
  1. 陕西市场是全国资管产品销售起步较早的省份之一。

    Shaanxi market is one of the asset management product sales that started earlier .

  2. 银行作为优先级份额持有人,买入了这些资管产品总价值的三分之二,钜盛华作为劣后级份额持有人,持有其余的三分之一。

    Banks bought the senior tranches worth two-thirds of the total value , while Jushenghua put up the final third , comprising the subordinate tranche .

  3. 资管产品作为理财类产品的一项重要类别,陕西市场上所发行的资管产品中主要是集合资管产品发展较快,而定向资产管理业务、专项资产管理业务发展较慢。

    Asset management products as an important financial products , each broker of Shaanxi Province issued on the market and asset management product are mainly set joint pipe products developed rapidly , and orientation asset management business , special asset management business development is slower .