
  • 网络Bonded Factory
  1. 保税工厂和备料保税仓库。

    Bonded factory and materials bonded warehouse .

  2. 本文还就保税工厂的问题进行了系统探讨,这是本文的一个创新之处。

    This thesis also develops a systematic discussion about the practice of Bonded Factory , which is an original point of the thesis .

  3. 天津开发区近百家外资企业成为海关保税工厂

    Nearly 100 foreign-funded enterprises in the Tianjin development zone have become Customs bonded factories

  4. 至此,天津经济技术开发区已有九十九家外商投资企业成为保税工厂。

    As of now , Tianjin economic and technological development zone has 99 foreign-funded enterprises that have become bonded factories .

  5. 据天津开发区海关官员介绍,保税工厂降低了贸易成本,提高了贸易效益。

    According to officials of Tianjin 's development zone Customs , bonded factories have cut down trade costs and improved trade benefits .

  6. 通用半导体(中国)有限公司成为保税工厂后,每天减少流动资金占用五十万美元。

    After GE Semiconductors ( China ) Co. , Ltd. became a bonded factory , its circulation capital decreased daily by 500,000 US dollars .

  7. 经海关批准,高新技术企业可以在高新技术产业开发区内设立保税仓库、保税工厂。

    Subject to the approval by the customs , new and high technology enterprises may set up in the new and high technology industries development zones bonded warehouses or bonded factories .