
  • 网络cash sweep
  1. 基于绝对最小树形图的跨行资金归集模型

    Interbank cash concentration model based on absolute minimum fork tree

  2. 专项物业维修资金归集和使用上的权益平衡

    Balance of rights and interests in the collection and employment of maintenance fund

  3. 当前资金归集的风险问题在各行各业都有,而通信行业又具有通信行业资金归集的特点。

    Nowadays , the risk of funds collection is normal in all walks of life , and the communication industries have their own characteristics in the field of fund collection .

  4. 联通是中国比较大的一家通信企业,它的末梢网点、代理商数量众多,现金流动巨大,资金归集的渠道也多种多样。

    As a large communication enterprise , there are many service networks and agents in the China Unicom company . So the cash flow is rather huge and there are also many kinds of fund collection channels .

  5. 农村保费资金的有效归集是保险业服务社会主义新农村的现实举措。

    Effective collection of premium from rural areas is a very practical issue for the insurance sector to serve the new-socialist countryside initiative .