
bǎo shuì qū
  • bonded area;bonded zone;exempt-zone
保税区[bǎo shuì qū]
  1. 宁波保税区建设成就显著

    Ningbo Bonded Area achievements in construction are remarkable

  2. 本文尝试性的将平衡记分卡运用于X保税区管委会的绩效管理和绩效评估指标设计,在理论和实践方面具有积极的意义。

    This paper attempts to use the Balanced Scorecard on the performance management and performance evaluation index design of Administrative Commission of X bonded area .

  3. 加入WTO对中国保税区意味着什么

    What Does WTO Entry Mean to China 's Bonded Zones

  4. 加入WTO后,我国15个保税区面临着转型的问题;

    After the entrance of WTO , our bonded zone faces the problems of transformation .

  5. 论加入WTO后我国保税区开发公司的战略转型

    Strategic Transformation of Free Trade Zone Developing Company in the Context of China 's Accession to WTO

  6. 广州保税区10kV配电自动化的PLC实现

    Using PLC to realize automation of 10 kV distribution network in Guangzhou bond area

  7. 对武汉综合保税区进行了区域层次分析和SWOT分析,然后明确了武汉综合保税区的战略定位。

    After the regional analytic hierarchy process and SWOT analysis to Wuhan comprehensive bonded zone , This paper made a strategic orientation .

  8. SC公司就是这样一家企业,它位于内陆城市&成都综合保税区B区(原成都出口加工区),主营业务是航空精密零部件的机械加工与制造。

    SC is a limited company located in the Chengdu Comprehensive Bonded Zone B ( previous Chengdu Export Processing Zone ), it engages in the manufacturing of aerospace precision components .

  9. 本文主要以天津港保税区为研究对象,开展了如下工作:1.详细研究和分析保税区国际物流发展的现状问题,剖析原因,并进行物流园区的SWOT分析。

    Detailed study and analysis of international logistics development status of the problem , analyze the cause and SWOT analysis of logistics zone . 2 .

  10. LTD(上海卢森国际贸易有限公司),而且在上海外高桥保税区设立了仓库,直接对中国各地的专卖店、建材超市和东南亚地区供货,给客户提供更为优质和快捷的服务。

    LTD but also established a warehouse in the Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone in order to provide more efficient logistics and superior quality services to its customers .

  11. 但随着经济全球化步伐的加快,特别是在WTO框架下,保税区的进一步发展,正面临着国际、国内经济形势变化所带来的严峻挑战。

    But with the quickening of economic globalization paces , especially under WTO frame , the further development of the bonded area , facing the severe challenge that the change of economic situation at home and abroad brings .

  12. 不过,在上海上市的上海外高桥保税区开发股份有限公司(ShanghaiWaigaoqiaoFreeTradeZoneDevelopment)股票周一已连续第三日达到10%的涨停限制。据传外高桥是可能参与该项目的两家房地产开发公司之一。

    But Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone Development , one of two real-estate developers rumoured to be likely to be involved in the project , jumped by the 10 per cent daily limit for a third day in Shanghai trading yesterday anyway .

  13. 此外,交易商表示,中国保税区的铜的交易价比LME高出约50美元。

    Moreover , metal in Chinese bonded warehouses is trading at a premium of about $ 50 to the LME , according to traders .

  14. 在系统分析政策环境的技术上,通过对天津港保税区SWOT分析,提出了天津港保税区发展国际物流系统可以选择的发展战略,并进而提出了其实施国际物流发展战略实施的对策措施。

    Base on analyzing government policy environment and SWOT analysis of TIANJIN Port Bonded Zone , the author provided the possible development strategy of international Logistics system in TIANJIN Port Bonded Zone and the detail methods to realize it .

  15. 世贸组织框架下我国保税区转型的交易成本控制

    On Transaction Costs Control in China 's Transitional Bonded-area Under WTO

  16. 保税区转型中的金融环境建设

    The Construction of Finance Environment during the Transformation of Tax-free Area

  17. 我国保税区与世界自由贸易区的比较研究

    Comparative research between Chinese bonded zone and world free trade zone

  18. 天津港保税区发展对策研究

    Countermeasures Study on the Development of Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone

  19. 大连保税区金鼎物流库房。

    Dalian protect the tax law area Jinding logistics factory premises .

  20. 中国保税区企业实行外汇管理新规定

    New Rules for Foreign Exchange on Enterprises in Bonded Zones

  21. 关于外高桥保税区功能的研究

    On the Function of Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone in Shanghai

  22. 广州保税区物流功能及发展对策

    The Logistic Function of Guangzhou Free Trade Zone and Its Development Strategy

  23. 对我国保税区功能开发的探讨

    China 's Free Trade Zone : An Inquiry into Its Functional Development

  24. 外高桥保税区商贸中心夜景照明设计

    Landscape Lighting Design of Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone Business Center , Shanghai

  25. 我国保税区国际物流发展对策研究

    The Countermeasure for Development of International Logistics of Bonded Area

  26. 青岛保税区转型为自由贸易港区研究

    Study on the Transition of Qingdao Bonded Zone Towards Free Trade Zone

  27. 保税区发展商贸物流中心的瓶颈分析

    Analysis on the Bottleneck of Developing Business Logistics Center in Bonded Area

  28. 天津港保税区可持续性发展探析

    A Discussion on the Sustaining Development of Tianjin Port Tax Free Zone

  29. 科学家们选择了平稳的,摇滚乐保税区能,以确保成功。

    Scientists chose the flattest , rock-free zone they could to ensure success .

  30. 大连保税区新区中心区城市设计

    Urban Planning for Central Business District of New Free Trade Zone in Dalian