .

  23. 另外,保险资金运用本身的安全性、流动性对国家的金融安全具有重要意义。

    In addition , security , mobility of application of insurance fund is significant to the national finance safety .

  24. 基础设施建设项投资期限长,投资安全,收益稳定,刚好符合保险资金对资金运用安全性、收益性的需要。

    The investment to infrastructure construction is a long time , security one , which suits to the characteristic of the insurance investment .

  25. 本文构建的基于物流金融的中小企业信用评价体系,可以促进物流金融业务更加有效的开展,增强商业银行信贷资金的可靠性和安全性,同时也可以提高中小企业的信用水平。

    The new credit evaluating system building in the article is able to accelerate the development of logistics financial service , enhance security of money of commercial bank , and also helpful to rise the credit level of SMEs .

  26. 保险资金运用监管的安全性是监管部门的指导原则,然而,过分重视保险投资的安全性却是以牺牲保险资金的盈利性为代价的,这正是保险投资监管的成本所在。

    Insurance funds are regulated safety regulatory guidelines , however , too much emphasis on the security of the insurance investment of insurance funds , but at the expense of profitability for the price , this is where the cost of the insurance investment regulation .

  27. 近年来,保险投资出现的问题层出不穷,保险资金运用不当导致保险资金的安全性降低,从而影响保险公司的稳定经营,也影响了保险的社会职能的发挥。

    In recent years , many problems exist in insurance investment , the unsuitable operation of insurance capital lead to reduce the security of insurance capital . It influences the management of insurance company and social function of insurance company .

  28. 将VaR方法融入到保险资金投资中,符合保险资金投资的安全性和盈利性的要求,因此,国内外对这方面展开了广泛的探讨。

    It conforms to the requirements of safety and profitability to integrate the VaR methods into insurance-funds investment , so the study on this is done both at home and abroad .

  29. 作为债权人为企业提供资金,银行更关心的是资金的安全性,更加强调信用风险的管理。

    As a creditor , the bank , providing funds for corporations , pays more attention to the security of money and stress credit risk management .

  30. 银行吸纳的资金可用于储户的日常交易或目的,资金的安全性和可性,对金融体系的稳定和至关。

    The safety and availability of such funds for transactions and other purposes are essential to the stability and efficiency of the financial system .